Demo repository that holds config for cf-mgmt deployments
Go to file
Patryk Kozak 7d85062b57 Push another env configuration and update to scripts 2022-07-29 07:45:06 +00:00
ci Push another env configuration and update to scripts 2022-07-29 07:45:06 +00:00
.gitignore Extend, generate Concourse pipeline 2022-07-25 10:40:37 +00:00 Add documentation about Isolation Segments creation 2022-07-26 11:52:36 +00:00
cf-mgmt Initialize and put ops file info 2022-07-22 14:49:50 +00:00
cf-mgmt-config Initialize and put ops file info 2022-07-22 14:49:50 +00:00 Push another env configuration and update to scripts 2022-07-29 07:45:06 +00:00 Push another env configuration and update to scripts 2022-07-29 07:45:06 +00:00
local-cf-mgmt Add scripts to generate concourse and transform it to genesis needs 2022-07-28 08:13:59 +00:00
pipeline-genesis.yml Push another env configuration and update to scripts 2022-07-29 07:45:06 +00:00
pipeline.yml Extend, generate Concourse pipeline 2022-07-25 10:40:37 +00:00


Demo repository that holds config and CI configuration for an CloudFoundry deployment that uses cf-mgmt to configure itself.


Setup cf-mgmt UAA client, put the content into your cf-genesis-kit/ops/*.yml

- name: uaa
  - name: uaa
            resource_ids: none
            authorized-grant-types: client_credentials,refresh_token
            secret: ((cf_mgmt_client_secret))

- name: cf_mgmt_client_secret
  type: password

Get cf-mgmt CLI tools:


mv cf-mgmt-linux cf-mgmt
mv cf-mgmt-config-linux cf-mgmt-config

You may want to move those binaries somewhere else and alias them under you bash/zsh/any-sh profiles, but usually the range of use is unitary.

Export configuration, or initialise new one.

Initialisation should happen only if you are connecting cf-mgmt configuration to a brand new CF deployment. If there are Orgs/Spaces/Quotas/ASG's etc already setup you may want to export it instead of overriding.

From this repository root run:


export-config documentation:

This should create a new directory called config at the top level.

Concourse Pipeline generation

With the config/ dir generated let's now run CI generation:

./cf-mgmt-config generate-concourse-pipeline

This should create two things:

  • a dir named ci
  • a yml file named pipeline.yml

What it did was it generated a multiple Concourse jobs that all call the same task which just executes cf-mgmt with correct input of parameters regarding what resource needs to be modified on CloudFoundry side.

Add config/vars.yml to .gitignore

It should not be pushed to the remote repository (or it can if you don't have plain text passwords in it ;-) )

Example config/vars.yml

# your git repo uri
git_repo_uri: ""
git_repo_branch: main
# your cf system domain
system_domain: ""
# user account with permission to create orgs/spaces
user_id: "cf_mgmt_client"
# DEPRECATED - Use client_secret - password of user account with permission to create orgs/spaces
password: ""
# client secret for uaa for user_id
client_secret: "[read it via \"credhub g -n /dev-bosh/dev-cf/cf_mgmt_client_secret | sed -n 's/value: //p'\""

# logging level for cf-mgmt commands in the pipeline
log_level: INFO
# time interval to trigger update/delete jobs on
time-trigger: 15m

# configuration directory
config_dir: config

# allow specifying ldap server in pipeline vs in ldap.yml only needed if using LDAP
ldap_server: ""

# allow specifying ldap bind user in pipeline vs in ldap.yml only needed if using LDAP
ldap_user: ""

# password to bind to ldap - only needed if using LDAP
ldap_password: ""

Extending configuration

To extend or modify current configuration please use ./cf-mgmt-config CLI or do it directly by modifying and creating files.
./cf-mgmt-config is mostly generating new yml files with some templates in them so it may be useful at the beginning.


Manually executed set of tests that can be also useful for learning cf-mgmt

Create org and space

To create a new org and space just copy a template of existing one and modify it to your needs.
Or run new init via ./cf-mgmt-config add-org --org test.
For the sake of this testing/tutorial we assume cf-mgmt-org exists with space cf-mgmt-space in it.
Take a look here for example:

Create user in org/space

Same steps are for org or space, just modify space config vs org config ;-)
First we need to create a new user in UAA or have connected LDAP.
If you are using LDAP, just configure user in ldap.yml as docs says.\

Create user:

uaac user add test --emails "test@test" --password test
uaac member add test
uaac member add test

Let's now add it under our cf-mgmt-org, modify config/cf-mgmt-org/orgConfig.yml:

  ldap_users: []
  - admin
+ - test

Execute a dry run:

./local-cf-mgmt update-org-users --peek

You should see output similar to this one:

2022/07/25 12:38:50 I0725 12:38:50.904103 1786254 users.go:267] [dry-run]: Add User test to role manager for org cf-mgmt-org

And from the cf cli:

> cf org-users cf-mgmt-org
Getting users in org cf-mgmt-org as admin...



  No ORG AUDITOR found

Create quotas and bind it to org/space

Same steps are for org or space, just modify space config vs org config ;-)

Let's start with creating new quota. If you want to use existing one, just skip this step.

Create new file under config/org_quotas/ named cf-mgmt-quota.yml and copy default quota configuration to it.

cat default.yml > cf-mgmt-quota.yml

Modify config:

total_private_domains: unlimited
total_reserved_route_ports: "100"
total_service_keys: unlimited
-app_instance_limit: unlimited
+app_instance_limit: 10
app_task_limit: unlimited
-memory-limit: 100G
+memory-limit: 20G
instance-memory-limit: unlimited
-total-routes: "1000"
+total-routes: "100"
total-services: unlimited
paid-service-plans-allowed: true

Now use this quota in cf-mgmt-org, modify config/cf-mgmt-org/orgConfig.yml:

-named_quota: default
+named_quota: cf-mgmt-quota

Let's test that new quota:

> ./local-cf-mgmt update-org-quotas --peek
2022/07/25 13:16:47 I0725 13:16:47.884558 1837380 quota.go:419] [dry-run]: create org quota cf-mgmt-quota
2022/07/25 13:16:47 I0725 13:16:47.924608 1837380 quota.go:443] [dry-run]: assign quota dry-run-quota to org cf-mgmt-org

Verify the quota is applied:

cf quotas
cf org cf-mgmt-org

Should show new quota, it params, and that it is now used by cf-mgmt-org.

Create ASG's

There are two types of ASG's: default ones and all others ;-)
Each ASG is applied during runtime, staging or for both.
Let's go first and create a new default ASG, default ones applies to both staging and runtime and are not scoped - they apply to entire CF deployment.

Under config/defaults_asgs/ create new file called private_networks.json with a content:

    "protocol": "tcp",
    "destination": "",
    "ports": "443"
    "protocol": "tcp",
    "destination": "",
    "ports": "443"
    "protocol": "tcp",
    "destination": "",
    "ports": "443"

And let's see if that applies:

> ./local-cf-mgmt create-security-groups --peek
2022/07/25 13:40:30 I0725 13:40:30.85259 1868840 securitygroup.go:332] [dry-run]: creating securityGroup private_networks with contents [
    "protocol": "tcp",
    "destination": "",
    "ports": "443"
    "protocol": "tcp",
    "destination": "",
    "ports": "443"
    "protocol": "tcp",
    "destination": "",
    "ports": "443"

Let's go ahead now and actually create the global ASG for our space cf-mgmt-space.
Under config/asgs/ create new file called cf-mgmt-asg.json with a content:

		"protocol": "tcp",
		"ports": "7007,7008",
		"destination": "",
		"code": 0,
		"type": 0

Update the config/cf-mgmt-org/cf-mgmt-space/spaceConfig.yml

-enable-security-group: false
+enable-security-group: true
-named-security-groups: []
+named-security-groups: [cf-mgmt-asg]

And global config file config/cf-mgmt.yml:

-enable-unassign-security-groups: false
+enable-unassign-security-groups: true # !!change it only if all ASGs are controlled by cf-mgmt!!
 - public_networks
 - dns
+ - private_networks

Let's test if it works:

> ./local-cf-mgmt create-security-groups --peek
2022/07/25 13:48:08 I0725 13:48:08.896168 1878661 securitygroup.go:332] [dry-run]: creating securityGroup cf-mgmt-asg with contents [
                "protocol": "tcp",
                "ports": "7007,7008",
                "destination": "",
                "code": 0,
                "type": 0
> ./local-cf-mgmt update-space-security-groups --peek

If we want to only create a security group for specific space and not actually share it globally there is a way.
Under config/cf-mgmt-org/cf-mgmt-space/security-group.json add a new security group.
Then we need to enable this ASG create mode by turning this flag under spaceConfig.yml:

-enable-security-group: false
+enable-security-group: true

Create and enable isolation segments

Isolation segments needs to be first installed by platform engineering team.
Make sure the CF-Genesis-Kit has feature flag isolation-segments enabled, and that the params: section include the configuration of isolation segments.
Use the names from kit params: to refer isolation segment.
Example cf-genesis-kit configuration (available since v2.2.1-rc.1 kit version):

  base_domain: cf.testing.example
  - name: custom-params-group
    - custom-az
    instances: 5
    vm_type: small-highmem
    network_name: ((cf_runtime_network))
    stemcell: test
    - 100GB_ephemeral_disk
    - cf-router-network-properties
  - name: default-params-group
    - z1 

To use default-params-group or custom-params-group segments created by above configuration we only need to edit config in orgConfig.yml or spaceConfig.yml and include them under default_isolation_segment / isolation_segment respectively.
There is no command under cf-mgmt-config to add those.

NOTE: The CloudFoundry never verifies if underlying infrastructure for Isolation Segments exists when performing cf/api operations. Meaning that you can create segments via cf CLI and enable them, without actual VMs running through BOSH. Please verify with platform engineering team if there are problems with isolation segments.

Let's test it:

> ./local-cf-mgmt isolation-segments --peek
2022/07/26 11:48:37 I0726 11:48:37.47125 3496941 isolation_segment.go:386] create segment test
2022/07/26 11:48:37 I0726 11:48:37.784086 3496941 isolation_segment.go:411] entitle org 23e733ec-857b-4cfe-8986-6a6536807d81 to iso segment test
2022/07/26 11:48:38 I0726 11:48:38.302575 3496941 isolation_segment.go:362] set isolation segment for space cf-mgmt-space to test (org cf-mgmt-org)

If you would like to remove isolation segments when no longer used, not only "unbind" them from org or space, please switch the flag for enable-delete-isolation-segments in cf-mgmt.yml.