This commit is contained in:
Dr Nic Williams 2018-04-15 08:22:13 +10:00
parent a7a8aeffb2
commit bfb27cd915
529 changed files with 358183 additions and 0 deletions

Gopkg.lock generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
# This file is autogenerated, do not edit; changes may be undone by the next 'dep ensure'.
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "cfb38830724cc34fedffe9a2a29fb54fa9169cd1"
version = "v1.20.0"
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "37d7f8432a3e684eef9b2edece76bdfa6ac85b39"
version = "v1.0-rc1"
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "49411a5b646861ad29a6ddd5351717a0a9c49b94"
version = "v1.0"
name = ""
packages = [
revision = "69188db8b01d34f6790e2247a2e38d5f46ea2eb2"
version = "v0.1"
branch = "master"
name = ""
packages = ["boshcli"]
revision = "3334aa756deb723e33625739b44dbdc773c44945"
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "49411a5b646861ad29a6ddd5351717a0a9c49b94"
version = "v1.0"
branch = "master"
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "ec18f8345a1181146728238980606fb1d6f40e8c"
name = ""
packages = [
revision = "9eda700730cba42af70d53180f9dcce9266bc2bc"
version = "v1.4.0"
name = ""
packages = [
revision = "003f63b7f4cff3fc95357005358af2de0f5fe152"
version = "v1.3.0"
branch = "master"
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "4e1c5567d7c2dd59fa4c7c83d34c2f3528b025d6"
branch = "master"
name = ""
packages = [
revision = "61147c48b25b599e5b561d2e9c4f3e1ef489ca41"
branch = "master"
name = ""
packages = ["unix"]
revision = "2281fa97ef7b0c26324634d5a22f04babdac8713"
name = ""
packages = [
revision = "f21a4dfb5e38f5895301dc265a8def02365cc3d0"
version = "v0.3.0"
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "5420a8b6744d3b0345ab293f6fcba19c978f1183"
version = "v2.2.1"
analyzer-name = "dep"
analyzer-version = 1
inputs-digest = "77b991d90b2e2d1447487bd1a65ffc34e428b0cf252732c8580900f2ed1cade2"
solver-name = "gps-cdcl"
solver-version = 1

Gopkg.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# Gopkg.toml example
# Refer to
# for detailed Gopkg.toml documentation.
# required = [""]
# ignored = ["", ""]
# [[constraint]]
# name = ""
# version = "1.0.0"
# [[constraint]]
# name = ""
# branch = "dev"
# source = ""
# [[override]]
# name = ""
# version = "2.4.0"
# [prune]
# non-go = false
# go-tests = true
# unused-packages = true
name = ""
version = "1.20.0"
name = ""
version = "0.1.0"
branch = "master"
name = ""
name = ""
version = "1.0.0"
branch = "master"
name = ""
name = ""
version = "1.4.0"
name = ""
version = "1.3.0"
name = ""
version = "2.2.1"
go-tests = true
unused-packages = true

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
max-line-length = 120

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
language: go
sudo: false
dist: trusty
osx_image: xcode8.3
go: 1.8.x
- linux
- osx
- node_modules
- go get || true
- go get
- if [ ! -f node_modules/.bin/markdown-toc ] ; then
npm install markdown-toc ;
- ./runtests gen
- ./runtests vet
- ./runtests test
- ./runtests gfmrun
- ./runtests toc

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
# Change Log
**ATTN**: This project uses [semantic versioning](
## [Unreleased]
## 1.20.0 - 2017-08-10
### Fixed
* `HandleExitCoder` is now correctly iterates over all errors in
a `MultiError`. The exit code is the exit code of the last error or `1` if
there are no `ExitCoder`s in the `MultiError`.
* Fixed YAML file loading on Windows (previously would fail validate the file path)
* Subcommand `Usage`, `Description`, `ArgsUsage`, `OnUsageError` correctly
* `ErrWriter` is now passed downwards through command structure to avoid the
need to redefine it
* Pass `Command` context into `OnUsageError` rather than parent context so that
all fields are avaiable
* Errors occuring in `Before` funcs are no longer double printed
* Use `UsageText` in the help templates for commands and subcommands if
defined; otherwise build the usage as before (was previously ignoring this
* `IsSet` and `GlobalIsSet` now correctly return whether a flag is set if
a program calls `Set` or `GlobalSet` directly after flag parsing (would
previously only return `true` if the flag was set during parsing)
### Changed
* No longer exit the program on command/subcommand error if the error raised is
not an `OsExiter`. This exiting behavior was introduced in 1.19.0, but was
determined to be a regression in functionality. See [the
PR]( for discussion.
### Added
* `CommandsByName` type was added to make it easy to sort `Command`s by name,
* `altsrc` now handles loading of string and int arrays from TOML
* Support for definition of custom help templates for `App` via
* Support for arbitrary key/value fields on `App` to be used with
`CustomAppHelpTemplate` via `ExtraInfo`
* `HelpFlag`, `VersionFlag`, and `BashCompletionFlag` changed to explictly be
`cli.Flag`s allowing for the use of custom flags satisfying the `cli.Flag`
interface to be used.
## [1.19.1] - 2016-11-21
### Fixed
- Fixes regression introduced in 1.19.0 where using an `ActionFunc` as
the `Action` for a command would cause it to error rather than calling the
function. Should not have a affected declarative cases using `func(c
*cli.Context) err)`.
- Shell completion now handles the case where the user specifies
`--generate-bash-completion` immediately after a flag that takes an argument.
Previously it call the application with `--generate-bash-completion` as the
flag value.
## [1.19.0] - 2016-11-19
### Added
- `FlagsByName` was added to make it easy to sort flags (e.g. `sort.Sort(cli.FlagsByName(app.Flags))`)
- A `Description` field was added to `App` for a more detailed description of
the application (similar to the existing `Description` field on `Command`)
- Flag type code generation via `go generate`
- Write to stderr and exit 1 if action returns non-nil error
- Added support for TOML to the `altsrc` loader
- `SkipArgReorder` was added to allow users to skip the argument reordering.
This is useful if you want to consider all "flags" after an argument as
arguments rather than flags (the default behavior of the stdlib `flag`
library). This is backported functionality from the [removal of the flag
reordering]( in the unreleased version
- For formatted errors (those implementing `ErrorFormatter`), the errors will
be formatted during output. Compatible with `pkg/errors`.
### Changed
- Raise minimum tested/supported Go version to 1.2+
### Fixed
- Consider empty environment variables as set (previously environment variables
with the equivalent of `""` would be skipped rather than their value used).
- Return an error if the value in a given environment variable cannot be parsed
as the flag type. Previously these errors were silently swallowed.
- Print full error when an invalid flag is specified (which includes the invalid flag)
- `App.Writer` defaults to `stdout` when `nil`
- If no action is specified on a command or app, the help is now printed instead of `panic`ing
- `App.Metadata` is initialized automatically now (previously was `nil` unless initialized)
- Correctly show help message if `-h` is provided to a subcommand
- `context.(Global)IsSet` now respects environment variables. Previously it
would return `false` if a flag was specified in the environment rather than
as an argument
- Removed deprecation warnings to STDERR to avoid them leaking to the end-user
- `altsrc`s import paths were updated to use ``. This
fixes issues that occurred when `` was imported as well
as `altsrc` where Go would complain that the types didn't match
## [1.18.1] - 2016-08-28
### Fixed
- Removed deprecation warnings to STDERR to avoid them leaking to the end-user (backported)
## [1.18.0] - 2016-06-27
### Added
- `./runtests` test runner with coverage tracking by default
- testing on OS X
- testing on Windows
- `UintFlag`, `Uint64Flag`, and `Int64Flag` types and supporting code
### Changed
- Use spaces for alignment in help/usage output instead of tabs, making the
output alignment consistent regardless of tab width
### Fixed
- Printing of command aliases in help text
- Printing of visible flags for both struct and struct pointer flags
- Display the `help` subcommand when using `CommandCategories`
- No longer swallows `panic`s that occur within the `Action`s themselves when
detecting the signature of the `Action` field
## [1.17.1] - 2016-08-28
### Fixed
- Removed deprecation warnings to STDERR to avoid them leaking to the end-user
## [1.17.0] - 2016-05-09
### Added
- Pluggable flag-level help text rendering via `cli.DefaultFlagStringFunc`
- `context.GlobalBoolT` was added as an analogue to `context.GlobalBool`
- Support for hiding commands by setting `Hidden: true` -- this will hide the
commands in help output
### Changed
- `Float64Flag`, `IntFlag`, and `DurationFlag` default values are no longer
quoted in help text output.
- All flag types now include `(default: {value})` strings following usage when a
default value can be (reasonably) detected.
- `IntSliceFlag` and `StringSliceFlag` usage strings are now more consistent
with non-slice flag types
- Apps now exit with a code of 3 if an unknown subcommand is specified
(previously they printed "No help topic for...", but still exited 0. This
makes it easier to script around apps built using `cli` since they can trust
that a 0 exit code indicated a successful execution.
- cleanups based on [Go Report Card
## [1.16.1] - 2016-08-28
### Fixed
- Removed deprecation warnings to STDERR to avoid them leaking to the end-user
## [1.16.0] - 2016-05-02
### Added
- `Hidden` field on all flag struct types to omit from generated help text
### Changed
- `BashCompletionFlag` (`--enable-bash-completion`) is now omitted from
generated help text via the `Hidden` field
### Fixed
- handling of error values in `HandleAction` and `HandleExitCoder`
## [1.15.0] - 2016-04-30
### Added
- This file!
- Support for placeholders in flag usage strings
- `App.Metadata` map for arbitrary data/state management
- `Set` and `GlobalSet` methods on `*cli.Context` for altering values after
- Support for nested lookup of dot-delimited keys in structures loaded from
### Changed
- The `App.Action` and `Command.Action` now prefer a return signature of
`func(*cli.Context) error`, as defined by `cli.ActionFunc`. If a non-nil
`error` is returned, there may be two outcomes:
- If the error fulfills `cli.ExitCoder`, then `os.Exit` will be called
- Else the error is bubbled up and returned from `App.Run`
- Specifying an `Action` with the legacy return signature of
`func(*cli.Context)` will produce a deprecation message to stderr
- Specifying an `Action` that is not a `func` type will produce a non-zero exit
from `App.Run`
- Specifying an `Action` func that has an invalid (input) signature will
produce a non-zero exit from `App.Run`
### Deprecated
- <a name="deprecated-cli-app-runandexitonerror"></a>
`cli.App.RunAndExitOnError`, which should now be done by returning an error
that fulfills `cli.ExitCoder` to `cli.App.Run`.
- <a name="deprecated-cli-app-action-signature"></a> the legacy signature for
`cli.App.Action` of `func(*cli.Context)`, which should now have a return
signature of `func(*cli.Context) error`, as defined by `cli.ActionFunc`.
### Fixed
- Added missing `*cli.Context.GlobalFloat64` method
## [1.14.0] - 2016-04-03 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Added
- Codebeat badge
- Support for categorization via `CategorizedHelp` and `Categories` on app.
### Changed
- Use `filepath.Base` instead of `path.Base` in `Name` and `HelpName`.
### Fixed
- Ensure version is not shown in help text when `HideVersion` set.
## [1.13.0] - 2016-03-06 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Added
- YAML file input support.
- `NArg` method on context.
## [1.12.0] - 2016-02-17 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Added
- Custom usage error handling.
- Custom text support in `USAGE` section of help output.
- Improved help messages for empty strings.
- AppVeyor CI configuration.
### Changed
- Removed `panic` from default help printer func.
- De-duping and optimizations.
### Fixed
- Correctly handle `Before`/`After` at command level when no subcommands.
- Case of literal `-` argument causing flag reordering.
- Environment variable hints on Windows.
- Docs updates.
## [1.11.1] - 2015-12-21 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Changed
- Use `path.Base` in `Name` and `HelpName`
- Export `GetName` on flag types.
### Fixed
- Flag parsing when skipping is enabled.
- Test output cleanup.
- Move completion check to account for empty input case.
## [1.11.0] - 2015-11-15 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Added
- Destination scan support for flags.
- Testing against `tip` in Travis CI config.
### Changed
- Go version in Travis CI config.
### Fixed
- Removed redundant tests.
- Use correct example naming in tests.
## [1.10.2] - 2015-10-29 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Fixed
- Remove unused var in bash completion.
## [1.10.1] - 2015-10-21 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Added
- Coverage and reference logos in README.
### Fixed
- Use specified values in help and version parsing.
- Only display app version and help message once.
## [1.10.0] - 2015-10-06 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Added
- More tests for existing functionality.
- `ArgsUsage` at app and command level for help text flexibility.
### Fixed
- Honor `HideHelp` and `HideVersion` in `App.Run`.
- Remove juvenile word from README.
## [1.9.0] - 2015-09-08 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Added
- `FullName` on command with accompanying help output update.
- Set default `$PROG` in bash completion.
### Changed
- Docs formatting.
### Fixed
- Removed self-referential imports in tests.
## [1.8.0] - 2015-06-30 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Added
- Support for `Copyright` at app level.
- `Parent` func at context level to walk up context lineage.
### Fixed
- Global flag processing at top level.
## [1.7.1] - 2015-06-11 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Added
- Aggregate errors from `Before`/`After` funcs.
- Doc comments on flag structs.
- Include non-global flags when checking version and help.
- Travis CI config updates.
### Fixed
- Ensure slice type flags have non-nil values.
- Collect global flags from the full command hierarchy.
- Docs prose.
## [1.7.0] - 2015-05-03 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Changed
- `HelpPrinter` signature includes output writer.
### Fixed
- Specify go 1.1+ in docs.
- Set `Writer` when running command as app.
## [1.6.0] - 2015-03-23 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Added
- Multiple author support.
- `NumFlags` at context level.
- `Aliases` at command level.
### Deprecated
- `ShortName` at command level.
### Fixed
- Subcommand help output.
- Backward compatible support for deprecated `Author` and `Email` fields.
- Docs regarding `Names`/`Aliases`.
## [1.5.0] - 2015-02-20 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Added
- `After` hook func support at app and command level.
### Fixed
- Use parsed context when running command as subcommand.
- Docs prose.
## [1.4.1] - 2015-01-09 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Added
- Support for hiding `-h / --help` flags, but not `help` subcommand.
- Stop flag parsing after `--`.
### Fixed
- Help text for generic flags to specify single value.
- Use double quotes in output for defaults.
- Use `ParseInt` instead of `ParseUint` for int environment var values.
- Use `0` as base when parsing int environment var values.
## [1.4.0] - 2014-12-12 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Added
- Support for environment variable lookup "cascade".
- Support for `Stdout` on app for output redirection.
### Fixed
- Print command help instead of app help in `ShowCommandHelp`.
## [1.3.1] - 2014-11-13 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Added
- Docs and example code updates.
### Changed
- Default `-v / --version` flag made optional.
## [1.3.0] - 2014-08-10 (backfilled 2016-04-25)
### Added
- `FlagNames` at context level.
- Exposed `VersionPrinter` var for more control over version output.
- Zsh completion hook.
- `AUTHOR` section in default app help template.
- Contribution guidelines.
- `DurationFlag` type.
## [1.2.0] - 2014-08-02
### Added
- Support for environment variable defaults on flags plus tests.
## [1.1.0] - 2014-07-15
### Added
- Bash completion.
- Optional hiding of built-in help command.
- Optional skipping of flag parsing at command level.
- `Author`, `Email`, and `Compiled` metadata on app.
- `Before` hook func support at app and command level.
- `CommandNotFound` func support at app level.
- Command reference available on context.
- `GenericFlag` type.
- `Float64Flag` type.
- `BoolTFlag` type.
- `IsSet` flag helper on context.
- More flag lookup funcs at context level.
- More tests &amp; docs.
### Changed
- Help template updates to account for presence/absence of flags.
- Separated subcommand help template.
- Exposed `HelpPrinter` var for more control over help output.
## [1.0.0] - 2013-11-01
### Added
- `help` flag in default app flag set and each command flag set.
- Custom handling of argument parsing errors.
- Command lookup by name at app level.
- `StringSliceFlag` type and supporting `StringSlice` type.
- `IntSliceFlag` type and supporting `IntSlice` type.
- Slice type flag lookups by name at context level.
- Export of app and command help functions.
- More tests &amp; docs.
## 0.1.0 - 2013-07-22
### Added
- Initial implementation.

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2016 Jeremy Saenz & Contributors
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
package cli
import (
var (
changeLogURL = ""
appActionDeprecationURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s#deprecated-cli-app-action-signature", changeLogURL)
runAndExitOnErrorDeprecationURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s#deprecated-cli-app-runandexitonerror", changeLogURL)
contactSysadmin = "This is an error in the application. Please contact the distributor of this application if this is not you."
errInvalidActionType = NewExitError("ERROR invalid Action type. "+
fmt.Sprintf("Must be `func(*Context`)` or `func(*Context) error). %s", contactSysadmin)+
fmt.Sprintf("See %s", appActionDeprecationURL), 2)
// App is the main structure of a cli application. It is recommended that
// an app be created with the cli.NewApp() function
type App struct {
// The name of the program. Defaults to path.Base(os.Args[0])
Name string
// Full name of command for help, defaults to Name
HelpName string
// Description of the program.
Usage string
// Text to override the USAGE section of help
UsageText string
// Description of the program argument format.
ArgsUsage string
// Version of the program
Version string
// Description of the program
Description string
// List of commands to execute
Commands []Command
// List of flags to parse
Flags []Flag
// Boolean to enable bash completion commands
EnableBashCompletion bool
// Boolean to hide built-in help command
HideHelp bool
// Boolean to hide built-in version flag and the VERSION section of help
HideVersion bool
// Populate on app startup, only gettable through method Categories()
categories CommandCategories
// An action to execute when the bash-completion flag is set
BashComplete BashCompleteFunc
// An action to execute before any subcommands are run, but after the context is ready
// If a non-nil error is returned, no subcommands are run
Before BeforeFunc
// An action to execute after any subcommands are run, but after the subcommand has finished
// It is run even if Action() panics
After AfterFunc
// The action to execute when no subcommands are specified
// Expects a `cli.ActionFunc` but will accept the *deprecated* signature of `func(*cli.Context) {}`
// *Note*: support for the deprecated `Action` signature will be removed in a future version
Action interface{}
// Execute this function if the proper command cannot be found
CommandNotFound CommandNotFoundFunc
// Execute this function if an usage error occurs
OnUsageError OnUsageErrorFunc
// Compilation date
Compiled time.Time
// List of all authors who contributed
Authors []Author
// Copyright of the binary if any
Copyright string
// Name of Author (Note: Use App.Authors, this is deprecated)
Author string
// Email of Author (Note: Use App.Authors, this is deprecated)
Email string
// Writer writer to write output to
Writer io.Writer
// ErrWriter writes error output
ErrWriter io.Writer
// Other custom info
Metadata map[string]interface{}
// Carries a function which returns app specific info.
ExtraInfo func() map[string]string
// CustomAppHelpTemplate the text template for app help topic.
// cli.go uses text/template to render templates. You can
// render custom help text by setting this variable.
CustomAppHelpTemplate string
didSetup bool
// Tries to find out when this binary was compiled.
// Returns the current time if it fails to find it.
func compileTime() time.Time {
info, err := os.Stat(os.Args[0])
if err != nil {
return time.Now()
return info.ModTime()
// NewApp creates a new cli Application with some reasonable defaults for Name,
// Usage, Version and Action.
func NewApp() *App {
return &App{
Name: filepath.Base(os.Args[0]),
HelpName: filepath.Base(os.Args[0]),
Usage: "A new cli application",
UsageText: "",
Version: "0.0.0",
BashComplete: DefaultAppComplete,
Action: helpCommand.Action,
Compiled: compileTime(),
Writer: os.Stdout,
// Setup runs initialization code to ensure all data structures are ready for
// `Run` or inspection prior to `Run`. It is internally called by `Run`, but
// will return early if setup has already happened.
func (a *App) Setup() {
if a.didSetup {
a.didSetup = true
if a.Author != "" || a.Email != "" {
a.Authors = append(a.Authors, Author{Name: a.Author, Email: a.Email})
newCmds := []Command{}
for _, c := range a.Commands {
if c.HelpName == "" {
c.HelpName = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", a.HelpName, c.Name)
newCmds = append(newCmds, c)
a.Commands = newCmds
if a.Command(helpCommand.Name) == nil && !a.HideHelp {
a.Commands = append(a.Commands, helpCommand)
if (HelpFlag != BoolFlag{}) {
if !a.HideVersion {
a.categories = CommandCategories{}
for _, command := range a.Commands {
a.categories = a.categories.AddCommand(command.Category, command)
if a.Metadata == nil {
a.Metadata = make(map[string]interface{})
if a.Writer == nil {
a.Writer = os.Stdout
// Run is the entry point to the cli app. Parses the arguments slice and routes
// to the proper flag/args combination
func (a *App) Run(arguments []string) (err error) {
// handle the completion flag separately from the flagset since
// completion could be attempted after a flag, but before its value was put
// on the command line. this causes the flagset to interpret the completion
// flag name as the value of the flag before it which is undesirable
// note that we can only do this because the shell autocomplete function
// always appends the completion flag at the end of the command
shellComplete, arguments := checkShellCompleteFlag(a, arguments)
// parse flags
set, err := flagSet(a.Name, a.Flags)
if err != nil {
return err
err = set.Parse(arguments[1:])
nerr := normalizeFlags(a.Flags, set)
context := NewContext(a, set, nil)
if nerr != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(a.Writer, nerr)
return nerr
context.shellComplete = shellComplete
if checkCompletions(context) {
return nil
if err != nil {
if a.OnUsageError != nil {
err := a.OnUsageError(context, err, false)
return err
fmt.Fprintf(a.Writer, "%s %s\n\n", "Incorrect Usage.", err.Error())
return err
if !a.HideHelp && checkHelp(context) {
return nil
if !a.HideVersion && checkVersion(context) {
return nil
if a.After != nil {
defer func() {
if afterErr := a.After(context); afterErr != nil {
if err != nil {
err = NewMultiError(err, afterErr)
} else {
err = afterErr
if a.Before != nil {
beforeErr := a.Before(context)
if beforeErr != nil {
err = beforeErr
return err
args := context.Args()
if args.Present() {
name := args.First()
c := a.Command(name)
if c != nil {
return c.Run(context)
if a.Action == nil {
a.Action = helpCommand.Action
// Run default Action
err = HandleAction(a.Action, context)
return err
// RunAndExitOnError calls .Run() and exits non-zero if an error was returned
// Deprecated: instead you should return an error that fulfills cli.ExitCoder
// to cli.App.Run. This will cause the application to exit with the given eror
// code in the cli.ExitCoder
func (a *App) RunAndExitOnError() {
if err := a.Run(os.Args); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(a.errWriter(), err)
// RunAsSubcommand invokes the subcommand given the context, parses ctx.Args() to
// generate command-specific flags
func (a *App) RunAsSubcommand(ctx *Context) (err error) {
// append help to commands
if len(a.Commands) > 0 {
if a.Command(helpCommand.Name) == nil && !a.HideHelp {
a.Commands = append(a.Commands, helpCommand)
if (HelpFlag != BoolFlag{}) {
newCmds := []Command{}
for _, c := range a.Commands {
if c.HelpName == "" {
c.HelpName = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", a.HelpName, c.Name)
newCmds = append(newCmds, c)
a.Commands = newCmds
// parse flags
set, err := flagSet(a.Name, a.Flags)
if err != nil {
return err
err = set.Parse(ctx.Args().Tail())
nerr := normalizeFlags(a.Flags, set)
context := NewContext(a, set, ctx)
if nerr != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(a.Writer, nerr)
if len(a.Commands) > 0 {
} else {
ShowCommandHelp(ctx, context.Args().First())
return nerr
if checkCompletions(context) {
return nil
if err != nil {
if a.OnUsageError != nil {
err = a.OnUsageError(context, err, true)
return err
fmt.Fprintf(a.Writer, "%s %s\n\n", "Incorrect Usage.", err.Error())
return err
if len(a.Commands) > 0 {
if checkSubcommandHelp(context) {
return nil
} else {
if checkCommandHelp(ctx, context.Args().First()) {
return nil
if a.After != nil {
defer func() {
afterErr := a.After(context)
if afterErr != nil {
if err != nil {
err = NewMultiError(err, afterErr)
} else {
err = afterErr
if a.Before != nil {
beforeErr := a.Before(context)
if beforeErr != nil {
err = beforeErr
return err
args := context.Args()
if args.Present() {
name := args.First()
c := a.Command(name)
if c != nil {
return c.Run(context)
// Run default Action
err = HandleAction(a.Action, context)
return err
// Command returns the named command on App. Returns nil if the command does not exist
func (a *App) Command(name string) *Command {
for _, c := range a.Commands {
if c.HasName(name) {
return &c
return nil
// Categories returns a slice containing all the categories with the commands they contain
func (a *App) Categories() CommandCategories {
return a.categories
// VisibleCategories returns a slice of categories and commands that are
// Hidden=false
func (a *App) VisibleCategories() []*CommandCategory {
ret := []*CommandCategory{}
for _, category := range a.categories {
if visible := func() *CommandCategory {
for _, command := range category.Commands {
if !command.Hidden {
return category
return nil
}(); visible != nil {
ret = append(ret, visible)
return ret
// VisibleCommands returns a slice of the Commands with Hidden=false
func (a *App) VisibleCommands() []Command {
ret := []Command{}
for _, command := range a.Commands {
if !command.Hidden {
ret = append(ret, command)
return ret
// VisibleFlags returns a slice of the Flags with Hidden=false
func (a *App) VisibleFlags() []Flag {
return visibleFlags(a.Flags)
func (a *App) hasFlag(flag Flag) bool {
for _, f := range a.Flags {
if flag == f {
return true
return false
func (a *App) errWriter() io.Writer {
// When the app ErrWriter is nil use the package level one.
if a.ErrWriter == nil {
return ErrWriter
return a.ErrWriter
func (a *App) appendFlag(flag Flag) {
if !a.hasFlag(flag) {
a.Flags = append(a.Flags, flag)
// Author represents someone who has contributed to a cli project.
type Author struct {
Name string // The Authors name
Email string // The Authors email
// String makes Author comply to the Stringer interface, to allow an easy print in the templating process
func (a Author) String() string {
e := ""
if a.Email != "" {
e = " <" + a.Email + ">"
return fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", a.Name, e)
// HandleAction attempts to figure out which Action signature was used. If
// it's an ActionFunc or a func with the legacy signature for Action, the func
// is run!
func HandleAction(action interface{}, context *Context) (err error) {
if a, ok := action.(ActionFunc); ok {
return a(context)
} else if a, ok := action.(func(*Context) error); ok {
return a(context)
} else if a, ok := action.(func(*Context)); ok { // deprecated function signature
return nil
} else {
return errInvalidActionType

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
version: "{build}"
os: Windows Server 2016
image: Visual Studio 2017
clone_folder: c:\gopath\src\\urfave\cli
GOPATH: C:\gopath
PYTHON: C:\Python36-x64
- set PATH=%GOPATH%\bin;C:\go\bin;%PATH%
- go version
- go env
- go get
- go get -v -t ./...
- python runtests vet
- python runtests test
- python runtests gfmrun

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package cli
// CommandCategories is a slice of *CommandCategory.
type CommandCategories []*CommandCategory
// CommandCategory is a category containing commands.
type CommandCategory struct {
Name string
Commands Commands
func (c CommandCategories) Less(i, j int) bool {
return c[i].Name < c[j].Name
func (c CommandCategories) Len() int {
return len(c)
func (c CommandCategories) Swap(i, j int) {
c[i], c[j] = c[j], c[i]
// AddCommand adds a command to a category.
func (c CommandCategories) AddCommand(category string, command Command) CommandCategories {
for _, commandCategory := range c {
if commandCategory.Name == category {
commandCategory.Commands = append(commandCategory.Commands, command)
return c
return append(c, &CommandCategory{Name: category, Commands: []Command{command}})
// VisibleCommands returns a slice of the Commands with Hidden=false
func (c *CommandCategory) VisibleCommands() []Command {
ret := []Command{}
for _, command := range c.Commands {
if !command.Hidden {
ret = append(ret, command)
return ret

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// Package cli provides a minimal framework for creating and organizing command line
// Go applications. cli is designed to be easy to understand and write, the most simple
// cli application can be written as follows:
// func main() {
// cli.NewApp().Run(os.Args)
// }
// Of course this application does not do much, so let's make this an actual application:
// func main() {
// app := cli.NewApp()
// app.Name = "greet"
// app.Usage = "say a greeting"
// app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error {
// println("Greetings")
// return nil
// }
// app.Run(os.Args)
// }
package cli
//go:generate python ./generate-flag-types cli -i flag-types.json -o flag_generated.go

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@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
package cli
import (
// Command is a subcommand for a cli.App.
type Command struct {
// The name of the command
Name string
// short name of the command. Typically one character (deprecated, use `Aliases`)
ShortName string
// A list of aliases for the command
Aliases []string
// A short description of the usage of this command
Usage string
// Custom text to show on USAGE section of help
UsageText string
// A longer explanation of how the command works
Description string
// A short description of the arguments of this command
ArgsUsage string
// The category the command is part of
Category string
// The function to call when checking for bash command completions
BashComplete BashCompleteFunc
// An action to execute before any sub-subcommands are run, but after the context is ready
// If a non-nil error is returned, no sub-subcommands are run
Before BeforeFunc
// An action to execute after any subcommands are run, but after the subcommand has finished
// It is run even if Action() panics
After AfterFunc
// The function to call when this command is invoked
Action interface{}
// TODO: replace `Action: interface{}` with `Action: ActionFunc` once some kind
// of deprecation period has passed, maybe?
// Execute this function if a usage error occurs.
OnUsageError OnUsageErrorFunc
// List of child commands
Subcommands Commands
// List of flags to parse
Flags []Flag
// Treat all flags as normal arguments if true
SkipFlagParsing bool
// Skip argument reordering which attempts to move flags before arguments,
// but only works if all flags appear after all arguments. This behavior was
// removed n version 2 since it only works under specific conditions so we
// backport here by exposing it as an option for compatibility.
SkipArgReorder bool
// Boolean to hide built-in help command
HideHelp bool
// Boolean to hide this command from help or completion
Hidden bool
// Full name of command for help, defaults to full command name, including parent commands.
HelpName string
commandNamePath []string
// CustomHelpTemplate the text template for the command help topic.
// cli.go uses text/template to render templates. You can
// render custom help text by setting this variable.
CustomHelpTemplate string
type CommandsByName []Command
func (c CommandsByName) Len() int {
return len(c)
func (c CommandsByName) Less(i, j int) bool {
return c[i].Name < c[j].Name
func (c CommandsByName) Swap(i, j int) {
c[i], c[j] = c[j], c[i]
// FullName returns the full name of the command.
// For subcommands this ensures that parent commands are part of the command path
func (c Command) FullName() string {
if c.commandNamePath == nil {
return c.Name
return strings.Join(c.commandNamePath, " ")
// Commands is a slice of Command
type Commands []Command
// Run invokes the command given the context, parses ctx.Args() to generate command-specific flags
func (c Command) Run(ctx *Context) (err error) {
if len(c.Subcommands) > 0 {
return c.startApp(ctx)
if !c.HideHelp && (HelpFlag != BoolFlag{}) {
// append help to flags
c.Flags = append(
set, err := flagSet(c.Name, c.Flags)
if err != nil {
return err
if c.SkipFlagParsing {
err = set.Parse(append([]string{"--"}, ctx.Args().Tail()...))
} else if !c.SkipArgReorder {
firstFlagIndex := -1
terminatorIndex := -1
for index, arg := range ctx.Args() {
if arg == "--" {
terminatorIndex = index
} else if arg == "-" {
// Do nothing. A dash alone is not really a flag.
} else if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-") && firstFlagIndex == -1 {
firstFlagIndex = index
if firstFlagIndex > -1 {
args := ctx.Args()
regularArgs := make([]string, len(args[1:firstFlagIndex]))
copy(regularArgs, args[1:firstFlagIndex])
var flagArgs []string
if terminatorIndex > -1 {
flagArgs = args[firstFlagIndex:terminatorIndex]
regularArgs = append(regularArgs, args[terminatorIndex:]...)
} else {
flagArgs = args[firstFlagIndex:]
err = set.Parse(append(flagArgs, regularArgs...))
} else {
err = set.Parse(ctx.Args().Tail())
} else {
err = set.Parse(ctx.Args().Tail())
nerr := normalizeFlags(c.Flags, set)
if nerr != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(ctx.App.Writer, nerr)
ShowCommandHelp(ctx, c.Name)
return nerr
context := NewContext(ctx.App, set, ctx)
context.Command = c
if checkCommandCompletions(context, c.Name) {
return nil
if err != nil {
if c.OnUsageError != nil {
err := c.OnUsageError(context, err, false)
return err
fmt.Fprintln(context.App.Writer, "Incorrect Usage:", err.Error())
ShowCommandHelp(context, c.Name)
return err
if checkCommandHelp(context, c.Name) {
return nil
if c.After != nil {
defer func() {
afterErr := c.After(context)
if afterErr != nil {
if err != nil {
err = NewMultiError(err, afterErr)
} else {
err = afterErr
if c.Before != nil {
err = c.Before(context)
if err != nil {
ShowCommandHelp(context, c.Name)
return err
if c.Action == nil {
c.Action = helpSubcommand.Action
err = HandleAction(c.Action, context)
if err != nil {
return err
// Names returns the names including short names and aliases.
func (c Command) Names() []string {
names := []string{c.Name}
if c.ShortName != "" {
names = append(names, c.ShortName)
return append(names, c.Aliases...)
// HasName returns true if Command.Name or Command.ShortName matches given name
func (c Command) HasName(name string) bool {
for _, n := range c.Names() {
if n == name {
return true
return false
func (c Command) startApp(ctx *Context) error {
app := NewApp()
app.Metadata = ctx.App.Metadata
// set the name and usage
app.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", ctx.App.Name, c.Name)
if c.HelpName == "" {
app.HelpName = c.HelpName
} else {
app.HelpName = app.Name
app.Usage = c.Usage
app.Description = c.Description
app.ArgsUsage = c.ArgsUsage
// set CommandNotFound
app.CommandNotFound = ctx.App.CommandNotFound
app.CustomAppHelpTemplate = c.CustomHelpTemplate
// set the flags and commands
app.Commands = c.Subcommands
app.Flags = c.Flags
app.HideHelp = c.HideHelp
app.Version = ctx.App.Version
app.HideVersion = ctx.App.HideVersion
app.Compiled = ctx.App.Compiled
app.Author = ctx.App.Author
app.Email = ctx.App.Email
app.Writer = ctx.App.Writer
app.ErrWriter = ctx.App.ErrWriter
app.categories = CommandCategories{}
for _, command := range c.Subcommands {
app.categories = app.categories.AddCommand(command.Category, command)
// bash completion
app.EnableBashCompletion = ctx.App.EnableBashCompletion
if c.BashComplete != nil {
app.BashComplete = c.BashComplete
// set the actions
app.Before = c.Before
app.After = c.After
if c.Action != nil {
app.Action = c.Action
} else {
app.Action = helpSubcommand.Action
app.OnUsageError = c.OnUsageError
for index, cc := range app.Commands {
app.Commands[index].commandNamePath = []string{c.Name, cc.Name}
return app.RunAsSubcommand(ctx)
// VisibleFlags returns a slice of the Flags with Hidden=false
func (c Command) VisibleFlags() []Flag {
return visibleFlags(c.Flags)

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@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
package cli
import (
// Context is a type that is passed through to
// each Handler action in a cli application. Context
// can be used to retrieve context-specific Args and
// parsed command-line options.
type Context struct {
App *App
Command Command
shellComplete bool
flagSet *flag.FlagSet
setFlags map[string]bool
parentContext *Context
// NewContext creates a new context. For use in when invoking an App or Command action.
func NewContext(app *App, set *flag.FlagSet, parentCtx *Context) *Context {
c := &Context{App: app, flagSet: set, parentContext: parentCtx}
if parentCtx != nil {
c.shellComplete = parentCtx.shellComplete
return c
// NumFlags returns the number of flags set
func (c *Context) NumFlags() int {
return c.flagSet.NFlag()
// Set sets a context flag to a value.
func (c *Context) Set(name, value string) error {
c.setFlags = nil
return c.flagSet.Set(name, value)
// GlobalSet sets a context flag to a value on the global flagset
func (c *Context) GlobalSet(name, value string) error {
globalContext(c).setFlags = nil
return globalContext(c).flagSet.Set(name, value)
// IsSet determines if the flag was actually set
func (c *Context) IsSet(name string) bool {
if c.setFlags == nil {
c.setFlags = make(map[string]bool)
c.flagSet.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) {
c.setFlags[f.Name] = true
c.flagSet.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if _, ok := c.setFlags[f.Name]; ok {
c.setFlags[f.Name] = false
// XXX hack to support IsSet for flags with EnvVar
// There isn't an easy way to do this with the current implementation since
// whether a flag was set via an environment variable is very difficult to
// determine here. Instead, we intend to introduce a backwards incompatible
// change in version 2 to add `IsSet` to the Flag interface to push the
// responsibility closer to where the information required to determine
// whether a flag is set by non-standard means such as environment
// variables is avaliable.
// See for additional discussion
flags := c.Command.Flags
if c.Command.Name == "" { // cannot == Command{} since it contains slice types
if c.App != nil {
flags = c.App.Flags
for _, f := range flags {
eachName(f.GetName(), func(name string) {
if isSet, ok := c.setFlags[name]; isSet || !ok {
val := reflect.ValueOf(f)
if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
val = val.Elem()
envVarValue := val.FieldByName("EnvVar")
if !envVarValue.IsValid() {
eachName(envVarValue.String(), func(envVar string) {
envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
if _, ok := syscall.Getenv(envVar); ok {
c.setFlags[name] = true
return c.setFlags[name]
// GlobalIsSet determines if the global flag was actually set
func (c *Context) GlobalIsSet(name string) bool {
ctx := c
if ctx.parentContext != nil {
ctx = ctx.parentContext
for ; ctx != nil; ctx = ctx.parentContext {
if ctx.IsSet(name) {
return true
return false
// FlagNames returns a slice of flag names used in this context.
func (c *Context) FlagNames() (names []string) {
for _, flag := range c.Command.Flags {
name := strings.Split(flag.GetName(), ",")[0]
if name == "help" {
names = append(names, name)
// GlobalFlagNames returns a slice of global flag names used by the app.
func (c *Context) GlobalFlagNames() (names []string) {
for _, flag := range c.App.Flags {
name := strings.Split(flag.GetName(), ",")[0]
if name == "help" || name == "version" {
names = append(names, name)
// Parent returns the parent context, if any
func (c *Context) Parent() *Context {
return c.parentContext
// value returns the value of the flag coressponding to `name`
func (c *Context) value(name string) interface{} {
return c.flagSet.Lookup(name).Value.(flag.Getter).Get()
// Args contains apps console arguments
type Args []string
// Args returns the command line arguments associated with the context.
func (c *Context) Args() Args {
args := Args(c.flagSet.Args())
return args
// NArg returns the number of the command line arguments.
func (c *Context) NArg() int {
return len(c.Args())
// Get returns the nth argument, or else a blank string
func (a Args) Get(n int) string {
if len(a) > n {
return a[n]
return ""
// First returns the first argument, or else a blank string
func (a Args) First() string {
return a.Get(0)
// Tail returns the rest of the arguments (not the first one)
// or else an empty string slice
func (a Args) Tail() []string {
if len(a) >= 2 {
return []string(a)[1:]
return []string{}
// Present checks if there are any arguments present
func (a Args) Present() bool {
return len(a) != 0
// Swap swaps arguments at the given indexes
func (a Args) Swap(from, to int) error {
if from >= len(a) || to >= len(a) {
return errors.New("index out of range")
a[from], a[to] = a[to], a[from]
return nil
func globalContext(ctx *Context) *Context {
if ctx == nil {
return nil
for {
if ctx.parentContext == nil {
return ctx
ctx = ctx.parentContext
func lookupGlobalFlagSet(name string, ctx *Context) *flag.FlagSet {
if ctx.parentContext != nil {
ctx = ctx.parentContext
for ; ctx != nil; ctx = ctx.parentContext {
if f := ctx.flagSet.Lookup(name); f != nil {
return ctx.flagSet
return nil
func copyFlag(name string, ff *flag.Flag, set *flag.FlagSet) {
switch ff.Value.(type) {
case *StringSlice:
set.Set(name, ff.Value.String())
func normalizeFlags(flags []Flag, set *flag.FlagSet) error {
visited := make(map[string]bool)
set.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) {
visited[f.Name] = true
for _, f := range flags {
parts := strings.Split(f.GetName(), ",")
if len(parts) == 1 {
var ff *flag.Flag
for _, name := range parts {
name = strings.Trim(name, " ")
if visited[name] {
if ff != nil {
return errors.New("Cannot use two forms of the same flag: " + name + " " + ff.Name)
ff = set.Lookup(name)
if ff == nil {
for _, name := range parts {
name = strings.Trim(name, " ")
if !visited[name] {
copyFlag(name, ff, set)
return nil

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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
package cli
import (
// OsExiter is the function used when the app exits. If not set defaults to os.Exit.
var OsExiter = os.Exit
// ErrWriter is used to write errors to the user. This can be anything
// implementing the io.Writer interface and defaults to os.Stderr.
var ErrWriter io.Writer = os.Stderr
// MultiError is an error that wraps multiple errors.
type MultiError struct {
Errors []error
// NewMultiError creates a new MultiError. Pass in one or more errors.
func NewMultiError(err ...error) MultiError {
return MultiError{Errors: err}
// Error implements the error interface.
func (m MultiError) Error() string {
errs := make([]string, len(m.Errors))
for i, err := range m.Errors {
errs[i] = err.Error()
return strings.Join(errs, "\n")
type ErrorFormatter interface {
Format(s fmt.State, verb rune)
// ExitCoder is the interface checked by `App` and `Command` for a custom exit
// code
type ExitCoder interface {
ExitCode() int
// ExitError fulfills both the builtin `error` interface and `ExitCoder`
type ExitError struct {
exitCode int
message interface{}
// NewExitError makes a new *ExitError
func NewExitError(message interface{}, exitCode int) *ExitError {
return &ExitError{
exitCode: exitCode,
message: message,
// Error returns the string message, fulfilling the interface required by
// `error`
func (ee *ExitError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", ee.message)
// ExitCode returns the exit code, fulfilling the interface required by
// `ExitCoder`
func (ee *ExitError) ExitCode() int {
return ee.exitCode
// HandleExitCoder checks if the error fulfills the ExitCoder interface, and if
// so prints the error to stderr (if it is non-empty) and calls OsExiter with the
// given exit code. If the given error is a MultiError, then this func is
// called on all members of the Errors slice and calls OsExiter with the last exit code.
func HandleExitCoder(err error) {
if err == nil {
if exitErr, ok := err.(ExitCoder); ok {
if err.Error() != "" {
if _, ok := exitErr.(ErrorFormatter); ok {
fmt.Fprintf(ErrWriter, "%+v\n", err)
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(ErrWriter, err)
if multiErr, ok := err.(MultiError); ok {
code := handleMultiError(multiErr)
func handleMultiError(multiErr MultiError) int {
code := 1
for _, merr := range multiErr.Errors {
if multiErr2, ok := merr.(MultiError); ok {
code = handleMultiError(multiErr2)
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(ErrWriter, merr)
if exitErr, ok := merr.(ExitCoder); ok {
code = exitErr.ExitCode()
return code

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
"name": "Bool",
"type": "bool",
"value": false,
"context_default": "false",
"parser": "strconv.ParseBool(f.Value.String())"
"name": "BoolT",
"type": "bool",
"value": false,
"doctail": " that is true by default",
"context_default": "false",
"parser": "strconv.ParseBool(f.Value.String())"
"name": "Duration",
"type": "time.Duration",
"doctail": " (see",
"context_default": "0",
"parser": "time.ParseDuration(f.Value.String())"
"name": "Float64",
"type": "float64",
"context_default": "0",
"parser": "strconv.ParseFloat(f.Value.String(), 64)"
"name": "Generic",
"type": "Generic",
"dest": false,
"context_default": "nil",
"context_type": "interface{}"
"name": "Int64",
"type": "int64",
"context_default": "0",
"parser": "strconv.ParseInt(f.Value.String(), 0, 64)"
"name": "Int",
"type": "int",
"context_default": "0",
"parser": "strconv.ParseInt(f.Value.String(), 0, 64)",
"parser_cast": "int(parsed)"
"name": "IntSlice",
"type": "*IntSlice",
"dest": false,
"context_default": "nil",
"context_type": "[]int",
"parser": "(f.Value.(*IntSlice)).Value(), error(nil)"
"name": "Int64Slice",
"type": "*Int64Slice",
"dest": false,
"context_default": "nil",
"context_type": "[]int64",
"parser": "(f.Value.(*Int64Slice)).Value(), error(nil)"
"name": "String",
"type": "string",
"context_default": "\"\"",
"parser": "f.Value.String(), error(nil)"
"name": "StringSlice",
"type": "*StringSlice",
"dest": false,
"context_default": "nil",
"context_type": "[]string",
"parser": "(f.Value.(*StringSlice)).Value(), error(nil)"
"name": "Uint64",
"type": "uint64",
"context_default": "0",
"parser": "strconv.ParseUint(f.Value.String(), 0, 64)"
"name": "Uint",
"type": "uint",
"context_default": "0",
"parser": "strconv.ParseUint(f.Value.String(), 0, 64)",
"parser_cast": "uint(parsed)"

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
package cli
import (
const defaultPlaceholder = "value"
// BashCompletionFlag enables bash-completion for all commands and subcommands
var BashCompletionFlag Flag = BoolFlag{
Name: "generate-bash-completion",
Hidden: true,
// VersionFlag prints the version for the application
var VersionFlag Flag = BoolFlag{
Name: "version, v",
Usage: "print the version",
// HelpFlag prints the help for all commands and subcommands
// Set to the zero value (BoolFlag{}) to disable flag -- keeps subcommand
// unless HideHelp is set to true)
var HelpFlag Flag = BoolFlag{
Name: "help, h",
Usage: "show help",
// FlagStringer converts a flag definition to a string. This is used by help
// to display a flag.
var FlagStringer FlagStringFunc = stringifyFlag
// FlagsByName is a slice of Flag.
type FlagsByName []Flag
func (f FlagsByName) Len() int {
return len(f)
func (f FlagsByName) Less(i, j int) bool {
return f[i].GetName() < f[j].GetName()
func (f FlagsByName) Swap(i, j int) {
f[i], f[j] = f[j], f[i]
// Flag is a common interface related to parsing flags in cli.
// For more advanced flag parsing techniques, it is recommended that
// this interface be implemented.
type Flag interface {
// Apply Flag settings to the given flag set
GetName() string
// errorableFlag is an interface that allows us to return errors during apply
// it allows flags defined in this library to return errors in a fashion backwards compatible
// TODO remove in v2 and modify the existing Flag interface to return errors
type errorableFlag interface {
ApplyWithError(*flag.FlagSet) error
func flagSet(name string, flags []Flag) (*flag.FlagSet, error) {
set := flag.NewFlagSet(name, flag.ContinueOnError)
for _, f := range flags {
//TODO remove in v2 when errorableFlag is removed
if ef, ok := f.(errorableFlag); ok {
if err := ef.ApplyWithError(set); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return set, nil
func eachName(longName string, fn func(string)) {
parts := strings.Split(longName, ",")
for _, name := range parts {
name = strings.Trim(name, " ")
// Generic is a generic parseable type identified by a specific flag
type Generic interface {
Set(value string) error
String() string
// Apply takes the flagset and calls Set on the generic flag with the value
// provided by the user for parsing by the flag
// Ignores parsing errors
func (f GenericFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) {
// ApplyWithError takes the flagset and calls Set on the generic flag with the value
// provided by the user for parsing by the flag
func (f GenericFlag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error {
val := f.Value
if f.EnvVar != "" {
for _, envVar := range strings.Split(f.EnvVar, ",") {
envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
if envVal, ok := syscall.Getenv(envVar); ok {
if err := val.Set(envVal); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse %s as value for flag %s: %s", envVal, f.Name, err)
eachName(f.Name, func(name string) {
set.Var(f.Value, name, f.Usage)
return nil
// StringSlice is an opaque type for []string to satisfy flag.Value and flag.Getter
type StringSlice []string
// Set appends the string value to the list of values
func (f *StringSlice) Set(value string) error {
*f = append(*f, value)
return nil
// String returns a readable representation of this value (for usage defaults)
func (f *StringSlice) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s", *f)
// Value returns the slice of strings set by this flag
func (f *StringSlice) Value() []string {
return *f
// Get returns the slice of strings set by this flag
func (f *StringSlice) Get() interface{} {
return *f
// Apply populates the flag given the flag set and environment
// Ignores errors
func (f StringSliceFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) {
// ApplyWithError populates the flag given the flag set and environment
func (f StringSliceFlag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error {
if f.EnvVar != "" {
for _, envVar := range strings.Split(f.EnvVar, ",") {
envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
if envVal, ok := syscall.Getenv(envVar); ok {
newVal := &StringSlice{}
for _, s := range strings.Split(envVal, ",") {
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
if err := newVal.Set(s); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse %s as string value for flag %s: %s", envVal, f.Name, err)
f.Value = newVal
eachName(f.Name, func(name string) {
if f.Value == nil {
f.Value = &StringSlice{}
set.Var(f.Value, name, f.Usage)
return nil
// IntSlice is an opaque type for []int to satisfy flag.Value and flag.Getter
type IntSlice []int
// Set parses the value into an integer and appends it to the list of values
func (f *IntSlice) Set(value string) error {
tmp, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
if err != nil {
return err
*f = append(*f, tmp)
return nil
// String returns a readable representation of this value (for usage defaults)
func (f *IntSlice) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%#v", *f)
// Value returns the slice of ints set by this flag
func (f *IntSlice) Value() []int {
return *f
// Get returns the slice of ints set by this flag
func (f *IntSlice) Get() interface{} {
return *f
// Apply populates the flag given the flag set and environment
// Ignores errors
func (f IntSliceFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) {
// ApplyWithError populates the flag given the flag set and environment
func (f IntSliceFlag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error {
if f.EnvVar != "" {
for _, envVar := range strings.Split(f.EnvVar, ",") {
envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
if envVal, ok := syscall.Getenv(envVar); ok {
newVal := &IntSlice{}
for _, s := range strings.Split(envVal, ",") {
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
if err := newVal.Set(s); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse %s as int slice value for flag %s: %s", envVal, f.Name, err)
f.Value = newVal
eachName(f.Name, func(name string) {
if f.Value == nil {
f.Value = &IntSlice{}
set.Var(f.Value, name, f.Usage)
return nil
// Int64Slice is an opaque type for []int to satisfy flag.Value and flag.Getter
type Int64Slice []int64
// Set parses the value into an integer and appends it to the list of values
func (f *Int64Slice) Set(value string) error {
tmp, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
*f = append(*f, tmp)
return nil
// String returns a readable representation of this value (for usage defaults)
func (f *Int64Slice) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%#v", *f)
// Value returns the slice of ints set by this flag
func (f *Int64Slice) Value() []int64 {
return *f
// Get returns the slice of ints set by this flag
func (f *Int64Slice) Get() interface{} {
return *f
// Apply populates the flag given the flag set and environment
// Ignores errors
func (f Int64SliceFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) {
// ApplyWithError populates the flag given the flag set and environment
func (f Int64SliceFlag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error {
if f.EnvVar != "" {
for _, envVar := range strings.Split(f.EnvVar, ",") {
envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
if envVal, ok := syscall.Getenv(envVar); ok {
newVal := &Int64Slice{}
for _, s := range strings.Split(envVal, ",") {
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
if err := newVal.Set(s); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse %s as int64 slice value for flag %s: %s", envVal, f.Name, err)
f.Value = newVal
eachName(f.Name, func(name string) {
if f.Value == nil {
f.Value = &Int64Slice{}
set.Var(f.Value, name, f.Usage)
return nil
// Apply populates the flag given the flag set and environment
// Ignores errors
func (f BoolFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) {
// ApplyWithError populates the flag given the flag set and environment
func (f BoolFlag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error {
val := false
if f.EnvVar != "" {
for _, envVar := range strings.Split(f.EnvVar, ",") {
envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
if envVal, ok := syscall.Getenv(envVar); ok {
if envVal == "" {
val = false
envValBool, err := strconv.ParseBool(envVal)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse %s as bool value for flag %s: %s", envVal, f.Name, err)
val = envValBool
eachName(f.Name, func(name string) {
if f.Destination != nil {
set.BoolVar(f.Destination, name, val, f.Usage)
set.Bool(name, val, f.Usage)
return nil
// Apply populates the flag given the flag set and environment
// Ignores errors
func (f BoolTFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) {
// ApplyWithError populates the flag given the flag set and environment
func (f BoolTFlag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error {
val := true
if f.EnvVar != "" {
for _, envVar := range strings.Split(f.EnvVar, ",") {
envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
if envVal, ok := syscall.Getenv(envVar); ok {
if envVal == "" {
val = false
envValBool, err := strconv.ParseBool(envVal)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse %s as bool value for flag %s: %s", envVal, f.Name, err)
val = envValBool
eachName(f.Name, func(name string) {
if f.Destination != nil {
set.BoolVar(f.Destination, name, val, f.Usage)
set.Bool(name, val, f.Usage)
return nil
// Apply populates the flag given the flag set and environment
// Ignores errors
func (f StringFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) {
// ApplyWithError populates the flag given the flag set and environment
func (f StringFlag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error {
if f.EnvVar != "" {
for _, envVar := range strings.Split(f.EnvVar, ",") {
envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
if envVal, ok := syscall.Getenv(envVar); ok {
f.Value = envVal
eachName(f.Name, func(name string) {
if f.Destination != nil {
set.StringVar(f.Destination, name, f.Value, f.Usage)
set.String(name, f.Value, f.Usage)
return nil
// Apply populates the flag given the flag set and environment
// Ignores errors
func (f IntFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) {
// ApplyWithError populates the flag given the flag set and environment
func (f IntFlag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error {
if f.EnvVar != "" {
for _, envVar := range strings.Split(f.EnvVar, ",") {
envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
if envVal, ok := syscall.Getenv(envVar); ok {
envValInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(envVal, 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse %s as int value for flag %s: %s", envVal, f.Name, err)
f.Value = int(envValInt)
eachName(f.Name, func(name string) {
if f.Destination != nil {
set.IntVar(f.Destination, name, f.Value, f.Usage)
set.Int(name, f.Value, f.Usage)
return nil
// Apply populates the flag given the flag set and environment
// Ignores errors
func (f Int64Flag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) {
// ApplyWithError populates the flag given the flag set and environment
func (f Int64Flag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error {
if f.EnvVar != "" {
for _, envVar := range strings.Split(f.EnvVar, ",") {
envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
if envVal, ok := syscall.Getenv(envVar); ok {
envValInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(envVal, 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse %s as int value for flag %s: %s", envVal, f.Name, err)
f.Value = envValInt
eachName(f.Name, func(name string) {
if f.Destination != nil {
set.Int64Var(f.Destination, name, f.Value, f.Usage)
set.Int64(name, f.Value, f.Usage)
return nil
// Apply populates the flag given the flag set and environment
// Ignores errors
func (f UintFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) {
// ApplyWithError populates the flag given the flag set and environment
func (f UintFlag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error {
if f.EnvVar != "" {
for _, envVar := range strings.Split(f.EnvVar, ",") {
envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
if envVal, ok := syscall.Getenv(envVar); ok {
envValInt, err := strconv.ParseUint(envVal, 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse %s as uint value for flag %s: %s", envVal, f.Name, err)
f.Value = uint(envValInt)
eachName(f.Name, func(name string) {
if f.Destination != nil {
set.UintVar(f.Destination, name, f.Value, f.Usage)
set.Uint(name, f.Value, f.Usage)
return nil
// Apply populates the flag given the flag set and environment
// Ignores errors
func (f Uint64Flag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) {
// ApplyWithError populates the flag given the flag set and environment
func (f Uint64Flag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error {
if f.EnvVar != "" {
for _, envVar := range strings.Split(f.EnvVar, ",") {
envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
if envVal, ok := syscall.Getenv(envVar); ok {
envValInt, err := strconv.ParseUint(envVal, 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse %s as uint64 value for flag %s: %s", envVal, f.Name, err)
f.Value = uint64(envValInt)
eachName(f.Name, func(name string) {
if f.Destination != nil {
set.Uint64Var(f.Destination, name, f.Value, f.Usage)
set.Uint64(name, f.Value, f.Usage)
return nil
// Apply populates the flag given the flag set and environment
// Ignores errors
func (f DurationFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) {
// ApplyWithError populates the flag given the flag set and environment
func (f DurationFlag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error {
if f.EnvVar != "" {
for _, envVar := range strings.Split(f.EnvVar, ",") {
envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
if envVal, ok := syscall.Getenv(envVar); ok {
envValDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(envVal)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse %s as duration for flag %s: %s", envVal, f.Name, err)
f.Value = envValDuration
eachName(f.Name, func(name string) {
if f.Destination != nil {
set.DurationVar(f.Destination, name, f.Value, f.Usage)
set.Duration(name, f.Value, f.Usage)
return nil
// Apply populates the flag given the flag set and environment
// Ignores errors
func (f Float64Flag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) {
// ApplyWithError populates the flag given the flag set and environment
func (f Float64Flag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error {
if f.EnvVar != "" {
for _, envVar := range strings.Split(f.EnvVar, ",") {
envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
if envVal, ok := syscall.Getenv(envVar); ok {
envValFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(envVal, 10)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse %s as float64 value for flag %s: %s", envVal, f.Name, err)
f.Value = float64(envValFloat)
eachName(f.Name, func(name string) {
if f.Destination != nil {
set.Float64Var(f.Destination, name, f.Value, f.Usage)
set.Float64(name, f.Value, f.Usage)
return nil
func visibleFlags(fl []Flag) []Flag {
visible := []Flag{}
for _, flag := range fl {
field := flagValue(flag).FieldByName("Hidden")
if !field.IsValid() || !field.Bool() {
visible = append(visible, flag)
return visible
func prefixFor(name string) (prefix string) {
if len(name) == 1 {
prefix = "-"
} else {
prefix = "--"
// Returns the placeholder, if any, and the unquoted usage string.
func unquoteUsage(usage string) (string, string) {
for i := 0; i < len(usage); i++ {
if usage[i] == '`' {
for j := i + 1; j < len(usage); j++ {
if usage[j] == '`' {
name := usage[i+1 : j]
usage = usage[:i] + name + usage[j+1:]
return name, usage
return "", usage
func prefixedNames(fullName, placeholder string) string {
var prefixed string
parts := strings.Split(fullName, ",")
for i, name := range parts {
name = strings.Trim(name, " ")
prefixed += prefixFor(name) + name
if placeholder != "" {
prefixed += " " + placeholder
if i < len(parts)-1 {
prefixed += ", "
return prefixed
func withEnvHint(envVar, str string) string {
envText := ""
if envVar != "" {
prefix := "$"
suffix := ""
sep := ", $"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
prefix = "%"
suffix = "%"
sep = "%, %"
envText = fmt.Sprintf(" [%s%s%s]", prefix, strings.Join(strings.Split(envVar, ","), sep), suffix)
return str + envText
func flagValue(f Flag) reflect.Value {
fv := reflect.ValueOf(f)
for fv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
fv = reflect.Indirect(fv)
return fv
func stringifyFlag(f Flag) string {
fv := flagValue(f)
switch f.(type) {
case IntSliceFlag:
return withEnvHint(fv.FieldByName("EnvVar").String(),
case Int64SliceFlag:
return withEnvHint(fv.FieldByName("EnvVar").String(),
case StringSliceFlag:
return withEnvHint(fv.FieldByName("EnvVar").String(),
placeholder, usage := unquoteUsage(fv.FieldByName("Usage").String())
needsPlaceholder := false
defaultValueString := ""
if val := fv.FieldByName("Value"); val.IsValid() {
needsPlaceholder = true
defaultValueString = fmt.Sprintf(" (default: %v)", val.Interface())
if val.Kind() == reflect.String && val.String() != "" {
defaultValueString = fmt.Sprintf(" (default: %q)", val.String())
if defaultValueString == " (default: )" {
defaultValueString = ""
if needsPlaceholder && placeholder == "" {
placeholder = defaultPlaceholder
usageWithDefault := strings.TrimSpace(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", usage, defaultValueString))
return withEnvHint(fv.FieldByName("EnvVar").String(),
fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", prefixedNames(fv.FieldByName("Name").String(), placeholder), usageWithDefault))
func stringifyIntSliceFlag(f IntSliceFlag) string {
defaultVals := []string{}
if f.Value != nil && len(f.Value.Value()) > 0 {
for _, i := range f.Value.Value() {
defaultVals = append(defaultVals, fmt.Sprintf("%d", i))
return stringifySliceFlag(f.Usage, f.Name, defaultVals)
func stringifyInt64SliceFlag(f Int64SliceFlag) string {
defaultVals := []string{}
if f.Value != nil && len(f.Value.Value()) > 0 {
for _, i := range f.Value.Value() {
defaultVals = append(defaultVals, fmt.Sprintf("%d", i))
return stringifySliceFlag(f.Usage, f.Name, defaultVals)
func stringifyStringSliceFlag(f StringSliceFlag) string {
defaultVals := []string{}
if f.Value != nil && len(f.Value.Value()) > 0 {
for _, s := range f.Value.Value() {
if len(s) > 0 {
defaultVals = append(defaultVals, fmt.Sprintf("%q", s))
return stringifySliceFlag(f.Usage, f.Name, defaultVals)
func stringifySliceFlag(usage, name string, defaultVals []string) string {
placeholder, usage := unquoteUsage(usage)
if placeholder == "" {
placeholder = defaultPlaceholder
defaultVal := ""
if len(defaultVals) > 0 {
defaultVal = fmt.Sprintf(" (default: %s)", strings.Join(defaultVals, ", "))
usageWithDefault := strings.TrimSpace(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", usage, defaultVal))
return fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", prefixedNames(name, placeholder), usageWithDefault)

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
package cli
import (
// WARNING: This file is generated!
// BoolFlag is a flag with type bool
type BoolFlag struct {
Name string
Usage string
EnvVar string
Hidden bool
Destination *bool
// String returns a readable representation of this value
// (for usage defaults)
func (f BoolFlag) String() string {
return FlagStringer(f)
// GetName returns the name of the flag
func (f BoolFlag) GetName() string {
return f.Name
// Bool looks up the value of a local BoolFlag, returns
// false if not found
func (c *Context) Bool(name string) bool {
return lookupBool(name, c.flagSet)
// GlobalBool looks up the value of a global BoolFlag, returns
// false if not found
func (c *Context) GlobalBool(name string) bool {
if fs := lookupGlobalFlagSet(name, c); fs != nil {
return lookupBool(name, fs)
return false
func lookupBool(name string, set *flag.FlagSet) bool {
f := set.Lookup(name)
if f != nil {
parsed, err := strconv.ParseBool(f.Value.String())
if err != nil {
return false
return parsed
return false
// BoolTFlag is a flag with type bool that is true by default
type BoolTFlag struct {
Name string
Usage string
EnvVar string
Hidden bool
Destination *bool
// String returns a readable representation of this value
// (for usage defaults)
func (f BoolTFlag) String() string {
return FlagStringer(f)
// GetName returns the name of the flag
func (f BoolTFlag) GetName() string {
return f.Name
// BoolT looks up the value of a local BoolTFlag, returns
// false if not found
func (c *Context) BoolT(name string) bool {
return lookupBoolT(name, c.flagSet)
// GlobalBoolT looks up the value of a global BoolTFlag, returns
// false if not found
func (c *Context) GlobalBoolT(name string) bool {
if fs := lookupGlobalFlagSet(name, c); fs != nil {
return lookupBoolT(name, fs)
return false
func lookupBoolT(name string, set *flag.FlagSet) bool {
f := set.Lookup(name)
if f != nil {
parsed, err := strconv.ParseBool(f.Value.String())
if err != nil {
return false
return parsed
return false
// DurationFlag is a flag with type time.Duration (see
type DurationFlag struct {
Name string
Usage string
EnvVar string
Hidden bool
Value time.Duration
Destination *time.Duration
// String returns a readable representation of this value
// (for usage defaults)
func (f DurationFlag) String() string {
return FlagStringer(f)
// GetName returns the name of the flag
func (f DurationFlag) GetName() string {
return f.Name
// Duration looks up the value of a local DurationFlag, returns
// 0 if not found
func (c *Context) Duration(name string) time.Duration {
return lookupDuration(name, c.flagSet)
// GlobalDuration looks up the value of a global DurationFlag, returns
// 0 if not found
func (c *Context) GlobalDuration(name string) time.Duration {
if fs := lookupGlobalFlagSet(name, c); fs != nil {
return lookupDuration(name, fs)
return 0
func lookupDuration(name string, set *flag.FlagSet) time.Duration {
f := set.Lookup(name)
if f != nil {
parsed, err := time.ParseDuration(f.Value.String())
if err != nil {
return 0
return parsed
return 0
// Float64Flag is a flag with type float64
type Float64Flag struct {
Name string
Usage string
EnvVar string
Hidden bool
Value float64
Destination *float64
// String returns a readable representation of this value
// (for usage defaults)
func (f Float64Flag) String() string {
return FlagStringer(f)
// GetName returns the name of the flag
func (f Float64Flag) GetName() string {
return f.Name
// Float64 looks up the value of a local Float64Flag, returns
// 0 if not found
func (c *Context) Float64(name string) float64 {
return lookupFloat64(name, c.flagSet)
// GlobalFloat64 looks up the value of a global Float64Flag, returns
// 0 if not found
func (c *Context) GlobalFloat64(name string) float64 {
if fs := lookupGlobalFlagSet(name, c); fs != nil {
return lookupFloat64(name, fs)
return 0
func lookupFloat64(name string, set *flag.FlagSet) float64 {
f := set.Lookup(name)
if f != nil {
parsed, err := strconv.ParseFloat(f.Value.String(), 64)
if err != nil {
return 0
return parsed
return 0
// GenericFlag is a flag with type Generic
type GenericFlag struct {
Name string
Usage string
EnvVar string
Hidden bool
Value Generic
// String returns a readable representation of this value
// (for usage defaults)
func (f GenericFlag) String() string {
return FlagStringer(f)
// GetName returns the name of the flag
func (f GenericFlag) GetName() string {
return f.Name
// Generic looks up the value of a local GenericFlag, returns
// nil if not found
func (c *Context) Generic(name string) interface{} {
return lookupGeneric(name, c.flagSet)
// GlobalGeneric looks up the value of a global GenericFlag, returns
// nil if not found
func (c *Context) GlobalGeneric(name string) interface{} {
if fs := lookupGlobalFlagSet(name, c); fs != nil {
return lookupGeneric(name, fs)
return nil
func lookupGeneric(name string, set *flag.FlagSet) interface{} {
f := set.Lookup(name)
if f != nil {
parsed, err := f.Value, error(nil)
if err != nil {
return nil
return parsed
return nil
// Int64Flag is a flag with type int64
type Int64Flag struct {
Name string
Usage string
EnvVar string
Hidden bool
Value int64
Destination *int64
// String returns a readable representation of this value
// (for usage defaults)
func (f Int64Flag) String() string {
return FlagStringer(f)
// GetName returns the name of the flag
func (f Int64Flag) GetName() string {
return f.Name
// Int64 looks up the value of a local Int64Flag, returns
// 0 if not found
func (c *Context) Int64(name string) int64 {
return lookupInt64(name, c.flagSet)
// GlobalInt64 looks up the value of a global Int64Flag, returns
// 0 if not found
func (c *Context) GlobalInt64(name string) int64 {
if fs := lookupGlobalFlagSet(name, c); fs != nil {
return lookupInt64(name, fs)
return 0
func lookupInt64(name string, set *flag.FlagSet) int64 {
f := set.Lookup(name)
if f != nil {
parsed, err := strconv.ParseInt(f.Value.String(), 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0
return parsed
return 0
// IntFlag is a flag with type int
type IntFlag struct {
Name string
Usage string
EnvVar string
Hidden bool
Value int
Destination *int
// String returns a readable representation of this value
// (for usage defaults)
func (f IntFlag) String() string {
return FlagStringer(f)
// GetName returns the name of the flag
func (f IntFlag) GetName() string {
return f.Name
// Int looks up the value of a local IntFlag, returns
// 0 if not found
func (c *Context) Int(name string) int {
return lookupInt(name, c.flagSet)
// GlobalInt looks up the value of a global IntFlag, returns
// 0 if not found
func (c *Context) GlobalInt(name string) int {
if fs := lookupGlobalFlagSet(name, c); fs != nil {
return lookupInt(name, fs)
return 0
func lookupInt(name string, set *flag.FlagSet) int {
f := set.Lookup(name)
if f != nil {
parsed, err := strconv.ParseInt(f.Value.String(), 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0
return int(parsed)
return 0
// IntSliceFlag is a flag with type *IntSlice
type IntSliceFlag struct {
Name string
Usage string
EnvVar string
Hidden bool
Value *IntSlice
// String returns a readable representation of this value
// (for usage defaults)
func (f IntSliceFlag) String() string {
return FlagStringer(f)
// GetName returns the name of the flag
func (f IntSliceFlag) GetName() string {
return f.Name
// IntSlice looks up the value of a local IntSliceFlag, returns
// nil if not found
func (c *Context) IntSlice(name string) []int {
return lookupIntSlice(name, c.flagSet)
// GlobalIntSlice looks up the value of a global IntSliceFlag, returns
// nil if not found
func (c *Context) GlobalIntSlice(name string) []int {
if fs := lookupGlobalFlagSet(name, c); fs != nil {
return lookupIntSlice(name, fs)
return nil
func lookupIntSlice(name string, set *flag.FlagSet) []int {
f := set.Lookup(name)
if f != nil {
parsed, err := (f.Value.(*IntSlice)).Value(), error(nil)
if err != nil {
return nil
return parsed
return nil
// Int64SliceFlag is a flag with type *Int64Slice
type Int64SliceFlag struct {
Name string
Usage string
EnvVar string
Hidden bool
Value *Int64Slice
// String returns a readable representation of this value
// (for usage defaults)
func (f Int64SliceFlag) String() string {
return FlagStringer(f)
// GetName returns the name of the flag
func (f Int64SliceFlag) GetName() string {
return f.Name
// Int64Slice looks up the value of a local Int64SliceFlag, returns
// nil if not found
func (c *Context) Int64Slice(name string) []int64 {
return lookupInt64Slice(name, c.flagSet)
// GlobalInt64Slice looks up the value of a global Int64SliceFlag, returns
// nil if not found
func (c *Context) GlobalInt64Slice(name string) []int64 {
if fs := lookupGlobalFlagSet(name, c); fs != nil {
return lookupInt64Slice(name, fs)
return nil
func lookupInt64Slice(name string, set *flag.FlagSet) []int64 {
f := set.Lookup(name)
if f != nil {
parsed, err := (f.Value.(*Int64Slice)).Value(), error(nil)
if err != nil {
return nil
return parsed
return nil
// StringFlag is a flag with type string
type StringFlag struct {
Name string
Usage string
EnvVar string
Hidden bool
Value string
Destination *string
// String returns a readable representation of this value
// (for usage defaults)
func (f StringFlag) String() string {
return FlagStringer(f)
// GetName returns the name of the flag
func (f StringFlag) GetName() string {
return f.Name
// String looks up the value of a local StringFlag, returns
// "" if not found
func (c *Context) String(name string) string {
return lookupString(name, c.flagSet)
// GlobalString looks up the value of a global StringFlag, returns
// "" if not found
func (c *Context) GlobalString(name string) string {
if fs := lookupGlobalFlagSet(name, c); fs != nil {
return lookupString(name, fs)
return ""
func lookupString(name string, set *flag.FlagSet) string {
f := set.Lookup(name)
if f != nil {
parsed, err := f.Value.String(), error(nil)
if err != nil {
return ""
return parsed
return ""
// StringSliceFlag is a flag with type *StringSlice
type StringSliceFlag struct {
Name string
Usage string
EnvVar string
Hidden bool
Value *StringSlice
// String returns a readable representation of this value
// (for usage defaults)
func (f StringSliceFlag) String() string {
return FlagStringer(f)
// GetName returns the name of the flag
func (f StringSliceFlag) GetName() string {
return f.Name
// StringSlice looks up the value of a local StringSliceFlag, returns
// nil if not found
func (c *Context) StringSlice(name string) []string {
return lookupStringSlice(name, c.flagSet)
// GlobalStringSlice looks up the value of a global StringSliceFlag, returns
// nil if not found
func (c *Context) GlobalStringSlice(name string) []string {
if fs := lookupGlobalFlagSet(name, c); fs != nil {
return lookupStringSlice(name, fs)
return nil
func lookupStringSlice(name string, set *flag.FlagSet) []string {
f := set.Lookup(name)
if f != nil {
parsed, err := (f.Value.(*StringSlice)).Value(), error(nil)
if err != nil {
return nil
return parsed
return nil
// Uint64Flag is a flag with type uint64
type Uint64Flag struct {
Name string
Usage string
EnvVar string
Hidden bool
Value uint64
Destination *uint64
// String returns a readable representation of this value
// (for usage defaults)
func (f Uint64Flag) String() string {
return FlagStringer(f)
// GetName returns the name of the flag
func (f Uint64Flag) GetName() string {
return f.Name
// Uint64 looks up the value of a local Uint64Flag, returns
// 0 if not found
func (c *Context) Uint64(name string) uint64 {
return lookupUint64(name, c.flagSet)
// GlobalUint64 looks up the value of a global Uint64Flag, returns
// 0 if not found
func (c *Context) GlobalUint64(name string) uint64 {
if fs := lookupGlobalFlagSet(name, c); fs != nil {
return lookupUint64(name, fs)
return 0
func lookupUint64(name string, set *flag.FlagSet) uint64 {
f := set.Lookup(name)
if f != nil {
parsed, err := strconv.ParseUint(f.Value.String(), 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0
return parsed
return 0
// UintFlag is a flag with type uint
type UintFlag struct {
Name string
Usage string
EnvVar string
Hidden bool
Value uint
Destination *uint
// String returns a readable representation of this value
// (for usage defaults)
func (f UintFlag) String() string {
return FlagStringer(f)
// GetName returns the name of the flag
func (f UintFlag) GetName() string {
return f.Name
// Uint looks up the value of a local UintFlag, returns
// 0 if not found
func (c *Context) Uint(name string) uint {
return lookupUint(name, c.flagSet)
// GlobalUint looks up the value of a global UintFlag, returns
// 0 if not found
func (c *Context) GlobalUint(name string) uint {
if fs := lookupGlobalFlagSet(name, c); fs != nil {
return lookupUint(name, fs)
return 0
func lookupUint(name string, set *flag.FlagSet) uint {
f := set.Lookup(name)
if f != nil {
parsed, err := strconv.ParseUint(f.Value.String(), 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0
return uint(parsed)
return 0

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package cli
// BashCompleteFunc is an action to execute when the bash-completion flag is set
type BashCompleteFunc func(*Context)
// BeforeFunc is an action to execute before any subcommands are run, but after
// the context is ready if a non-nil error is returned, no subcommands are run
type BeforeFunc func(*Context) error
// AfterFunc is an action to execute after any subcommands are run, but after the
// subcommand has finished it is run even if Action() panics
type AfterFunc func(*Context) error
// ActionFunc is the action to execute when no subcommands are specified
type ActionFunc func(*Context) error
// CommandNotFoundFunc is executed if the proper command cannot be found
type CommandNotFoundFunc func(*Context, string)
// OnUsageErrorFunc is executed if an usage error occurs. This is useful for displaying
// customized usage error messages. This function is able to replace the
// original error messages. If this function is not set, the "Incorrect usage"
// is displayed and the execution is interrupted.
type OnUsageErrorFunc func(context *Context, err error, isSubcommand bool) error
// FlagStringFunc is used by the help generation to display a flag, which is
// expected to be a single line.
type FlagStringFunc func(Flag) string

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@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
The flag types that ship with the cli library have many things in common, and
so we can take advantage of the `go generate` command to create much of the
source code from a list of definitions. These definitions attempt to cover
the parts that vary between flag types, and should evolve as needed.
An example of the minimum definition needed is:
"name": "SomeType",
"type": "sometype",
"context_default": "nil"
In this example, the code generated for the `cli` package will include a type
named `SomeTypeFlag` that is expected to wrap a value of type `sometype`.
Fetching values by name via `*cli.Context` will default to a value of `nil`.
A more complete, albeit somewhat redundant, example showing all available
definition keys is:
"name": "VeryMuchType",
"type": "*VeryMuchType",
"value": true,
"dest": false,
"doctail": " which really only wraps a []float64, oh well!",
"context_type": "[]float64",
"context_default": "nil",
"parser": "parseVeryMuchType(f.Value.String())",
"parser_cast": "[]float64(parsed)"
The meaning of each field is as follows:
name (string) - The type "name", which will be suffixed with
`Flag` when generating the type definition
for `cli` and the wrapper type for `altsrc`
type (string) - The type that the generated `Flag` type for `cli`
is expected to "contain" as its `.Value` member
value (bool) - Should the generated `cli` type have a `Value`
dest (bool) - Should the generated `cli` type support a
destination pointer?
doctail (string) - Additional docs for the `cli` flag type comment
context_type (string) - The literal type used in the `*cli.Context`
reader func signature
context_default (string) - The literal value used as the default by the
`*cli.Context` reader funcs when no value is
parser (string) - Literal code used to parse the flag `f`,
expected to have a return signature of
(value, error)
parser_cast (string) - Literal code used to cast the `parsed` value
returned from the `parser` code
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import argparse
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import textwrap
class _FancyFormatter(argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
def main(sysargs=sys.argv[:]):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Generate flag type code!',
type=str, default='cli', choices=_WRITEFUNCS.keys(),
help='Package for which flag types will be generated'
'-i', '--in-json',
help='Input JSON file which defines each type to be generated'
'-o', '--out-go',
help='Output file/stream to which generated source will be written'
parser.epilog = __doc__
args = parser.parse_args(sysargs[1:])
_generate_flag_types(_WRITEFUNCS[args.package], args.out_go, args.in_json)
return 0
def _generate_flag_types(writefunc, output_go, input_json):
types = json.load(input_json)
tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.go', delete=False)
writefunc(tmp, types)
new_content = subprocess.check_output(
print(new_content, file=output_go, end='')
def _set_typedef_defaults(typedef):
typedef.setdefault('doctail', '')
typedef.setdefault('context_type', typedef['type'])
typedef.setdefault('dest', True)
typedef.setdefault('value', True)
typedef.setdefault('parser', 'f.Value, error(nil)')
typedef.setdefault('parser_cast', 'parsed')
def _write_cli_flag_types(outfile, types):
_fwrite(outfile, """\
package cli
// WARNING: This file is generated!
for typedef in types:
_fwrite(outfile, """\
// {name}Flag is a flag with type {type}{doctail}
type {name}Flag struct {{
Name string
Usage string
EnvVar string
Hidden bool
if typedef['value']:
_fwrite(outfile, """\
Value {type}
if typedef['dest']:
_fwrite(outfile, """\
Destination *{type}
_fwrite(outfile, "\n}\n\n")
_fwrite(outfile, """\
// String returns a readable representation of this value
// (for usage defaults)
func (f {name}Flag) String() string {{
return FlagStringer(f)
// GetName returns the name of the flag
func (f {name}Flag) GetName() string {{
return f.Name
// {name} looks up the value of a local {name}Flag, returns
// {context_default} if not found
func (c *Context) {name}(name string) {context_type} {{
return lookup{name}(name, c.flagSet)
// Global{name} looks up the value of a global {name}Flag, returns
// {context_default} if not found
func (c *Context) Global{name}(name string) {context_type} {{
if fs := lookupGlobalFlagSet(name, c); fs != nil {{
return lookup{name}(name, fs)
return {context_default}
func lookup{name}(name string, set *flag.FlagSet) {context_type} {{
f := set.Lookup(name)
if f != nil {{
parsed, err := {parser}
if err != nil {{
return {context_default}
return {parser_cast}
return {context_default}
def _write_altsrc_flag_types(outfile, types):
_fwrite(outfile, """\
package altsrc
import (
// WARNING: This file is generated!
for typedef in types:
_fwrite(outfile, """\
// {name}Flag is the flag type that wraps cli.{name}Flag to allow
// for other values to be specified
type {name}Flag struct {{
set *flag.FlagSet
// New{name}Flag creates a new {name}Flag
func New{name}Flag(fl cli.{name}Flag) *{name}Flag {{
return &{name}Flag{{{name}Flag: fl, set: nil}}
// Apply saves the flagSet for later usage calls, then calls the
// wrapped {name}Flag.Apply
func (f *{name}Flag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) {{
f.set = set
// ApplyWithError saves the flagSet for later usage calls, then calls the
// wrapped {name}Flag.ApplyWithError
func (f *{name}Flag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error {{
f.set = set
return f.{name}Flag.ApplyWithError(set)
def _fwrite(outfile, text):
print(textwrap.dedent(text), end='', file=outfile)
'cli': _write_cli_flag_types,
'altsrc': _write_altsrc_flag_types
if __name__ == '__main__':

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
package cli
import (
// AppHelpTemplate is the text template for the Default help topic.
// cli.go uses text/template to render templates. You can
// render custom help text by setting this variable.
var AppHelpTemplate = `NAME:
{{.Name}}{{if .Usage}} - {{.Usage}}{{end}}
{{if .UsageText}}{{.UsageText}}{{else}}{{.HelpName}} {{if .VisibleFlags}}[global options]{{end}}{{if .Commands}} command [command options]{{end}} {{if .ArgsUsage}}{{.ArgsUsage}}{{else}}[arguments...]{{end}}{{end}}{{if .Version}}{{if not .HideVersion}}
{{.Version}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if .Description}}
{{.Description}}{{end}}{{if len .Authors}}
AUTHOR{{with $length := len .Authors}}{{if ne 1 $length}}S{{end}}{{end}}:
{{range $index, $author := .Authors}}{{if $index}}
{{end}}{{$author}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if .VisibleCommands}}
COMMANDS:{{range .VisibleCategories}}{{if .Name}}
{{.Name}}:{{end}}{{range .VisibleCommands}}
{{join .Names ", "}}{{"\t"}}{{.Usage}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if .VisibleFlags}}
{{range $index, $option := .VisibleFlags}}{{if $index}}
{{end}}{{$option}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if .Copyright}}
// CommandHelpTemplate is the text template for the command help topic.
// cli.go uses text/template to render templates. You can
// render custom help text by setting this variable.
var CommandHelpTemplate = `NAME:
{{.HelpName}} - {{.Usage}}
{{if .UsageText}}{{.UsageText}}{{else}}{{.HelpName}}{{if .VisibleFlags}} [command options]{{end}} {{if .ArgsUsage}}{{.ArgsUsage}}{{else}}[arguments...]{{end}}{{end}}{{if .Category}}
{{.Category}}{{end}}{{if .Description}}
{{.Description}}{{end}}{{if .VisibleFlags}}
{{range .VisibleFlags}}{{.}}
// SubcommandHelpTemplate is the text template for the subcommand help topic.
// cli.go uses text/template to render templates. You can
// render custom help text by setting this variable.
var SubcommandHelpTemplate = `NAME:
{{.HelpName}} - {{if .Description}}{{.Description}}{{else}}{{.Usage}}{{end}}
{{if .UsageText}}{{.UsageText}}{{else}}{{.HelpName}} command{{if .VisibleFlags}} [command options]{{end}} {{if .ArgsUsage}}{{.ArgsUsage}}{{else}}[arguments...]{{end}}{{end}}
COMMANDS:{{range .VisibleCategories}}{{if .Name}}
{{.Name}}:{{end}}{{range .VisibleCommands}}
{{join .Names ", "}}{{"\t"}}{{.Usage}}{{end}}
{{end}}{{if .VisibleFlags}}
{{range .VisibleFlags}}{{.}}
var helpCommand = Command{
Name: "help",
Aliases: []string{"h"},
Usage: "Shows a list of commands or help for one command",
ArgsUsage: "[command]",
Action: func(c *Context) error {
args := c.Args()
if args.Present() {
return ShowCommandHelp(c, args.First())
return nil
var helpSubcommand = Command{
Name: "help",
Aliases: []string{"h"},
Usage: "Shows a list of commands or help for one command",
ArgsUsage: "[command]",
Action: func(c *Context) error {
args := c.Args()
if args.Present() {
return ShowCommandHelp(c, args.First())
return ShowSubcommandHelp(c)
// Prints help for the App or Command
type helpPrinter func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{})
// Prints help for the App or Command with custom template function.
type helpPrinterCustom func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}, customFunc map[string]interface{})
// HelpPrinter is a function that writes the help output. If not set a default
// is used. The function signature is:
// func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{})
var HelpPrinter helpPrinter = printHelp
// HelpPrinterCustom is same as HelpPrinter but
// takes a custom function for template function map.
var HelpPrinterCustom helpPrinterCustom = printHelpCustom
// VersionPrinter prints the version for the App
var VersionPrinter = printVersion
// ShowAppHelpAndExit - Prints the list of subcommands for the app and exits with exit code.
func ShowAppHelpAndExit(c *Context, exitCode int) {
// ShowAppHelp is an action that displays the help.
func ShowAppHelp(c *Context) (err error) {
if c.App.CustomAppHelpTemplate == "" {
HelpPrinter(c.App.Writer, AppHelpTemplate, c.App)
customAppData := func() map[string]interface{} {
if c.App.ExtraInfo == nil {
return nil
return map[string]interface{}{
"ExtraInfo": c.App.ExtraInfo,
HelpPrinterCustom(c.App.Writer, c.App.CustomAppHelpTemplate, c.App, customAppData())
return nil
// DefaultAppComplete prints the list of subcommands as the default app completion method
func DefaultAppComplete(c *Context) {
for _, command := range c.App.Commands {
if command.Hidden {
for _, name := range command.Names() {
fmt.Fprintln(c.App.Writer, name)
// ShowCommandHelpAndExit - exits with code after showing help
func ShowCommandHelpAndExit(c *Context, command string, code int) {
ShowCommandHelp(c, command)
// ShowCommandHelp prints help for the given command
func ShowCommandHelp(ctx *Context, command string) error {
// show the subcommand help for a command with subcommands
if command == "" {
HelpPrinter(ctx.App.Writer, SubcommandHelpTemplate, ctx.App)
return nil
for _, c := range ctx.App.Commands {
if c.HasName(command) {
if c.CustomHelpTemplate != "" {
HelpPrinterCustom(ctx.App.Writer, c.CustomHelpTemplate, c, nil)
} else {
HelpPrinter(ctx.App.Writer, CommandHelpTemplate, c)
return nil
if ctx.App.CommandNotFound == nil {
return NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("No help topic for '%v'", command), 3)
ctx.App.CommandNotFound(ctx, command)
return nil
// ShowSubcommandHelp prints help for the given subcommand
func ShowSubcommandHelp(c *Context) error {
return ShowCommandHelp(c, c.Command.Name)
// ShowVersion prints the version number of the App
func ShowVersion(c *Context) {
func printVersion(c *Context) {
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "%v version %v\n", c.App.Name, c.App.Version)
// ShowCompletions prints the lists of commands within a given context
func ShowCompletions(c *Context) {
a := c.App
if a != nil && a.BashComplete != nil {
// ShowCommandCompletions prints the custom completions for a given command
func ShowCommandCompletions(ctx *Context, command string) {
c := ctx.App.Command(command)
if c != nil && c.BashComplete != nil {
func printHelpCustom(out io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}, customFunc map[string]interface{}) {
funcMap := template.FuncMap{
"join": strings.Join,
if customFunc != nil {
for key, value := range customFunc {
funcMap[key] = value
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(out, 1, 8, 2, ' ', 0)
t := template.Must(template.New("help").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(templ))
err := t.Execute(w, data)
if err != nil {
// If the writer is closed, t.Execute will fail, and there's nothing
// we can do to recover.
if os.Getenv("CLI_TEMPLATE_ERROR_DEBUG") != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(ErrWriter, "CLI TEMPLATE ERROR: %#v\n", err)
func printHelp(out io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}) {
printHelpCustom(out, templ, data, nil)
func checkVersion(c *Context) bool {
found := false
if VersionFlag.GetName() != "" {
eachName(VersionFlag.GetName(), func(name string) {
if c.GlobalBool(name) || c.Bool(name) {
found = true
return found
func checkHelp(c *Context) bool {
found := false
if HelpFlag.GetName() != "" {
eachName(HelpFlag.GetName(), func(name string) {
if c.GlobalBool(name) || c.Bool(name) {
found = true
return found
func checkCommandHelp(c *Context, name string) bool {
if c.Bool("h") || c.Bool("help") {
ShowCommandHelp(c, name)
return true
return false
func checkSubcommandHelp(c *Context) bool {
if c.Bool("h") || c.Bool("help") {
return true
return false
func checkShellCompleteFlag(a *App, arguments []string) (bool, []string) {
if !a.EnableBashCompletion {
return false, arguments
pos := len(arguments) - 1
lastArg := arguments[pos]
if lastArg != "--"+BashCompletionFlag.GetName() {
return false, arguments
return true, arguments[:pos]
func checkCompletions(c *Context) bool {
if !c.shellComplete {
return false
if args := c.Args(); args.Present() {
name := args.First()
if cmd := c.App.Command(name); cmd != nil {
// let the command handle the completion
return false
return true
func checkCommandCompletions(c *Context, name string) bool {
if !c.shellComplete {
return false
ShowCommandCompletions(c, name)
return true

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@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import os
import sys
import tempfile
from subprocess import check_call, check_output
PACKAGE_NAME = os.environ.get(
def main(sysargs=sys.argv[:]):
targets = {
'vet': _vet,
'test': _test,
'gfmrun': _gfmrun,
'toc': _toc,
'gen': _gen,
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
'target', nargs='?', choices=tuple(targets.keys()), default='test'
args = parser.parse_args(sysargs[1:])
return 0
def _test():
if check_output('go version'.split()).split()[2] < 'go1.2':
_run('go test -v .')
coverprofiles = []
for subpackage in ['', 'altsrc']:
coverprofile = 'cli.coverprofile'
if subpackage != '':
coverprofile = '{}.coverprofile'.format(subpackage)
_run('go test -v'.split() + [
('{}/{}'.format(PACKAGE_NAME, subpackage)).rstrip('/')
combined_name = _combine_coverprofiles(coverprofiles)
_run('go tool cover -func={}'.format(combined_name))
def _gfmrun():
go_version = check_output('go version'.split()).split()[2]
if go_version < 'go1.3':
print('runtests: skip on {}'.format(go_version), file=sys.stderr)
_run(['gfmrun', '-c', str(_gfmrun_count()), '-s', ''])
def _vet():
_run('go vet ./...')
def _toc():
_run('node_modules/.bin/markdown-toc -i')
_run('git diff --exit-code')
def _gen():
go_version = check_output('go version'.split()).split()[2]
if go_version < 'go1.5':
print('runtests: skip on {}'.format(go_version), file=sys.stderr)
_run('go generate ./...')
_run('git diff --exit-code')
def _run(command):
if hasattr(command, 'split'):
command = command.split()
print('runtests: {}'.format(' '.join(command)), file=sys.stderr)
def _gfmrun_count():
with open('') as infile:
lines =
return len(filter(_is_go_runnable, lines))
def _is_go_runnable(line):
return line.startswith('package main')
def _combine_coverprofiles(coverprofiles):
combined = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
suffix='.coverprofile', delete=False
combined.write('mode: set\n')
for coverprofile in coverprofiles:
with open(coverprofile, 'r') as infile:
for line in infile.readlines():
if not line.startswith('mode: '):
name =
return name
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2013 Jeremy Saenz
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Dependency injection for go

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@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
// Package inject provides utilities for mapping and injecting dependencies in various ways.
package inject
import (
// Injector represents an interface for mapping and injecting dependencies into structs
// and function arguments.
type Injector interface {
// SetParent sets the parent of the injector. If the injector cannot find a
// dependency in its Type map it will check its parent before returning an
// error.
// Applicator represents an interface for mapping dependencies to a struct.
type Applicator interface {
// Maps dependencies in the Type map to each field in the struct
// that is tagged with 'inject'. Returns an error if the injection
// fails.
Apply(interface{}) error
// Invoker represents an interface for calling functions via reflection.
type Invoker interface {
// Invoke attempts to call the interface{} provided as a function,
// providing dependencies for function arguments based on Type. Returns
// a slice of reflect.Value representing the returned values of the function.
// Returns an error if the injection fails.
Invoke(interface{}) ([]reflect.Value, error)
// TypeMapper represents an interface for mapping interface{} values based on type.
type TypeMapper interface {
// Maps the interface{} value based on its immediate type from reflect.TypeOf.
Map(interface{}) TypeMapper
// Maps the interface{} value based on the pointer of an Interface provided.
// This is really only useful for mapping a value as an interface, as interfaces
// cannot at this time be referenced directly without a pointer.
MapTo(interface{}, interface{}) TypeMapper
// Provides a possibility to directly insert a mapping based on type and value.
// This makes it possible to directly map type arguments not possible to instantiate
// with reflect like unidirectional channels.
Set(reflect.Type, reflect.Value) TypeMapper
// Returns the Value that is mapped to the current type. Returns a zeroed Value if
// the Type has not been mapped.
Get(reflect.Type) reflect.Value
type injector struct {
values map[reflect.Type]reflect.Value
parent Injector
// InterfaceOf dereferences a pointer to an Interface type.
// It panics if value is not an pointer to an interface.
func InterfaceOf(value interface{}) reflect.Type {
t := reflect.TypeOf(value)
for t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
t = t.Elem()
if t.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
panic("Called inject.InterfaceOf with a value that is not a pointer to an interface. (*MyInterface)(nil)")
return t
// New returns a new Injector.
func New() Injector {
return &injector{
values: make(map[reflect.Type]reflect.Value),
// Invoke attempts to call the interface{} provided as a function,
// providing dependencies for function arguments based on Type.
// Returns a slice of reflect.Value representing the returned values of the function.
// Returns an error if the injection fails.
// It panics if f is not a function
func (inj *injector) Invoke(f interface{}) ([]reflect.Value, error) {
t := reflect.TypeOf(f)
var in = make([]reflect.Value, t.NumIn()) //Panic if t is not kind of Func
for i := 0; i < t.NumIn(); i++ {
argType := t.In(i)
val := inj.Get(argType)
if !val.IsValid() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Value not found for type %v", argType)
in[i] = val
return reflect.ValueOf(f).Call(in), nil
// Maps dependencies in the Type map to each field in the struct
// that is tagged with 'inject'.
// Returns an error if the injection fails.
func (inj *injector) Apply(val interface{}) error {
v := reflect.ValueOf(val)
for v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
v = v.Elem()
if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return nil // Should not panic here ?
t := v.Type()
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
f := v.Field(i)
structField := t.Field(i)
if f.CanSet() && (structField.Tag == "inject" || structField.Tag.Get("inject") != "") {
ft := f.Type()
v := inj.Get(ft)
if !v.IsValid() {
return fmt.Errorf("Value not found for type %v", ft)
return nil
// Maps the concrete value of val to its dynamic type using reflect.TypeOf,
// It returns the TypeMapper registered in.
func (i *injector) Map(val interface{}) TypeMapper {
i.values[reflect.TypeOf(val)] = reflect.ValueOf(val)
return i
func (i *injector) MapTo(val interface{}, ifacePtr interface{}) TypeMapper {
i.values[InterfaceOf(ifacePtr)] = reflect.ValueOf(val)
return i
// Maps the given reflect.Type to the given reflect.Value and returns
// the Typemapper the mapping has been registered in.
func (i *injector) Set(typ reflect.Type, val reflect.Value) TypeMapper {
i.values[typ] = val
return i
func (i *injector) Get(t reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
val := i.values[t]
if val.IsValid() {
return val
// no concrete types found, try to find implementors
// if t is an interface
if t.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
for k, v := range i.values {
if k.Implements(t) {
val = v
// Still no type found, try to look it up on the parent
if !val.IsValid() && i.parent != nil {
val = i.parent.Get(t)
return val
func (i *injector) SetParent(parent Injector) {
i.parent = parent

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2013 Jeremy Saenz
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# auth
Martini middleware/handler for http basic authentication.
[API Reference](
## Usage
~~~ go
import (
func main() {
m := martini.Classic()
// authenticate every request
m.Use(auth.Basic("username", "secretpassword"))
## Authors
* [Jeremy Saenz](
* [Brendon Murphy](

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package auth
import (
// Basic returns a Handler that authenticates via Basic Auth. Writes a http.StatusUnauthorized
// if authentication fails
func Basic(username string, password string) http.HandlerFunc {
var siteAuth = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(username + ":" + password))
return func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
auth := req.Header.Get("Authorization")
if !SecureCompare(auth, "Basic "+siteAuth) {
res.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"Authorization Required\"")
http.Error(res, "Not Authorized", http.StatusUnauthorized)

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package auth
import (
// SecureCompare performs a constant time compare of two strings to limit timing attacks.
func SecureCompare(given string, actual string) bool {
if subtle.ConstantTimeEq(int32(len(given)), int32(len(actual))) == 1 {
return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(given), []byte(actual)) == 1
} else {
/* Securely compare actual to itself to keep constant time, but always return false */
return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(actual), []byte(actual)) == 1 && false

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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
# binding
Request data binding for Martini.
[API Reference](
## Description
Package `binding` provides several middleware for transforming raw request data into populated structs, validating the input, and handling the errors. Each handler is independent and optional.
#### Bind
`binding.Bind` is a convenient wrapper over the other handlers in this package. It does the following boilerplate for you:
1. Deserializes the request data into a struct you supply
2. Performs validation with `binding.Validate`
3. Bails out with `binding.ErrorHandler` if there are any errors
Your application (the final handler) will not even see the request if there are any errors.
It reads the Content-Type of the request to know how to deserialize it, or if the Content-Type is not specified, it tries different deserializers until one returns without errors.
#### Form
`binding.Form` deserializes form data from the request, whether in the query string or as a form-urlencoded payload, and puts the data into a struct you pass in. It then invokes the `binding.Validate` middleware to perform validation. No error handling is performed, but you can get the errors in your handler by receiving a `binding.Errors` type.
#### Json
`binding.Json` deserializes JSON data in the payload of the request and uses `binding.Validate` to perform validation. Similar to `binding.Form`, no error handling is performed, but you can get the errors and handle them yourself.
#### Validate
`binding.Validate` receives a populated struct and checks it for errors, first by enforcing the "required" attribute on struct field tags, then by executing the `Validate()` method on the struct, if it is a `binding.Validator`. (See usage below for an example.)
*Note:* The `required` attribute, which you can append to the end of a struct field tag, means that you do not allow the zero value for that type (i.e. if you want to allow 0 in an int field, do not make it required).
#### ErrorHandler
`binding.ErrorHandler` is a small middleware that simply writes a `400` code to the response and also a JSON payload describing the errors, *if* any errors have been mapped to the context. It does nothing if there are no errors.
## Usage
This is a contrived example to show a few different ways to use the `binding` package.
package main
import (
type BlogPost struct {
Title string `form:"title" json:"title" required`
Content string `form:"content" json:"content"`
Views int `form:"views" json:"views"`
func main() {
m := martini.Classic()
m.Post("/blog", binding.Bind(BlogPost{}), func(blogpost BlogPost) string {
// This function won't execute if there were errors
return blogpost.Title
m.Get("/blog", binding.Form(BlogPost{}), binding.ErrorHandler(), func(blogpost BlogPost) string {
// This function won't execute if there were errors because of the ErrorHandler middleware
return blogpost.Title
m.Get("/blog", binding.Form(BlogPost{}), func(blogpost BlogPost, err binding.Errors, resp http.ResponseWriter) string {
// This function WILL execute if there are errors because binding.Form doesn't handle errors
if err.Count() > 0 {
return blogpost.Title
m.Post("/blog", binding.Json(BlogPost{}), myOwnErrorHandler(), func(blogpost BlogPost) string {
// By this point, I assume that my own middleware took care of any errors
return blogpost.Title
## Authors
* [Matthew Holt](
* [Michael Whatcott](
* [Jeremy Saenz](

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// Package binding transforms, with validation, a raw request into
// a populated structure used by your application logic.
package binding
import (
To the land of Middle-ware Earth:
One func to rule them all,
One func to find them,
One func to bring them all,
And in this package BIND them.
- Sincerely, Sauron
// Bind accepts a copy of an empty struct and populates it with
// values from the request (if deserialization is successful). It
// wraps up the functionality of the Form and Json middleware
// according to the Content-Type of the request, and it guesses
// if no Content-Type is specified. Bind invokes the ErrorHandler
// middleware to bail out if errors occurred. If you want to perform
// your own error handling, use Form or Json middleware directly.
func Bind(obj interface{}) martini.Handler {
return func(context martini.Context, req *http.Request) {
contentType := req.Header.Get("Content-Type")
if strings.Contains(contentType, "form-urlencoded") {
} else if strings.Contains(contentType, "json") {
} else {
if getErrors(context).Count() > 0 {
// Form is middleware to deserialize Form-encoded data from the request.
// It gets data from the form-urlencoded payload, if present, or from the
// query string as well. It uses the http.Request.ParseForm() method to
// perform deserialization, then reflection is used to map each field
// into the struct with the proper type.
func Form(formStruct interface{}) martini.Handler {
return func(context martini.Context, req *http.Request) {
formStruct := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(formStruct))
errors := newErrors()
parseErr := req.ParseForm()
if parseErr != nil {
errors.Overall[DeserializationError] = parseErr.Error()
typ := formStruct.Elem().Type()
for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
typeField := typ.Field(i)
if inputFieldName := typeField.Tag.Get("form"); inputFieldName != "" {
inputValue := req.Form.Get(inputFieldName)
structField := formStruct.Elem().Field(i)
if !structField.CanSet() {
setWithProperType(typeField, inputValue, structField, inputFieldName, errors)
// Json is middleware to deserialize a JSON payload from the request
// into the struct that is passed in. The resulting struct is then
// validated, but no error handling is actually performed here.
func Json(jsonStruct interface{}) martini.Handler {
return func(context martini.Context, req *http.Request) {
jsonStruct := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(jsonStruct))
errors := newErrors()
if req.Body != nil {
defer req.Body.Close()
content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
if err != nil {
errors.Overall[ReaderError] = err.Error()
} else if err = json.Unmarshal(content, jsonStruct.Interface()); err != nil {
errors.Overall[DeserializationError] = err.Error()
// Validate is middleware to enforce required fields. If the struct
// passed in is a Validator, then the user-defined Validate method
// is executed, and its errors are mapped to the context. This middleware
// performs no error handling: it merely detects them and maps them.
func Validate(obj interface{}) martini.Handler {
return func(context martini.Context, req *http.Request) {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(obj).Elem()
errors := newErrors()
for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
field := typ.Field(i)
zero := reflect.Zero(field.Type).Interface()
val := reflect.ValueOf(obj)
if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || val.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
val = val.Elem()
value := val.Field(i).Interface()
if hasRequired(string(field.Tag)) && reflect.DeepEqual(zero, value) {
errors.Fields[field.Name] = RequireError
if validator, ok := obj.(Validator); ok {
validator.Validate(errors, req)
// ErrorHandler simply counts the number of errors in the
// context and, if more than 0, writes a 400 Bad Request
// response and a JSON payload describing the errors.
// Middleware still on the stack will not even see the request
// if, by this point, there are any errors.
// This is a "default" handler, of sorts, and you are
// welcome to use your own instead. The Bind middleware
// invokes this automatically for convenience.
func ErrorHandler() martini.Handler {
return func(context martini.Context, req *http.Request, resp http.ResponseWriter) {
errs := getErrors(context)
if errs.Count() > 0 {
errOutput, _ := json.Marshal(errs)
// Parsing tags on our own? Madness, you say: The reflect package
// does this for us! Well, not really. The built-in parsing
// done by .Get() gets the value only, and doesn't detect if the
// key is there. Example: .Get("key") is "" for both `key:""` and ``.
// We just want to know if the 'required' key is present in the tag.
// (The encoding/json package does something similar in tags.go.)
func hasRequired(tag string) bool {
word, required := "", "required"
skip := false
for i := 0; i < len(tag); i++ {
char := tag[i]
letter := tag[i : i+1]
if char == '"' {
skip = !skip
if skip {
} else if char == ' ' || char == '\t' || char == ':' { // `required:"whatever"` will still return true
if word == required {
return true
word = ""
} else {
word += letter
if i == len(tag)-1 {
if word == required {
return true
return false
// This sets the value in a struct of an indeterminate type to the
// matching value from the request (via Form middleware) in the
// same type, so that not all deserialized values have to be strings.
// Supported types are string, int, float, and bool.
func setWithProperType(typeField reflect.StructField, val string, structField reflect.Value, nameInTag string, errors *Errors) {
switch typeField.Type.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
if val == "" {
val = "0"
intVal, err := strconv.Atoi(val)
if err != nil {
errors.Fields[nameInTag] = IntegerTypeError
} else {
case reflect.Bool:
if val == "" {
val = "false"
boolVal, err := strconv.ParseBool(val)
if err != nil {
errors.Fields[nameInTag] = BooleanTypeError
} else {
case reflect.Float32:
if val == "" {
val = "0.0"
floatVal, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 32)
if err != nil {
errors.Fields[nameInTag] = FloatTypeError
} else {
case reflect.Float64:
if val == "" {
val = "0.0"
floatVal, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64)
if err != nil {
errors.Fields[nameInTag] = FloatTypeError
} else {
case reflect.String:
// Don't pass in pointers to bind to. Can lead to bugs. See:
func ensureNotPointer(obj interface{}) {
if reflect.TypeOf(obj).Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
panic("Pointers are not accepted as binding models")
func newErrors() *Errors {
return &Errors{make(map[string]string), make(map[string]string)}
func getErrors(context martini.Context) Errors {
return context.Get(reflect.TypeOf(Errors{})).Interface().(Errors)
func (this *Errors) combine(other Errors) {
for key, val := range other.Fields {
if _, exists := this.Fields[key]; !exists {
this.Fields[key] = val
for key, val := range other.Overall {
if _, exists := this.Overall[key]; !exists {
this.Overall[key] = val
// Total errors is the sum of errors with the request overall
// and errors on individual fields.
func (self Errors) Count() int {
return len(self.Overall) + len(self.Fields)
type (
// Errors represents the contract of the response body when the
// binding step fails before getting to the application.
Errors struct {
Overall map[string]string `json:"overall"`
Fields map[string]string `json:"fields"`
// Implement the Validator interface to define your own input
// validation before the request even gets to your application.
// The Validate method will be executed during the validation phase.
Validator interface {
Validate(*Errors, *http.Request)
const (
RequireError string = "Required"
DeserializationError string = "DeserializationError"
ReaderError string = "ReaderError"
IntegerTypeError string = "IntegerTypeError"
BooleanTypeError string = "BooleanTypeError"
FloatTypeError string = "FloatTypeError"

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Archs Sun
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
# Folders
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2013 Jeremy Saenz
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
# Martini [![wercker status]( "wercker status")]([![GoDoc](](
Martini is a powerful package for quickly writing modular web applications/services in Golang.
Language Translations:
* [Simplified Chinese (zh_CN)](translations/
* [Simplified Portuguese (PT_br)](translations/
* [한국어 번역](translations/
* [Русский](translations/
## Getting Started
After installing Go and setting up your [GOPATH](, create your first `.go` file. We'll call it `server.go`.
~~~ go
package main
import ""
func main() {
m := martini.Classic()
m.Get("/", func() string {
return "Hello world!"
Then install the Martini package (**go 1.1** and greater is required):
go get
Then run your server:
go run server.go
You will now have a Martini webserver running on `localhost:3000`.
## Getting Help
Join the [Mailing list](!forum/martini-go)
Watch the [Demo Video](
Ask questions on Stackoverflow using the [martini tag](
GoDoc [documentation](
## Features
* Extremely simple to use.
* Non-intrusive design.
* Plays nice with other Golang packages.
* Awesome path matching and routing.
* Modular design - Easy to add functionality, easy to rip stuff out.
* Lots of good handlers/middlewares to use.
* Great 'out of the box' feature set.
* **Fully compatible with the [http.HandlerFunc]( interface.**
## More Middleware
For more middleware and functionality, check out the repositories in the [martini-contrib]( organization.
## Table of Contents
* [Classic Martini](#classic-martini)
* [Handlers](#handlers)
* [Routing](#routing)
* [Services](#services)
* [Serving Static Files](#serving-static-files)
* [Middleware Handlers](#middleware-handlers)
* [Next()](#next)
* [Martini Env](#martini-env)
* [FAQ](#faq)
## Classic Martini
To get up and running quickly, [martini.Classic()]( provides some reasonable defaults that work well for most web applications:
~~~ go
m := martini.Classic()
// ... middleware and routing goes here
Below is some of the functionality [martini.Classic()]( pulls in automatically:
* Request/Response Logging - [martini.Logger](
* Panic Recovery - [martini.Recovery](
* Static File serving - [martini.Static](
* Routing - [martini.Router](
### Handlers
Handlers are the heart and soul of Martini. A handler is basically any kind of callable function:
~~~ go
m.Get("/", func() {
println("hello world")
#### Return Values
If a handler returns something, Martini will write the result to the current [http.ResponseWriter]( as a string:
~~~ go
m.Get("/", func() string {
return "hello world" // HTTP 200 : "hello world"
You can also optionally return a status code:
~~~ go
m.Get("/", func() (int, string) {
return 418, "i'm a teapot" // HTTP 418 : "i'm a teapot"
#### Service Injection
Handlers are invoked via reflection. Martini makes use of *Dependency Injection* to resolve dependencies in a Handlers argument list. **This makes Martini completely compatible with golang's `http.HandlerFunc` interface.**
If you add an argument to your Handler, Martini will search its list of services and attempt to resolve the dependency via type assertion:
~~~ go
m.Get("/", func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { // res and req are injected by Martini
res.WriteHeader(200) // HTTP 200
The following services are included with [martini.Classic()](
* [*log.Logger]( - Global logger for Martini.
* [martini.Context]( - http request context.
* [martini.Params]( - `map[string]string` of named params found by route matching.
* [martini.Routes]( - Route helper service.
* [http.ResponseWriter]( - http Response writer interface.
* [*http.Request]( - http Request.
### Routing
In Martini, a route is an HTTP method paired with a URL-matching pattern.
Each route can take one or more handler methods:
~~~ go
m.Get("/", func() {
// show something
m.Patch("/", func() {
// update something
m.Post("/", func() {
// create something
m.Put("/", func() {
// replace something
m.Delete("/", func() {
// destroy something
m.Options("/", func() {
// http options
m.NotFound(func() {
// handle 404
Routes are matched in the order they are defined. The first route that
matches the request is invoked.
Route patterns may include named parameters, accessible via the [martini.Params]( service:
~~~ go
m.Get("/hello/:name", func(params martini.Params) string {
return "Hello " + params["name"]
Routes can be matched with globs:
~~~ go
m.Get("/hello/**", func(params martini.Params) string {
return "Hello " + params["_1"]
Regular expressions can be used as well:
m.Get("/hello/(?P<name>[a-zA-Z]+)", func(params martini.Params) string {
return fmt.Sprintf ("Hello %s", params["name"])
Take a look at the [Go documentation]( for more info about regular expressions syntax .
Route handlers can be stacked on top of each other, which is useful for things like authentication and authorization:
~~~ go
m.Get("/secret", authorize, func() {
// this will execute as long as authorize doesn't write a response
Route groups can be added too using the Group method.
~~~ go
m.Group("/books", func(r martini.Router) {
r.Get("/:id", GetBooks)
r.Post("/new", NewBook)
r.Put("/update/:id", UpdateBook)
r.Delete("/delete/:id", DeleteBook)
Just like you can pass middlewares to a handler you can pass middlewares to groups.
~~~ go
m.Group("/books", func(r martini.Router) {
r.Get("/:id", GetBooks)
r.Post("/new", NewBook)
r.Put("/update/:id", UpdateBook)
r.Delete("/delete/:id", DeleteBook)
}, MyMiddleware1, MyMiddleware2)
### Services
Services are objects that are available to be injected into a Handler's argument list. You can map a service on a *Global* or *Request* level.
#### Global Mapping
A Martini instance implements the inject.Injector interface, so mapping a service is easy:
~~~ go
db := &MyDatabase{}
m := martini.Classic()
m.Map(db) // the service will be available to all handlers as *MyDatabase
// ...
#### Request-Level Mapping
Mapping on the request level can be done in a handler via [martini.Context](
~~~ go
func MyCustomLoggerHandler(c martini.Context, req *http.Request) {
logger := &MyCustomLogger{req}
c.Map(logger) // mapped as *MyCustomLogger
#### Mapping values to Interfaces
One of the most powerful parts about services is the ability to map a service to an interface. For instance, if you wanted to override the [http.ResponseWriter]( with an object that wrapped it and performed extra operations, you can write the following handler:
~~~ go
func WrapResponseWriter(res http.ResponseWriter, c martini.Context) {
rw := NewSpecialResponseWriter(res)
c.MapTo(rw, (*http.ResponseWriter)(nil)) // override ResponseWriter with our wrapper ResponseWriter
### Serving Static Files
A [martini.Classic()]( instance automatically serves static files from the "public" directory in the root of your server.
You can serve from more directories by adding more [martini.Static]( handlers.
~~~ go
m.Use(martini.Static("assets")) // serve from the "assets" directory as well
## Middleware Handlers
Middleware Handlers sit between the incoming http request and the router. In essence they are no different than any other Handler in Martini. You can add a middleware handler to the stack like so:
~~~ go
m.Use(func() {
// do some middleware stuff
You can have full control over the middleware stack with the `Handlers` function. This will replace any handlers that have been previously set:
~~~ go
Middleware Handlers work really well for things like logging, authorization, authentication, sessions, gzipping, error pages and any other operations that must happen before or after an http request:
~~~ go
// validate an api key
m.Use(func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if req.Header.Get("X-API-KEY") != "secret123" {
### Next()
[Context.Next()]( is an optional function that Middleware Handlers can call to yield the until after the other Handlers have been executed. This works really well for any operations that must happen after an http request:
~~~ go
// log before and after a request
m.Use(func(c martini.Context, log *log.Logger){
log.Println("before a request")
log.Println("after a request")
## Martini Env
Some Martini handlers make use of the `martini.Env` global variable to provide special functionality for development environments vs production environments. It is recommended that the `MARTINI_ENV=production` environment variable to be set when deploying a Martini server into a production environment.
## FAQ
### Where do I find middleware X?
Start by looking in the [martini-contrib]( projects. If it is not there feel free to contact a martini-contrib team member about adding a new repo to the organization.
* [auth]( - Handlers for authentication.
* [binding]( - Handler for mapping/validating a raw request into a structure.
* [gzip]( - Handler for adding gzip compress to requests
* [render]( - Handler that provides a service for easily rendering JSON and HTML templates.
* [acceptlang]( - Handler for parsing the `Accept-Language` HTTP header.
* [sessions]( - Handler that provides a Session service.
* [strip]( - URL Prefix stripping.
* [method]( - HTTP method overriding via Header or form fields.
* [secure]( - Implements a few quick security wins.
* [encoder]( - Encoder service for rendering data in several formats and content negotiation.
* [cors]( - Handler that enables CORS support.
* [oauth2]( - Handler that provides OAuth 2.0 login for Martini apps. Google Sign-in, Facebook Connect and Github login is supported.
### How do I integrate with existing servers?
A Martini instance implements `http.Handler`, so it can easily be used to serve subtrees
on existing Go servers. For example this is a working Martini app for Google App Engine:
~~~ go
package hello
import (
func init() {
m := martini.Classic()
m.Get("/", func() string {
return "Hello world!"
http.Handle("/", m)
### How do I change the port/host?
Martini's `Run` function looks for the PORT and HOST environment variables and uses those. Otherwise Martini will default to localhost:3000.
To have more flexibility over port and host, use the `http.ListenAndServe` function instead.
~~~ go
m := martini.Classic()
// ...
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", m))
### Live code reload?
[gin]( and [fresh]( both live reload martini apps.
## Contributing
Martini is meant to be kept tiny and clean. Most contributions should end up in a repository in the [martini-contrib]( organization. If you do have a contribution for the core of Martini feel free to put up a Pull Request.
## About
Inspired by [express]( and [sinatra](
Martini is obsessively designed by none other than the [Code Gangsta](

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package martini
import (
// Envs
const (
Dev string = "development"
Prod string = "production"
Test string = "test"
// Env is the environment that Martini is executing in. The MARTINI_ENV is read on initialization to set this variable.
var Env = Dev
func setENV(e string) {
if len(e) > 0 {
Env = e
func init() {

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
// +build !go1.1
package martini
func MartiniDoesNotSupportGo1Point0() {
"Martini requires Go 1.1 or greater."

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package martini
import (
// Logger returns a middleware handler that logs the request as it goes in and the response as it goes out.
func Logger() Handler {
return func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, c Context, log *log.Logger) {
start := time.Now()
addr := req.Header.Get("X-Real-IP")
if addr == "" {
addr = req.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For")
if addr == "" {
addr = req.RemoteAddr
log.Printf("Started %s %s for %s", req.Method, req.URL.Path, addr)
rw := res.(ResponseWriter)
log.Printf("Completed %v %s in %v\n", rw.Status(), http.StatusText(rw.Status()), time.Since(start))

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@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
// Package martini is a powerful package for quickly writing modular web applications/services in Golang.
// For a full guide visit
// package main
// import ""
// func main() {
// m := martini.Classic()
// m.Get("/", func() string {
// return "Hello world!"
// })
// m.Run()
// }
package martini
import (
// Martini represents the top level web application. inject.Injector methods can be invoked to map services on a global level.
type Martini struct {
handlers []Handler
action Handler
logger *log.Logger
// New creates a bare bones Martini instance. Use this method if you want to have full control over the middleware that is used.
func New() *Martini {
m := &Martini{Injector: inject.New(), action: func() {}, logger: log.New(os.Stdout, "[martini] ", 0)}
return m
// Handlers sets the entire middleware stack with the given Handlers. This will clear any current middleware handlers.
// Will panic if any of the handlers is not a callable function
func (m *Martini) Handlers(handlers ...Handler) {
m.handlers = make([]Handler, 0)
for _, handler := range handlers {
// Action sets the handler that will be called after all the middleware has been invoked. This is set to martini.Router in a martini.Classic().
func (m *Martini) Action(handler Handler) {
m.action = handler
// Use adds a middleware Handler to the stack. Will panic if the handler is not a callable func. Middleware Handlers are invoked in the order that they are added.
func (m *Martini) Use(handler Handler) {
m.handlers = append(m.handlers, handler)
// ServeHTTP is the HTTP Entry point for a Martini instance. Useful if you want to control your own HTTP server.
func (m *Martini) ServeHTTP(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
m.createContext(res, req).run()
// Run the http server. Listening on os.GetEnv("PORT") or 3000 by default.
func (m *Martini) Run() {
port := os.Getenv("PORT")
if port == "" {
port = "3000"
host := os.Getenv("HOST")
logger := m.Injector.Get(reflect.TypeOf(m.logger)).Interface().(*log.Logger)
logger.Printf("listening on %s:%s (%s)\n", host, port, Env)
logger.Fatalln(http.ListenAndServe(host+":"+port, m))
func (m *Martini) createContext(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) *context {
c := &context{inject.New(), m.handlers, m.action, NewResponseWriter(res), 0}
c.MapTo(c, (*Context)(nil))
c.MapTo(, (*http.ResponseWriter)(nil))
return c
// ClassicMartini represents a Martini with some reasonable defaults. Embeds the router functions for convenience.
type ClassicMartini struct {
// Classic creates a classic Martini with some basic default middleware - martini.Logger, martini.Recovery and martini.Static.
// Classic also maps martini.Routes as a service.
func Classic() *ClassicMartini {
r := NewRouter()
m := New()
m.MapTo(r, (*Routes)(nil))
return &ClassicMartini{m, r}
// Handler can be any callable function. Martini attempts to inject services into the handler's argument list.
// Martini will panic if an argument could not be fullfilled via dependency injection.
type Handler interface{}
func validateHandler(handler Handler) {
if reflect.TypeOf(handler).Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic("martini handler must be a callable func")
// Context represents a request context. Services can be mapped on the request level from this interface.
type Context interface {
// Next is an optional function that Middleware Handlers can call to yield the until after
// the other Handlers have been executed. This works really well for any operations that must
// happen after an http request
// Written returns whether or not the response for this context has been written.
Written() bool
type context struct {
handlers []Handler
action Handler
rw ResponseWriter
index int
func (c *context) handler() Handler {
if c.index < len(c.handlers) {
return c.handlers[c.index]
if c.index == len(c.handlers) {
return c.action
panic("invalid index for context handler")
func (c *context) Next() {
c.index += 1
func (c *context) Written() bool {
func (c *context) run() {
for c.index <= len(c.handlers) {
_, err := c.Invoke(c.handler())
if err != nil {
c.index += 1
if c.Written() {

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@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
package martini
import (
const (
panicHtml = `<html>
<head><title>PANIC: %s</title>
<style type="text/css">
html, body {
font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif;
color: #333333;
background-color: #ea5343;
margin: 0px;
h1 {
color: #d04526;
background-color: #ffffff;
padding: 20px;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #2b3848;
pre {
margin: 20px;
padding: 20px;
border: 2px solid #2b3848;
background-color: #ffffff;
<pre style="font-weight: bold;">%s</pre>
var (
dunno = []byte("???")
centerDot = []byte("·")
dot = []byte(".")
slash = []byte("/")
// stack returns a nicely formated stack frame, skipping skip frames
func stack(skip int) []byte {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer) // the returned data
// As we loop, we open files and read them. These variables record the currently
// loaded file.
var lines [][]byte
var lastFile string
for i := skip; ; i++ { // Skip the expected number of frames
pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(i)
if !ok {
// Print this much at least. If we can't find the source, it won't show.
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s:%d (0x%x)\n", file, line, pc)
if file != lastFile {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
lines = bytes.Split(data, []byte{'\n'})
lastFile = file
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\t%s: %s\n", function(pc), source(lines, line))
return buf.Bytes()
// source returns a space-trimmed slice of the n'th line.
func source(lines [][]byte, n int) []byte {
n-- // in stack trace, lines are 1-indexed but our array is 0-indexed
if n < 0 || n >= len(lines) {
return dunno
return bytes.TrimSpace(lines[n])
// function returns, if possible, the name of the function containing the PC.
func function(pc uintptr) []byte {
fn := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
if fn == nil {
return dunno
name := []byte(fn.Name())
// The name includes the path name to the package, which is unnecessary
// since the file name is already included. Plus, it has center dots.
// That is, we see
// runtime/debug.*T·ptrmethod
// and want
// *T.ptrmethod
// Also the package path might contains dot (e.g.,
// so first eliminate the path prefix
if lastslash := bytes.LastIndex(name, slash); lastslash >= 0 {
name = name[lastslash+1:]
if period := bytes.Index(name, dot); period >= 0 {
name = name[period+1:]
name = bytes.Replace(name, centerDot, dot, -1)
return name
// Recovery returns a middleware that recovers from any panics and writes a 500 if there was one.
// While Martini is in development mode, Recovery will also output the panic as HTML.
func Recovery() Handler {
return func(c Context, log *log.Logger) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
stack := stack(3)
log.Printf("PANIC: %s\n%s", err, stack)
// Lookup the current responsewriter
val := c.Get(inject.InterfaceOf((*http.ResponseWriter)(nil)))
res := val.Interface().(http.ResponseWriter)
// respond with panic message while in development mode
var body []byte
if Env == Dev {
res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
body = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(panicHtml, err, err, stack))
if nil != body {

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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
package martini
import (
// ResponseWriter is a wrapper around http.ResponseWriter that provides extra information about
// the response. It is recommended that middleware handlers use this construct to wrap a responsewriter
// if the functionality calls for it.
type ResponseWriter interface {
// Status returns the status code of the response or 0 if the response has not been written.
Status() int
// Written returns whether or not the ResponseWriter has been written.
Written() bool
// Size returns the size of the response body.
Size() int
// Before allows for a function to be called before the ResponseWriter has been written to. This is
// useful for setting headers or any other operations that must happen before a response has been written.
// BeforeFunc is a function that is called before the ResponseWriter has been written to.
type BeforeFunc func(ResponseWriter)
// NewResponseWriter creates a ResponseWriter that wraps an http.ResponseWriter
func NewResponseWriter(rw http.ResponseWriter) ResponseWriter {
return &responseWriter{rw, 0, 0, nil}
type responseWriter struct {
status int
size int
beforeFuncs []BeforeFunc
func (rw *responseWriter) WriteHeader(s int) {
rw.status = s
func (rw *responseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
if !rw.Written() {
// The status will be StatusOK if WriteHeader has not been called yet
size, err := rw.ResponseWriter.Write(b)
rw.size += size
return size, err
func (rw *responseWriter) Status() int {
return rw.status
func (rw *responseWriter) Size() int {
return rw.size
func (rw *responseWriter) Written() bool {
return rw.status != 0
func (rw *responseWriter) Before(before BeforeFunc) {
rw.beforeFuncs = append(rw.beforeFuncs, before)
func (rw *responseWriter) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) {
hijacker, ok := rw.ResponseWriter.(http.Hijacker)
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("the ResponseWriter doesn't support the Hijacker interface")
return hijacker.Hijack()
func (rw *responseWriter) CloseNotify() <-chan bool {
return rw.ResponseWriter.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify()
func (rw *responseWriter) callBefore() {
for i := len(rw.beforeFuncs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
func (rw *responseWriter) Flush() {
flusher, ok := rw.ResponseWriter.(http.Flusher)
if ok {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package martini
import (
// ReturnHandler is a service that Martini provides that is called
// when a route handler returns something. The ReturnHandler is
// responsible for writing to the ResponseWriter based on the values
// that are passed into this function.
type ReturnHandler func(Context, []reflect.Value)
func defaultReturnHandler() ReturnHandler {
return func(ctx Context, vals []reflect.Value) {
rv := ctx.Get(inject.InterfaceOf((*http.ResponseWriter)(nil)))
res := rv.Interface().(http.ResponseWriter)
var responseVal reflect.Value
if len(vals) > 1 && vals[0].Kind() == reflect.Int {
responseVal = vals[1]
} else if len(vals) > 0 {
responseVal = vals[0]
if canDeref(responseVal) {
responseVal = responseVal.Elem()
if isByteSlice(responseVal) {
} else {
func isByteSlice(val reflect.Value) bool {
return val.Kind() == reflect.Slice && val.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8
func canDeref(val reflect.Value) bool {
return val.Kind() == reflect.Interface || val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr

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@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
package martini
import (
// Params is a map of name/value pairs for named routes. An instance of martini.Params is available to be injected into any route handler.
type Params map[string]string
// Router is Martini's de-facto routing interface. Supports HTTP verbs, stacked handlers, and dependency injection.
type Router interface {
// Group adds a group where related routes can be added.
Group(string, func(Router), ...Handler)
// Get adds a route for a HTTP GET request to the specified matching pattern.
Get(string, ...Handler) Route
// Patch adds a route for a HTTP PATCH request to the specified matching pattern.
Patch(string, ...Handler) Route
// Post adds a route for a HTTP POST request to the specified matching pattern.
Post(string, ...Handler) Route
// Put adds a route for a HTTP PUT request to the specified matching pattern.
Put(string, ...Handler) Route
// Delete adds a route for a HTTP DELETE request to the specified matching pattern.
Delete(string, ...Handler) Route
// Options adds a route for a HTTP OPTIONS request to the specified matching pattern.
Options(string, ...Handler) Route
// Head adds a route for a HTTP HEAD request to the specified matching pattern.
Head(string, ...Handler) Route
// Any adds a route for any HTTP method request to the specified matching pattern.
Any(string, ...Handler) Route
// NotFound sets the handlers that are called when a no route matches a request. Throws a basic 404 by default.
// Handle is the entry point for routing. This is used as a martini.Handler
Handle(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, Context)
type router struct {
routes []*route
notFounds []Handler
groups []group
type group struct {
pattern string
handlers []Handler
// NewRouter creates a new Router instance.
// If you aren't using ClassicMartini, then you can add Routes as a
// service with:
// m := martini.New()
// r := martini.NewRouter()
// m.MapTo(r, (*martini.Routes)(nil))
// If you are using ClassicMartini, then this is done for you.
func NewRouter() Router {
return &router{notFounds: []Handler{http.NotFound}, groups: make([]group, 0)}
func (r *router) Group(pattern string, fn func(Router), h ...Handler) {
r.groups = append(r.groups, group{pattern, h})
r.groups = r.groups[:len(r.groups)-1]
func (r *router) Get(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("GET", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Patch(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("PATCH", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Post(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("POST", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Put(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("PUT", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Delete(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("DELETE", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Options(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("OPTIONS", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Head(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("HEAD", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Any(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("*", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Handle(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, context Context) {
for _, route := range r.routes {
ok, vals := route.Match(req.Method, req.URL.Path)
if ok {
params := Params(vals)
route.Handle(context, res)
// no routes exist, 404
c := &routeContext{context, 0, r.notFounds}
context.MapTo(c, (*Context)(nil))
func (r *router) NotFound(handler ...Handler) {
r.notFounds = handler
func (r *router) addRoute(method string, pattern string, handlers []Handler) *route {
if len(r.groups) > 0 {
groupPattern := ""
h := make([]Handler, 0)
for _, g := range r.groups {
groupPattern += g.pattern
h = append(h, g.handlers...)
pattern = groupPattern + pattern
h = append(h, handlers...)
handlers = h
route := newRoute(method, pattern, handlers)
r.routes = append(r.routes, route)
return route
func (r *router) findRoute(name string) *route {
for _, route := range r.routes {
if == name {
return route
return nil
// Route is an interface representing a Route in Martini's routing layer.
type Route interface {
// URLWith returns a rendering of the Route's url with the given string params.
URLWith([]string) string
// Name sets a name for the route.
// GetName returns the name of the route.
GetName() string
// Pattern returns the pattern of the route.
Pattern() string
// Method returns the method of the route.
Method() string
type route struct {
method string
regex *regexp.Regexp
handlers []Handler
pattern string
name string
func newRoute(method string, pattern string, handlers []Handler) *route {
route := route{method, nil, handlers, pattern, ""}
r := regexp.MustCompile(`:[^/#?()\.\\]+`)
pattern = r.ReplaceAllStringFunc(pattern, func(m string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`(?P<%s>[^/#?]+)`, m[1:])
r2 := regexp.MustCompile(`\*\*`)
var index int
pattern = r2.ReplaceAllStringFunc(pattern, func(m string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`(?P<_%d>[^#?]*)`, index)
pattern += `\/?`
route.regex = regexp.MustCompile(pattern)
return &route
func (r route) MatchMethod(method string) bool {
return r.method == "*" || method == r.method || (method == "HEAD" && r.method == "GET")
func (r route) Match(method string, path string) (bool, map[string]string) {
// add Any method matching support
if !r.MatchMethod(method) {
return false, nil
matches := r.regex.FindStringSubmatch(path)
if len(matches) > 0 && matches[0] == path {
params := make(map[string]string)
for i, name := range r.regex.SubexpNames() {
if len(name) > 0 {
params[name] = matches[i]
return true, params
return false, nil
func (r *route) Validate() {
for _, handler := range r.handlers {
func (r *route) Handle(c Context, res http.ResponseWriter) {
context := &routeContext{c, 0, r.handlers}
c.MapTo(context, (*Context)(nil))
c.MapTo(r, (*Route)(nil))
// URLWith returns the url pattern replacing the parameters for its values
func (r *route) URLWith(args []string) string {
if len(args) > 0 {
reg := regexp.MustCompile(`:[^/#?()\.\\]+`)
argCount := len(args)
i := 0
url := reg.ReplaceAllStringFunc(r.pattern, func(m string) string {
var val interface{}
if i < argCount {
val = args[i]
} else {
val = m
i += 1
return fmt.Sprintf(`%v`, val)
return url
return r.pattern
func (r *route) Name(name string) { = name
func (r *route) GetName() string {
func (r *route) Pattern() string {
return r.pattern
func (r *route) Method() string {
return r.method
// Routes is a helper service for Martini's routing layer.
type Routes interface {
// URLFor returns a rendered URL for the given route. Optional params can be passed to fulfill named parameters in the route.
URLFor(name string, params ...interface{}) string
// MethodsFor returns an array of methods available for the path
MethodsFor(path string) []string
// All returns an array with all the routes in the router.
All() []Route
// URLFor returns the url for the given route name.
func (r *router) URLFor(name string, params ...interface{}) string {
route := r.findRoute(name)
if route == nil {
panic("route not found")
var args []string
for _, param := range params {
switch v := param.(type) {
case int:
args = append(args, strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10))
case string:
args = append(args, v)
if v != nil {
panic("Arguments passed to URLFor must be integers or strings")
return route.URLWith(args)
func (r *router) All() []Route {
var ri = make([]Route, len(r.routes))
for i, route := range r.routes {
ri[i] = Route(route)
return ri
func hasMethod(methods []string, method string) bool {
for _, v := range methods {
if v == method {
return true
return false
// MethodsFor returns all methods available for path
func (r *router) MethodsFor(path string) []string {
methods := []string{}
for _, route := range r.routes {
matches := route.regex.FindStringSubmatch(path)
if len(matches) > 0 && matches[0] == path && !hasMethod(methods, route.method) {
methods = append(methods, route.method)
return methods
type routeContext struct {
index int
handlers []Handler
func (r *routeContext) Next() {
r.index += 1
func (r *routeContext) run() {
for r.index < len(r.handlers) {
handler := r.handlers[r.index]
vals, err := r.Invoke(handler)
if err != nil {
r.index += 1
// if the handler returned something, write it to the http response
if len(vals) > 0 {
ev := r.Get(reflect.TypeOf(ReturnHandler(nil)))
handleReturn := ev.Interface().(ReturnHandler)
handleReturn(r, vals)
if r.Written() {

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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
package martini
import (
// StaticOptions is a struct for specifying configuration options for the martini.Static middleware.
type StaticOptions struct {
// Prefix is the optional prefix used to serve the static directory content
Prefix string
// SkipLogging will disable [Static] log messages when a static file is served.
SkipLogging bool
// IndexFile defines which file to serve as index if it exists.
IndexFile string
// Expires defines which user-defined function to use for producing a HTTP Expires Header
Expires func() string
func prepareStaticOptions(options []StaticOptions) StaticOptions {
var opt StaticOptions
if len(options) > 0 {
opt = options[0]
// Defaults
if len(opt.IndexFile) == 0 {
opt.IndexFile = "index.html"
// Normalize the prefix if provided
if opt.Prefix != "" {
// Ensure we have a leading '/'
if opt.Prefix[0] != '/' {
opt.Prefix = "/" + opt.Prefix
// Remove any trailing '/'
opt.Prefix = strings.TrimRight(opt.Prefix, "/")
return opt
// Static returns a middleware handler that serves static files in the given directory.
func Static(directory string, staticOpt ...StaticOptions) Handler {
dir := http.Dir(directory)
opt := prepareStaticOptions(staticOpt)
return func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, log *log.Logger) {
if req.Method != "GET" && req.Method != "HEAD" {
file := req.URL.Path
// if we have a prefix, filter requests by stripping the prefix
if opt.Prefix != "" {
if !strings.HasPrefix(file, opt.Prefix) {
file = file[len(opt.Prefix):]
if file != "" && file[0] != '/' {
f, err := dir.Open(file)
if err != nil {
// discard the error?
defer f.Close()
fi, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
// try to serve index file
if fi.IsDir() {
// redirect if missing trailing slash
if !strings.HasSuffix(req.URL.Path, "/") {
http.Redirect(res, req, req.URL.Path+"/", http.StatusFound)
file = path.Join(file, opt.IndexFile)
f, err = dir.Open(file)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
fi, err = f.Stat()
if err != nil || fi.IsDir() {
if !opt.SkipLogging {
log.Println("[Static] Serving " + file)
// Add an Expires header to the static content
if opt.Expires != nil {
res.Header().Set("Expires", opt.Expires())
http.ServeContent(res, req, file, fi.ModTime(), f)

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
box: wercker/golang@1.1.1

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package boshcli
import (
// Check that `bosh curl` exists else error & exit
func Check() {
// check that 'bosh' available
cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", "bosh -h")
stdoutStderr, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", stdoutStderr)
log.Fatal("Install 'bosh' from")
// check that 'bosh curl' available
cmd = exec.Command("sh", "-c", "bosh curl -h")
stdoutStderr, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", stdoutStderr)
log.Fatal("Need 'bosh curl' from")
// check that bosh environment configured and connectable
cmd = exec.Command("sh", "-c", "bosh curl /info")
stdoutStderr, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", stdoutStderr)
log.Fatal("Cannot connect to BOSH")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
package boshcli
import (
// Deployments lists what is deployed, with which releases/stemcells/cloud-config/teams
type Deployments []struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Releases []struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Version string `json:"version"`
} `json:"releases"`
Stemcells []struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Version string `json:"version"`
} `json:"stemcells"`
CloudConfig string `json:"cloud_config"`
Teams []interface{} `json:"teams"`
// Deployment provides the manifest for the last successful deployment, if any
type Deployment struct {
Name string
Manifest string `json:"manifest"`
// GetDeployments from target BOSH environment
func GetDeployments() (deployments *Deployments) {
deployments = &Deployments{}
cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", "bosh curl /deployments")
stdoutStderr, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", stdoutStderr)
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(stdoutStderr), deployments); err != nil {
// GetDeploymentManifest from target BOSH environment
func GetDeploymentManifest(name string) (deployment *Deployment) {
deployment = &Deployment{}
cmdString := fmt.Sprintf("bosh curl /deployments/%s", name)
cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", cmdString)
stdoutStderr, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", stdoutStderr)
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(stdoutStderr), deployment); err != nil {
deployment.Name = name

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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package boshcli
import (
// Info describes a target BOSH environment
type Info struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
UUID string `json:"uuid"`
Version string `json:"version"`
User string `json:"user"`
CPI string `json:"cpi"`
UserAuthentication struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Options struct {
URL string `json:"url"`
Urls []string `json:"urls"`
} `json:"options"`
} `json:"user_authentication"`
Features struct {
DNS struct {
Status bool `json:"status"`
Extras struct {
DomainName string `json:"domain_name"`
} `json:"extras"`
} `json:"dns"`
CompiledPackageCache struct {
Status bool `json:"status"`
Extras struct {
Provider interface{} `json:"provider"`
} `json:"extras"`
} `json:"compiled_package_cache"`
Snapshots struct {
Status bool `json:"status"`
} `json:"snapshots"`
ConfigServer struct {
Status bool `json:"status"`
Extras struct {
Urls []string `json:"urls"`
} `json:"extras"`
} `json:"config_server"`
} `json:"features"`
// GetInfo from target BOSH environment
func GetInfo() (info *Info) {
info = &Info{}
cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", "bosh curl /info")
stdoutStderr, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", stdoutStderr)
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(stdoutStderr), info); err != nil {

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
# Folders
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2013 Jeremy Saenz
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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# Martini [![wercker status]( "wercker status")]([![GoDoc](](
Martini is a powerful package for quickly writing modular web applications/services in Golang.
Language Translations:
* [Simplified Chinese (zh_CN)](translations/
* [Simplified Portuguese (PT_br)](translations/
* [한국어 번역](translations/
* [Русский](translations/
## Getting Started
After installing Go and setting up your [GOPATH](, create your first `.go` file. We'll call it `server.go`.
~~~ go
package main
import ""
func main() {
m := martini.Classic()
m.Get("/", func() string {
return "Hello world!"
Then install the Martini package (**go 1.1** and greater is required):
go get
Then run your server:
go run server.go
You will now have a Martini webserver running on `localhost:3000`.
## Getting Help
Join the [Mailing list](!forum/martini-go)
Watch the [Demo Video](
Ask questions on Stackoverflow using the [martini tag](
GoDoc [documentation](
## Features
* Extremely simple to use.
* Non-intrusive design.
* Plays nice with other Golang packages.
* Awesome path matching and routing.
* Modular design - Easy to add functionality, easy to rip stuff out.
* Lots of good handlers/middlewares to use.
* Great 'out of the box' feature set.
* **Fully compatible with the [http.HandlerFunc]( interface.**
## More Middleware
For more middleware and functionality, check out the repositories in the [martini-contrib]( organization.
## Table of Contents
* [Classic Martini](#classic-martini)
* [Handlers](#handlers)
* [Routing](#routing)
* [Services](#services)
* [Serving Static Files](#serving-static-files)
* [Middleware Handlers](#middleware-handlers)
* [Next()](#next)
* [Martini Env](#martini-env)
* [FAQ](#faq)
## Classic Martini
To get up and running quickly, [martini.Classic()]( provides some reasonable defaults that work well for most web applications:
~~~ go
m := martini.Classic()
// ... middleware and routing goes here
Below is some of the functionality [martini.Classic()]( pulls in automatically:
* Request/Response Logging - [martini.Logger](
* Panic Recovery - [martini.Recovery](
* Static File serving - [martini.Static](
* Routing - [martini.Router](
### Handlers
Handlers are the heart and soul of Martini. A handler is basically any kind of callable function:
~~~ go
m.Get("/", func() {
println("hello world")
#### Return Values
If a handler returns something, Martini will write the result to the current [http.ResponseWriter]( as a string:
~~~ go
m.Get("/", func() string {
return "hello world" // HTTP 200 : "hello world"
You can also optionally return a status code:
~~~ go
m.Get("/", func() (int, string) {
return 418, "i'm a teapot" // HTTP 418 : "i'm a teapot"
#### Service Injection
Handlers are invoked via reflection. Martini makes use of *Dependency Injection* to resolve dependencies in a Handlers argument list. **This makes Martini completely compatible with golang's `http.HandlerFunc` interface.**
If you add an argument to your Handler, Martini will search its list of services and attempt to resolve the dependency via type assertion:
~~~ go
m.Get("/", func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { // res and req are injected by Martini
res.WriteHeader(200) // HTTP 200
The following services are included with [martini.Classic()](
* [*log.Logger]( - Global logger for Martini.
* [martini.Context]( - http request context.
* [martini.Params]( - `map[string]string` of named params found by route matching.
* [martini.Routes]( - Route helper service.
* [http.ResponseWriter]( - http Response writer interface.
* [*http.Request]( - http Request.
### Routing
In Martini, a route is an HTTP method paired with a URL-matching pattern.
Each route can take one or more handler methods:
~~~ go
m.Get("/", func() {
// show something
m.Patch("/", func() {
// update something
m.Post("/", func() {
// create something
m.Put("/", func() {
// replace something
m.Delete("/", func() {
// destroy something
m.Options("/", func() {
// http options
m.NotFound(func() {
// handle 404
Routes are matched in the order they are defined. The first route that
matches the request is invoked.
Route patterns may include named parameters, accessible via the [martini.Params]( service:
~~~ go
m.Get("/hello/:name", func(params martini.Params) string {
return "Hello " + params["name"]
Routes can be matched with globs:
~~~ go
m.Get("/hello/**", func(params martini.Params) string {
return "Hello " + params["_1"]
Regular expressions can be used as well:
m.Get("/hello/(?P<name>[a-zA-Z]+)", func(params martini.Params) string {
return fmt.Sprintf ("Hello %s", params["name"])
Take a look at the [Go documentation]( for more info about regular expressions syntax .
Route handlers can be stacked on top of each other, which is useful for things like authentication and authorization:
~~~ go
m.Get("/secret", authorize, func() {
// this will execute as long as authorize doesn't write a response
Route groups can be added too using the Group method.
~~~ go
m.Group("/books", func(r martini.Router) {
r.Get("/:id", GetBooks)
r.Post("/new", NewBook)
r.Put("/update/:id", UpdateBook)
r.Delete("/delete/:id", DeleteBook)
Just like you can pass middlewares to a handler you can pass middlewares to groups.
~~~ go
m.Group("/books", func(r martini.Router) {
r.Get("/:id", GetBooks)
r.Post("/new", NewBook)
r.Put("/update/:id", UpdateBook)
r.Delete("/delete/:id", DeleteBook)
}, MyMiddleware1, MyMiddleware2)
### Services
Services are objects that are available to be injected into a Handler's argument list. You can map a service on a *Global* or *Request* level.
#### Global Mapping
A Martini instance implements the inject.Injector interface, so mapping a service is easy:
~~~ go
db := &MyDatabase{}
m := martini.Classic()
m.Map(db) // the service will be available to all handlers as *MyDatabase
// ...
#### Request-Level Mapping
Mapping on the request level can be done in a handler via [martini.Context](
~~~ go
func MyCustomLoggerHandler(c martini.Context, req *http.Request) {
logger := &MyCustomLogger{req}
c.Map(logger) // mapped as *MyCustomLogger
#### Mapping values to Interfaces
One of the most powerful parts about services is the ability to map a service to an interface. For instance, if you wanted to override the [http.ResponseWriter]( with an object that wrapped it and performed extra operations, you can write the following handler:
~~~ go
func WrapResponseWriter(res http.ResponseWriter, c martini.Context) {
rw := NewSpecialResponseWriter(res)
c.MapTo(rw, (*http.ResponseWriter)(nil)) // override ResponseWriter with our wrapper ResponseWriter
### Serving Static Files
A [martini.Classic()]( instance automatically serves static files from the "public" directory in the root of your server.
You can serve from more directories by adding more [martini.Static]( handlers.
~~~ go
m.Use(martini.Static("assets")) // serve from the "assets" directory as well
## Middleware Handlers
Middleware Handlers sit between the incoming http request and the router. In essence they are no different than any other Handler in Martini. You can add a middleware handler to the stack like so:
~~~ go
m.Use(func() {
// do some middleware stuff
You can have full control over the middleware stack with the `Handlers` function. This will replace any handlers that have been previously set:
~~~ go
Middleware Handlers work really well for things like logging, authorization, authentication, sessions, gzipping, error pages and any other operations that must happen before or after an http request:
~~~ go
// validate an api key
m.Use(func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if req.Header.Get("X-API-KEY") != "secret123" {
### Next()
[Context.Next()]( is an optional function that Middleware Handlers can call to yield the until after the other Handlers have been executed. This works really well for any operations that must happen after an http request:
~~~ go
// log before and after a request
m.Use(func(c martini.Context, log *log.Logger){
log.Println("before a request")
log.Println("after a request")
## Martini Env
Some Martini handlers make use of the `martini.Env` global variable to provide special functionality for development environments vs production environments. It is recommended that the `MARTINI_ENV=production` environment variable to be set when deploying a Martini server into a production environment.
## FAQ
### Where do I find middleware X?
Start by looking in the [martini-contrib]( projects. If it is not there feel free to contact a martini-contrib team member about adding a new repo to the organization.
* [auth]( - Handlers for authentication.
* [binding]( - Handler for mapping/validating a raw request into a structure.
* [gzip]( - Handler for adding gzip compress to requests
* [render]( - Handler that provides a service for easily rendering JSON and HTML templates.
* [acceptlang]( - Handler for parsing the `Accept-Language` HTTP header.
* [sessions]( - Handler that provides a Session service.
* [strip]( - URL Prefix stripping.
* [method]( - HTTP method overriding via Header or form fields.
* [secure]( - Implements a few quick security wins.
* [encoder]( - Encoder service for rendering data in several formats and content negotiation.
* [cors]( - Handler that enables CORS support.
* [oauth2]( - Handler that provides OAuth 2.0 login for Martini apps. Google Sign-in, Facebook Connect and Github login is supported.
### How do I integrate with existing servers?
A Martini instance implements `http.Handler`, so it can easily be used to serve subtrees
on existing Go servers. For example this is a working Martini app for Google App Engine:
~~~ go
package hello
import (
func init() {
m := martini.Classic()
m.Get("/", func() string {
return "Hello world!"
http.Handle("/", m)
### How do I change the port/host?
Martini's `Run` function looks for the PORT and HOST environment variables and uses those. Otherwise Martini will default to localhost:3000.
To have more flexibility over port and host, use the `http.ListenAndServe` function instead.
~~~ go
m := martini.Classic()
// ...
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", m))
### Live code reload?
[gin]( and [fresh]( both live reload martini apps.
## Contributing
Martini is meant to be kept tiny and clean. Most contributions should end up in a repository in the [martini-contrib]( organization. If you do have a contribution for the core of Martini feel free to put up a Pull Request.
## About
Inspired by [express]( and [sinatra](
Martini is obsessively designed by none other than the [Code Gangsta](

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package martini
import (
// Envs
const (
Dev string = "development"
Prod string = "production"
Test string = "test"
// Env is the environment that Martini is executing in. The MARTINI_ENV is read on initialization to set this variable.
var Env = Dev
func setENV(e string) {
if len(e) > 0 {
Env = e
func init() {

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
// +build !go1.1
package martini
func MartiniDoesNotSupportGo1Point0() {
"Martini requires Go 1.1 or greater."

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package martini
import (
// Logger returns a middleware handler that logs the request as it goes in and the response as it goes out.
func Logger() Handler {
return func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, c Context, log *log.Logger) {
start := time.Now()
addr := req.Header.Get("X-Real-IP")
if addr == "" {
addr = req.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For")
if addr == "" {
addr = req.RemoteAddr
log.Printf("Started %s %s for %s", req.Method, req.URL.Path, addr)
rw := res.(ResponseWriter)
log.Printf("Completed %v %s in %v\n", rw.Status(), http.StatusText(rw.Status()), time.Since(start))

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@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
// Package martini is a powerful package for quickly writing modular web applications/services in Golang.
// For a full guide visit
// package main
// import ""
// func main() {
// m := martini.Classic()
// m.Get("/", func() string {
// return "Hello world!"
// })
// m.Run()
// }
package martini
import (
// Martini represents the top level web application. inject.Injector methods can be invoked to map services on a global level.
type Martini struct {
handlers []Handler
action Handler
logger *log.Logger
// New creates a bare bones Martini instance. Use this method if you want to have full control over the middleware that is used.
func New() *Martini {
m := &Martini{Injector: inject.New(), action: func() {}, logger: log.New(os.Stdout, "[martini] ", 0)}
return m
// Handlers sets the entire middleware stack with the given Handlers. This will clear any current middleware handlers.
// Will panic if any of the handlers is not a callable function
func (m *Martini) Handlers(handlers ...Handler) {
m.handlers = make([]Handler, 0)
for _, handler := range handlers {
// Action sets the handler that will be called after all the middleware has been invoked. This is set to martini.Router in a martini.Classic().
func (m *Martini) Action(handler Handler) {
m.action = handler
// Use adds a middleware Handler to the stack. Will panic if the handler is not a callable func. Middleware Handlers are invoked in the order that they are added.
func (m *Martini) Use(handler Handler) {
m.handlers = append(m.handlers, handler)
// ServeHTTP is the HTTP Entry point for a Martini instance. Useful if you want to control your own HTTP server.
func (m *Martini) ServeHTTP(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
m.createContext(res, req).run()
// Run the http server. Listening on os.GetEnv("PORT") or 3000 by default.
func (m *Martini) Run() {
port := os.Getenv("PORT")
if port == "" {
port = "3000"
host := os.Getenv("HOST")
logger := m.Injector.Get(reflect.TypeOf(m.logger)).Interface().(*log.Logger)
logger.Printf("listening on %s:%s (%s)\n", host, port, Env)
logger.Fatalln(http.ListenAndServe(host+":"+port, m))
func (m *Martini) createContext(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) *context {
c := &context{inject.New(), m.handlers, m.action, NewResponseWriter(res), 0}
c.MapTo(c, (*Context)(nil))
c.MapTo(, (*http.ResponseWriter)(nil))
return c
// ClassicMartini represents a Martini with some reasonable defaults. Embeds the router functions for convenience.
type ClassicMartini struct {
// Classic creates a classic Martini with some basic default middleware - martini.Logger, martini.Recovery and martini.Static.
// Classic also maps martini.Routes as a service.
func Classic() *ClassicMartini {
r := NewRouter()
m := New()
m.MapTo(r, (*Routes)(nil))
return &ClassicMartini{m, r}
// Handler can be any callable function. Martini attempts to inject services into the handler's argument list.
// Martini will panic if an argument could not be fullfilled via dependency injection.
type Handler interface{}
func validateHandler(handler Handler) {
if reflect.TypeOf(handler).Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic("martini handler must be a callable func")
// Context represents a request context. Services can be mapped on the request level from this interface.
type Context interface {
// Next is an optional function that Middleware Handlers can call to yield the until after
// the other Handlers have been executed. This works really well for any operations that must
// happen after an http request
// Written returns whether or not the response for this context has been written.
Written() bool
type context struct {
handlers []Handler
action Handler
rw ResponseWriter
index int
func (c *context) handler() Handler {
if c.index < len(c.handlers) {
return c.handlers[c.index]
if c.index == len(c.handlers) {
return c.action
panic("invalid index for context handler")
func (c *context) Next() {
c.index += 1
func (c *context) Written() bool {
func (c *context) run() {
for c.index <= len(c.handlers) {
_, err := c.Invoke(c.handler())
if err != nil {
c.index += 1
if c.Written() {

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@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
package martini
import (
const (
panicHtml = `<html>
<head><title>PANIC: %s</title>
<style type="text/css">
html, body {
font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif;
color: #333333;
background-color: #ea5343;
margin: 0px;
h1 {
color: #d04526;
background-color: #ffffff;
padding: 20px;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #2b3848;
pre {
margin: 20px;
padding: 20px;
border: 2px solid #2b3848;
background-color: #ffffff;
<pre style="font-weight: bold;">%s</pre>
var (
dunno = []byte("???")
centerDot = []byte("·")
dot = []byte(".")
slash = []byte("/")
// stack returns a nicely formated stack frame, skipping skip frames
func stack(skip int) []byte {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer) // the returned data
// As we loop, we open files and read them. These variables record the currently
// loaded file.
var lines [][]byte
var lastFile string
for i := skip; ; i++ { // Skip the expected number of frames
pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(i)
if !ok {
// Print this much at least. If we can't find the source, it won't show.
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s:%d (0x%x)\n", file, line, pc)
if file != lastFile {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
lines = bytes.Split(data, []byte{'\n'})
lastFile = file
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\t%s: %s\n", function(pc), source(lines, line))
return buf.Bytes()
// source returns a space-trimmed slice of the n'th line.
func source(lines [][]byte, n int) []byte {
n-- // in stack trace, lines are 1-indexed but our array is 0-indexed
if n < 0 || n >= len(lines) {
return dunno
return bytes.TrimSpace(lines[n])
// function returns, if possible, the name of the function containing the PC.
func function(pc uintptr) []byte {
fn := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
if fn == nil {
return dunno
name := []byte(fn.Name())
// The name includes the path name to the package, which is unnecessary
// since the file name is already included. Plus, it has center dots.
// That is, we see
// runtime/debug.*T·ptrmethod
// and want
// *T.ptrmethod
// Also the package path might contains dot (e.g.,
// so first eliminate the path prefix
if lastslash := bytes.LastIndex(name, slash); lastslash >= 0 {
name = name[lastslash+1:]
if period := bytes.Index(name, dot); period >= 0 {
name = name[period+1:]
name = bytes.Replace(name, centerDot, dot, -1)
return name
// Recovery returns a middleware that recovers from any panics and writes a 500 if there was one.
// While Martini is in development mode, Recovery will also output the panic as HTML.
func Recovery() Handler {
return func(c Context, log *log.Logger) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
stack := stack(3)
log.Printf("PANIC: %s\n%s", err, stack)
// Lookup the current responsewriter
val := c.Get(inject.InterfaceOf((*http.ResponseWriter)(nil)))
res := val.Interface().(http.ResponseWriter)
// respond with panic message while in development mode
var body []byte
if Env == Dev {
res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
body = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(panicHtml, err, err, stack))
if nil != body {

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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
package martini
import (
// ResponseWriter is a wrapper around http.ResponseWriter that provides extra information about
// the response. It is recommended that middleware handlers use this construct to wrap a responsewriter
// if the functionality calls for it.
type ResponseWriter interface {
// Status returns the status code of the response or 0 if the response has not been written.
Status() int
// Written returns whether or not the ResponseWriter has been written.
Written() bool
// Size returns the size of the response body.
Size() int
// Before allows for a function to be called before the ResponseWriter has been written to. This is
// useful for setting headers or any other operations that must happen before a response has been written.
// BeforeFunc is a function that is called before the ResponseWriter has been written to.
type BeforeFunc func(ResponseWriter)
// NewResponseWriter creates a ResponseWriter that wraps an http.ResponseWriter
func NewResponseWriter(rw http.ResponseWriter) ResponseWriter {
return &responseWriter{rw, 0, 0, nil}
type responseWriter struct {
status int
size int
beforeFuncs []BeforeFunc
func (rw *responseWriter) WriteHeader(s int) {
rw.status = s
func (rw *responseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
if !rw.Written() {
// The status will be StatusOK if WriteHeader has not been called yet
size, err := rw.ResponseWriter.Write(b)
rw.size += size
return size, err
func (rw *responseWriter) Status() int {
return rw.status
func (rw *responseWriter) Size() int {
return rw.size
func (rw *responseWriter) Written() bool {
return rw.status != 0
func (rw *responseWriter) Before(before BeforeFunc) {
rw.beforeFuncs = append(rw.beforeFuncs, before)
func (rw *responseWriter) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) {
hijacker, ok := rw.ResponseWriter.(http.Hijacker)
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("the ResponseWriter doesn't support the Hijacker interface")
return hijacker.Hijack()
func (rw *responseWriter) CloseNotify() <-chan bool {
return rw.ResponseWriter.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify()
func (rw *responseWriter) callBefore() {
for i := len(rw.beforeFuncs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
func (rw *responseWriter) Flush() {
flusher, ok := rw.ResponseWriter.(http.Flusher)
if ok {

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package martini
import (
// ReturnHandler is a service that Martini provides that is called
// when a route handler returns something. The ReturnHandler is
// responsible for writing to the ResponseWriter based on the values
// that are passed into this function.
type ReturnHandler func(Context, []reflect.Value)
func defaultReturnHandler() ReturnHandler {
return func(ctx Context, vals []reflect.Value) {
rv := ctx.Get(inject.InterfaceOf((*http.ResponseWriter)(nil)))
res := rv.Interface().(http.ResponseWriter)
var responseVal reflect.Value
if len(vals) > 1 && vals[0].Kind() == reflect.Int {
responseVal = vals[1]
} else if len(vals) > 0 {
responseVal = vals[0]
if canDeref(responseVal) {
responseVal = responseVal.Elem()
if isByteSlice(responseVal) {
} else {
func isByteSlice(val reflect.Value) bool {
return val.Kind() == reflect.Slice && val.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8
func canDeref(val reflect.Value) bool {
return val.Kind() == reflect.Interface || val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr

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@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
package martini
import (
// Params is a map of name/value pairs for named routes. An instance of martini.Params is available to be injected into any route handler.
type Params map[string]string
// Router is Martini's de-facto routing interface. Supports HTTP verbs, stacked handlers, and dependency injection.
type Router interface {
// Group adds a group where related routes can be added.
Group(string, func(Router), ...Handler)
// Get adds a route for a HTTP GET request to the specified matching pattern.
Get(string, ...Handler) Route
// Patch adds a route for a HTTP PATCH request to the specified matching pattern.
Patch(string, ...Handler) Route
// Post adds a route for a HTTP POST request to the specified matching pattern.
Post(string, ...Handler) Route
// Put adds a route for a HTTP PUT request to the specified matching pattern.
Put(string, ...Handler) Route
// Delete adds a route for a HTTP DELETE request to the specified matching pattern.
Delete(string, ...Handler) Route
// Options adds a route for a HTTP OPTIONS request to the specified matching pattern.
Options(string, ...Handler) Route
// Head adds a route for a HTTP HEAD request to the specified matching pattern.
Head(string, ...Handler) Route
// Any adds a route for any HTTP method request to the specified matching pattern.
Any(string, ...Handler) Route
// NotFound sets the handlers that are called when a no route matches a request. Throws a basic 404 by default.
// Handle is the entry point for routing. This is used as a martini.Handler
Handle(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, Context)
type router struct {
routes []*route
notFounds []Handler
groups []group
type group struct {
pattern string
handlers []Handler
// NewRouter creates a new Router instance.
// If you aren't using ClassicMartini, then you can add Routes as a
// service with:
// m := martini.New()
// r := martini.NewRouter()
// m.MapTo(r, (*martini.Routes)(nil))
// If you are using ClassicMartini, then this is done for you.
func NewRouter() Router {
return &router{notFounds: []Handler{http.NotFound}, groups: make([]group, 0)}
func (r *router) Group(pattern string, fn func(Router), h ...Handler) {
r.groups = append(r.groups, group{pattern, h})
r.groups = r.groups[:len(r.groups)-1]
func (r *router) Get(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("GET", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Patch(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("PATCH", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Post(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("POST", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Put(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("PUT", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Delete(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("DELETE", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Options(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("OPTIONS", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Head(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("HEAD", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Any(pattern string, h ...Handler) Route {
return r.addRoute("*", pattern, h)
func (r *router) Handle(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, context Context) {
for _, route := range r.routes {
ok, vals := route.Match(req.Method, req.URL.Path)
if ok {
params := Params(vals)
route.Handle(context, res)
// no routes exist, 404
c := &routeContext{context, 0, r.notFounds}
context.MapTo(c, (*Context)(nil))
func (r *router) NotFound(handler ...Handler) {
r.notFounds = handler
func (r *router) addRoute(method string, pattern string, handlers []Handler) *route {
if len(r.groups) > 0 {
groupPattern := ""
h := make([]Handler, 0)
for _, g := range r.groups {
groupPattern += g.pattern
h = append(h, g.handlers...)
pattern = groupPattern + pattern
h = append(h, handlers...)
handlers = h
route := newRoute(method, pattern, handlers)
r.routes = append(r.routes, route)
return route
func (r *router) findRoute(name string) *route {
for _, route := range r.routes {
if == name {
return route
return nil
// Route is an interface representing a Route in Martini's routing layer.
type Route interface {
// URLWith returns a rendering of the Route's url with the given string params.
URLWith([]string) string
// Name sets a name for the route.
// GetName returns the name of the route.
GetName() string
// Pattern returns the pattern of the route.
Pattern() string
// Method returns the method of the route.
Method() string
type route struct {
method string
regex *regexp.Regexp
handlers []Handler
pattern string
name string
func newRoute(method string, pattern string, handlers []Handler) *route {
route := route{method, nil, handlers, pattern, ""}
r := regexp.MustCompile(`:[^/#?()\.\\]+`)
pattern = r.ReplaceAllStringFunc(pattern, func(m string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`(?P<%s>[^/#?]+)`, m[1:])
r2 := regexp.MustCompile(`\*\*`)
var index int
pattern = r2.ReplaceAllStringFunc(pattern, func(m string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`(?P<_%d>[^#?]*)`, index)
pattern += `\/?`
route.regex = regexp.MustCompile(pattern)
return &route
func (r route) MatchMethod(method string) bool {
return r.method == "*" || method == r.method || (method == "HEAD" && r.method == "GET")
func (r route) Match(method string, path string) (bool, map[string]string) {
// add Any method matching support
if !r.MatchMethod(method) {
return false, nil
matches := r.regex.FindStringSubmatch(path)
if len(matches) > 0 && matches[0] == path {
params := make(map[string]string)
for i, name := range r.regex.SubexpNames() {
if len(name) > 0 {
params[name] = matches[i]
return true, params
return false, nil
func (r *route) Validate() {
for _, handler := range r.handlers {
func (r *route) Handle(c Context, res http.ResponseWriter) {
context := &routeContext{c, 0, r.handlers}
c.MapTo(context, (*Context)(nil))
c.MapTo(r, (*Route)(nil))
// URLWith returns the url pattern replacing the parameters for its values
func (r *route) URLWith(args []string) string {
if len(args) > 0 {
reg := regexp.MustCompile(`:[^/#?()\.\\]+`)
argCount := len(args)
i := 0
url := reg.ReplaceAllStringFunc(r.pattern, func(m string) string {
var val interface{}
if i < argCount {
val = args[i]
} else {
val = m
i += 1
return fmt.Sprintf(`%v`, val)
return url
return r.pattern
func (r *route) Name(name string) { = name
func (r *route) GetName() string {
func (r *route) Pattern() string {
return r.pattern
func (r *route) Method() string {
return r.method
// Routes is a helper service for Martini's routing layer.
type Routes interface {
// URLFor returns a rendered URL for the given route. Optional params can be passed to fulfill named parameters in the route.
URLFor(name string, params ...interface{}) string
// MethodsFor returns an array of methods available for the path
MethodsFor(path string) []string
// All returns an array with all the routes in the router.
All() []Route
// URLFor returns the url for the given route name.
func (r *router) URLFor(name string, params ...interface{}) string {
route := r.findRoute(name)
if route == nil {
panic("route not found")
var args []string
for _, param := range params {
switch v := param.(type) {
case int:
args = append(args, strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10))
case string:
args = append(args, v)
if v != nil {
panic("Arguments passed to URLFor must be integers or strings")
return route.URLWith(args)
func (r *router) All() []Route {
var ri = make([]Route, len(r.routes))
for i, route := range r.routes {
ri[i] = Route(route)
return ri
func hasMethod(methods []string, method string) bool {
for _, v := range methods {
if v == method {
return true
return false
// MethodsFor returns all methods available for path
func (r *router) MethodsFor(path string) []string {
methods := []string{}
for _, route := range r.routes {
matches := route.regex.FindStringSubmatch(path)
if len(matches) > 0 && matches[0] == path && !hasMethod(methods, route.method) {
methods = append(methods, route.method)
return methods
type routeContext struct {
index int
handlers []Handler
func (r *routeContext) Next() {
r.index += 1
func (r *routeContext) run() {
for r.index < len(r.handlers) {
handler := r.handlers[r.index]
vals, err := r.Invoke(handler)
if err != nil {
r.index += 1
// if the handler returned something, write it to the http response
if len(vals) > 0 {
ev := r.Get(reflect.TypeOf(ReturnHandler(nil)))
handleReturn := ev.Interface().(ReturnHandler)
handleReturn(r, vals)
if r.Written() {

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package martini
import (
// StaticOptions is a struct for specifying configuration options for the martini.Static middleware.
type StaticOptions struct {
// Prefix is the optional prefix used to serve the static directory content
Prefix string
// SkipLogging will disable [Static] log messages when a static file is served.
SkipLogging bool
// IndexFile defines which file to serve as index if it exists.
IndexFile string
// Expires defines which user-defined function to use for producing a HTTP Expires Header
Expires func() string
func prepareStaticOptions(options []StaticOptions) StaticOptions {
var opt StaticOptions
if len(options) > 0 {
opt = options[0]
// Defaults
if len(opt.IndexFile) == 0 {
opt.IndexFile = "index.html"
// Normalize the prefix if provided
if opt.Prefix != "" {
// Ensure we have a leading '/'
if opt.Prefix[0] != '/' {
opt.Prefix = "/" + opt.Prefix
// Remove any trailing '/'
opt.Prefix = strings.TrimRight(opt.Prefix, "/")
return opt
// Static returns a middleware handler that serves static files in the given directory.
func Static(directory string, staticOpt ...StaticOptions) Handler {
dir := http.Dir(directory)
opt := prepareStaticOptions(staticOpt)
return func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, log *log.Logger) {
if req.Method != "GET" && req.Method != "HEAD" {
file := req.URL.Path
// if we have a prefix, filter requests by stripping the prefix
if opt.Prefix != "" {
if !strings.HasPrefix(file, opt.Prefix) {
file = file[len(opt.Prefix):]
if file != "" && file[0] != '/' {
f, err := dir.Open(file)
if err != nil {
// discard the error?
defer f.Close()
fi, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
// try to serve index file
if fi.IsDir() {
// redirect if missing trailing slash
if !strings.HasSuffix(req.URL.Path, "/") {
http.Redirect(res, req, req.URL.Path+"/", http.StatusFound)
file = path.Join(file, opt.IndexFile)
f, err = dir.Open(file)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
fi, err = f.Stat()
if err != nil || fi.IsDir() {
if !opt.SkipLogging {
log.Println("[Static] Serving " + file)
// Add an Expires header to the static content
if opt.Expires != nil {
res.Header().Set("Expires", opt.Expires())
http.ServeContent(res, req, file, fi.ModTime(), f)

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The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2013 Jeremy Saenz
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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# render [![wercker status]( "wercker status")](
Martini middleware/handler for easily rendering serialized JSON, XML, and HTML template responses.
[API Reference](
## Usage
render uses Go's [html/template]( package to render html templates.
~~~ go
// main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
m := martini.Classic()
// render html templates from templates directory
m.Get("/", func(r render.Render) {
r.HTML(200, "hello", "jeremy")
~~~ html
<!-- templates/hello.tmpl -->
<h2>Hello {{.}}!</h2>
### Options
`render.Renderer` comes with a variety of configuration options:
~~~ go
// ...
Directory: "templates", // Specify what path to load the templates from.
Layout: "layout", // Specify a layout template. Layouts can call {{ yield }} to render the current template.
Extensions: []string{".tmpl", ".html"}, // Specify extensions to load for templates.
Funcs: []template.FuncMap{AppHelpers}, // Specify helper function maps for templates to access.
Delims: render.Delims{"{[{", "}]}"}, // Sets delimiters to the specified strings.
Charset: "UTF-8", // Sets encoding for json and html content-types. Default is "UTF-8".
IndentJSON: true, // Output human readable JSON
IndentXML: true, // Output human readable XML
HTMLContentType: "application/xhtml+xml", // Output XHTML content type instead of default "text/html"
// ...
### Loading Templates
By default the `render.Renderer` middleware will attempt to load templates with a '.tmpl' extension from the "templates" directory. Templates are found by traversing the templates directory and are named by path and basename. For instance, the following directory structure:
|__ admin/
| |
| |__ index.tmpl
| |
| |__ edit.tmpl
|__ home.tmpl
Will provide the following templates:
### Layouts
`render.Renderer` provides a `yield` function for layouts to access:
~~~ go
// ...
Layout: "layout",
// ...
~~~ html
<!-- templates/layout.tmpl -->
<title>Martini Plz</title>
<!-- Render the current template here -->
{{ yield }}
`current` can also be called to get the current template being rendered.
~~~ html
<!-- templates/layout.tmpl -->
<title>Martini Plz</title>
This is the {{ current }} page.
### Character Encodings
The `render.Renderer` middleware will automatically set the proper Content-Type header based on which function you call. See below for an example of what the default settings would output (note that UTF-8 is the default):
~~~ go
// main.go
package main
import (
type Greeting struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"greeting"`
One string `xml:"one,attr"`
Two string `xml:"two,attr"`
func main() {
m := martini.Classic()
// This will set the Content-Type header to "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
m.Get("/", func(r render.Render) {
r.HTML(200, "hello", "world")
// This will set the Content-Type header to "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
m.Get("/api", func(r render.Render) {
r.JSON(200, map[string]interface{}{"hello": "world"})
// This will set the Content-Type header to "text/xml; charset=UTF-8"
m.Get("/xml", func(r render.Render) {
r.XML(200, Greeting{One: "hello", Two: "world"})
// This will set the Content-Type header to "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
m.Get("/text", func(r render.Render) {
r.Text(200, "hello, world")
In order to change the charset, you can set the `Charset` within the `render.Options` to your encoding value:
~~~ go
// main.go
package main
import (
type Greeting struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"greeting"`
One string `xml:"one,attr"`
Two string `xml:"two,attr"`
func main() {
m := martini.Classic()
Charset: "ISO-8859-1",
// This will set the Content-Type header to "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
m.Get("/", func(r render.Render) {
r.HTML(200, "hello", "world")
// This will set the Content-Type header to "application/json; charset=ISO-8859-1"
m.Get("/api", func(r render.Render) {
r.JSON(200, map[string]interface{}{"hello": "world"})
// This will set the Content-Type header to "text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1"
m.Get("/xml", func(r render.Render) {
r.XML(200, Greeting{One: "hello", Two: "world"})
// This will set the Content-Type header to "text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1"
m.Get("/text", func(r render.Render) {
r.Text(200, "hello, world")
## Authors
* [Jeremy Saenz](
* [Cory Jacobsen](

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// Package render is a middleware for Martini that provides easy JSON serialization and HTML template rendering.
// package main
// import (
// "encoding/xml"
// ""
// ""
// )
// type Greeting struct {
// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"greeting"`
// One string `xml:"one,attr"`
// Two string `xml:"two,attr"`
// }
// func main() {
// m := martini.Classic()
// m.Use(render.Renderer()) // reads "templates" directory by default
// m.Get("/html", func(r render.Render) {
// r.HTML(200, "mytemplate", nil)
// })
// m.Get("/json", func(r render.Render) {
// r.JSON(200, "hello world")
// })
// m.Get("/xml", func(r render.Render) {
// r.XML(200, Greeting{One: "hello", Two: "world"})
// })
// m.Run()
// }
package render
import (
const (
ContentType = "Content-Type"
ContentLength = "Content-Length"
ContentBinary = "application/octet-stream"
ContentText = "text/plain"
ContentJSON = "application/json"
ContentHTML = "text/html"
ContentXHTML = "application/xhtml+xml"
ContentXML = "text/xml"
defaultCharset = "UTF-8"
// Provides a temporary buffer to execute templates into and catch errors.
var bufpool *bpool.BufferPool
// Included helper functions for use when rendering html
var helperFuncs = template.FuncMap{
"yield": func() (string, error) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("yield called with no layout defined")
"current": func() (string, error) {
return "", nil
// Render is a service that can be injected into a Martini handler. Render provides functions for easily writing JSON and
// HTML templates out to a http Response.
type Render interface {
// JSON writes the given status and JSON serialized version of the given value to the http.ResponseWriter.
JSON(status int, v interface{})
// HTML renders a html template specified by the name and writes the result and given status to the http.ResponseWriter.
HTML(status int, name string, v interface{}, htmlOpt ...HTMLOptions)
// XML writes the given status and XML serialized version of the given value to the http.ResponseWriter.
XML(status int, v interface{})
// Data writes the raw byte array to the http.ResponseWriter.
Data(status int, v []byte)
// Text writes the given status and plain text to the http.ResponseWriter.
Text(status int, v string)
// Error is a convenience function that writes an http status to the http.ResponseWriter.
Error(status int)
// Status is an alias for Error (writes an http status to the http.ResponseWriter)
Status(status int)
// Redirect is a convienience function that sends an HTTP redirect. If status is omitted, uses 302 (Found)
Redirect(location string, status
// Template returns the internal *template.Template used to render the HTML
Template() *template.Template
// Header exposes the header struct from http.ResponseWriter.
Header() http.Header
// Delims represents a set of Left and Right delimiters for HTML template rendering
type Delims struct {
// Left delimiter, defaults to {{
Left string
// Right delimiter, defaults to }}
Right string
// Options is a struct for specifying configuration options for the render.Renderer middleware
type Options struct {
// Directory to load templates. Default is "templates"
Directory string
// Layout template name. Will not render a layout if "". Defaults to "".
Layout string
// Extensions to parse template files from. Defaults to [".tmpl"]
Extensions []string
// Funcs is a slice of FuncMaps to apply to the template upon compilation. This is useful for helper functions. Defaults to [].
Funcs []template.FuncMap
// Delims sets the action delimiters to the specified strings in the Delims struct.
Delims Delims
// Appends the given charset to the Content-Type header. Default is "UTF-8".
Charset string
// Outputs human readable JSON
IndentJSON bool
// Outputs human readable XML
IndentXML bool
// Prefixes the JSON output with the given bytes.
PrefixJSON []byte
// Prefixes the XML output with the given bytes.
PrefixXML []byte
// Allows changing of output to XHTML instead of HTML. Default is "text/html"
HTMLContentType string
// HTMLOptions is a struct for overriding some rendering Options for specific HTML call
type HTMLOptions struct {
// Layout template name. Overrides Options.Layout.
Layout string
// Renderer is a Middleware that maps a render.Render service into the Martini handler chain. An single variadic render.Options
// struct can be optionally provided to configure HTML rendering. The default directory for templates is "templates" and the default
// file extension is ".tmpl".
// If MARTINI_ENV is set to "" or "development" then templates will be recompiled on every request. For more performance, set the
// MARTINI_ENV environment variable to "production"
func Renderer(options ...Options) martini.Handler {
opt := prepareOptions(options)
cs := prepareCharset(opt.Charset)
t := compile(opt)
bufpool = bpool.NewBufferPool(64)
return func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, c martini.Context) {
var tc *template.Template
if martini.Env == martini.Dev {
// recompile for easy development
tc = compile(opt)
} else {
// use a clone of the initial template
tc, _ = t.Clone()
c.MapTo(&renderer{res, req, tc, opt, cs}, (*Render)(nil))
func prepareCharset(charset string) string {
if len(charset) != 0 {
return "; charset=" + charset
return "; charset=" + defaultCharset
func prepareOptions(options []Options) Options {
var opt Options
if len(options) > 0 {
opt = options[0]
// Defaults
if len(opt.Directory) == 0 {
opt.Directory = "templates"
if len(opt.Extensions) == 0 {
opt.Extensions = []string{".tmpl"}
if len(opt.HTMLContentType) == 0 {
opt.HTMLContentType = ContentHTML
return opt
func compile(options Options) *template.Template {
dir := options.Directory
t := template.New(dir)
t.Delims(options.Delims.Left, options.Delims.Right)
// parse an initial template in case we don't have any
filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
r, err := filepath.Rel(dir, path)
if err != nil {
return err
ext := getExt(r)
for _, extension := range options.Extensions {
if ext == extension {
buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
name := (r[0 : len(r)-len(ext)])
tmpl := t.New(filepath.ToSlash(name))
// add our funcmaps
for _, funcs := range options.Funcs {
// Bomb out if parse fails. We don't want any silent server starts.
return nil
return t
func getExt(s string) string {
if strings.Index(s, ".") == -1 {
return ""
return "." + strings.Join(strings.Split(s, ".")[1:], ".")
type renderer struct {
req *http.Request
t *template.Template
opt Options
compiledCharset string
func (r *renderer) JSON(status int, v interface{}) {
var result []byte
var err error
if r.opt.IndentJSON {
result, err = json.MarshalIndent(v, "", " ")
} else {
result, err = json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
http.Error(r, err.Error(), 500)
// json rendered fine, write out the result
r.Header().Set(ContentType, ContentJSON+r.compiledCharset)
if len(r.opt.PrefixJSON) > 0 {
func (r *renderer) HTML(status int, name string, binding interface{}, htmlOpt ...HTMLOptions) {
opt := r.prepareHTMLOptions(htmlOpt)
// assign a layout if there is one
if len(opt.Layout) > 0 {
r.addYield(name, binding)
name = opt.Layout
buf, err := r.execute(name, binding)
if err != nil {
http.Error(r, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// template rendered fine, write out the result
r.Header().Set(ContentType, r.opt.HTMLContentType+r.compiledCharset)
io.Copy(r, buf)
func (r *renderer) XML(status int, v interface{}) {
var result []byte
var err error
if r.opt.IndentXML {
result, err = xml.MarshalIndent(v, "", " ")
} else {
result, err = xml.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
http.Error(r, err.Error(), 500)
// XML rendered fine, write out the result
r.Header().Set(ContentType, ContentXML+r.compiledCharset)
if len(r.opt.PrefixXML) > 0 {
func (r *renderer) Data(status int, v []byte) {
if r.Header().Get(ContentType) == "" {
r.Header().Set(ContentType, ContentBinary)
func (r *renderer) Text(status int, v string) {
if r.Header().Get(ContentType) == "" {
r.Header().Set(ContentType, ContentText+r.compiledCharset)
// Error writes the given HTTP status to the current ResponseWriter
func (r *renderer) Error(status int) {
func (r *renderer) Status(status int) {
func (r *renderer) Redirect(location string, status {
code := http.StatusFound
if len(status) == 1 {
code = status[0]
http.Redirect(r, r.req, location, code)
func (r *renderer) Template() *template.Template {
return r.t
func (r *renderer) execute(name string, binding interface{}) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
buf := bufpool.Get()
return buf, r.t.ExecuteTemplate(buf, name, binding)
func (r *renderer) addYield(name string, binding interface{}) {
funcs := template.FuncMap{
"yield": func() (template.HTML, error) {
buf, err := r.execute(name, binding)
// return safe html here since we are rendering our own template
return template.HTML(buf.String()), err
"current": func() (string, error) {
return name, nil
func (r *renderer) prepareHTMLOptions(htmlOpt []HTMLOptions) HTMLOptions {
if len(htmlOpt) > 0 {
return htmlOpt[0]
return HTMLOptions{
Layout: r.opt.Layout,

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language: go
- 1.5.x
- 1.6.x
- 1.7.x
- 1.8.x
- go get -v -t ./...
- go get
- go get
- go install
- export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/gopath/bin
script: $HOME/gopath/bin/ginkgo -r --randomizeAllSpecs --randomizeSuites --race --trace

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## 1.4.0 7/16/2017
- `ginkgo` now provides a hint if you accidentally forget to run `ginkgo bootstrap` to generate a `*_suite_test.go` file that actually invokes the Ginkgo test runner. [#345](
- thanks to improvements in `go test -c` `ginkgo` no longer needs to fix Go's compilation output to ensure compilation errors are expressed relative to the CWD. [#357]
- `ginkgo watch -watchRegExp=...` allows you to specify a custom regular expression to watch. Only files matching the regular expression are watched for changes (the default is `\.go$`) [#356]
- `ginkgo` now always emits compilation output. Previously, only failed compilation output was printed out. [#277]
- `ginkgo -requireSuite` now fails the test run if there are `*_test.go` files but `go test` fails to detect any tests. Typically this means you forgot to run `ginkgo bootstrap` to generate a suite file. [#344]
- `ginkgo -timeout=DURATION` allows you to adjust the timeout for the entire test suite (default is 24 hours) [#248]
## 1.3.0 3/28/2017
- Significantly improved parallel test distribution. Now instead of pre-sharding test cases across workers (which can result in idle workers and poor test performance) Ginkgo uses a shared queue to keep all workers busy until all tests are complete. This improves test-time performance and consistency.
- `Skip(message)` can be used to skip the current test.
- Added `extensions/table` - a Ginkgo DSL for [Table Driven Tests](
- Add `GinkgoRandomSeed()` - shorthand for `config.GinkgoConfig.RandomSeed`
- Support for retrying flaky tests with `--flakeAttempts`
- `ginkgo ./...` now recurses as you'd expect
- Added `Specify` a synonym for `It`
- Support colorise on Windows
- Broader support for various go compilation flags in the `ginkgo` CLI
Bug Fixes:
- Ginkgo tests now fail when you `panic(nil)` (#167)
## 1.2.0 5/31/2015
- `ginkgo -coverpkg` calls down to `go test -coverpkg` (#160)
- `ginkgo -afterSuiteHook COMMAND` invokes the passed-in `COMMAND` after a test suite completes (#152)
- Relaxed requirement for Go 1.4+. `ginkgo` now works with Go v1.3+ (#166)
## 1.2.0-beta
Ginkgo now requires Go 1.4+
- Call reporters in reverse order when announcing spec completion -- allows custom reporters to emit output before the default reporter does.
- Improved focus behavior. Now, this:
FDescribe("Some describe", func() {
It("A", func() {})
FIt("B", func() {})
will run `B` but *not* `A`. This tends to be a common usage pattern when in the thick of writing and debugging tests.
- When `SIGINT` is received, Ginkgo will emit the contents of the `GinkgoWriter` before running the `AfterSuite`. Useful for debugging stuck tests.
- When `--progress` is set, Ginkgo will write test progress (in particular, Ginkgo will say when it is about to run a BeforeEach, AfterEach, It, etc...) to the `GinkgoWriter`. This is useful for debugging stuck tests and tests that generate many logs.
- Improved output when an error occurs in a setup or teardown block.
- When `--dryRun` is set, Ginkgo will walk the spec tree and emit to its reporter *without* actually running anything. Best paired with `-v` to understand which specs will run in which order.
- Add `By` to help document long `It`s. `By` simply writes to the `GinkgoWriter`.
- Add support for precompiled tests:
- `ginkgo build <path-to-package>` will now compile the package, producing a file named `package.test`
- The compiled `package.test` file can be run directly. This runs the tests in series.
- To run precompiled tests in parallel, you can run: `ginkgo -p package.test`
- Support `bootstrap`ping and `generate`ing [Agouti]( specs.
- `ginkgo generate` and `ginkgo bootstrap` now honor the package name already defined in a given directory
- The `ginkgo` CLI ignores `SIGQUIT`. Prevents its stack dump from interlacing with the underlying test suite's stack dump.
- The `ginkgo` CLI now compiles tests into a temporary directory instead of the package directory. This necessitates upgrading to Go v1.4+.
- `ginkgo -notify` now works on Linux
Bug Fixes:
- If --skipPackages is used and all packages are skipped, Ginkgo should exit 0.
- Fix tempfile leak when running in parallel
- Fix incorrect failure message when a panic occurs during a parallel test run
- Fixed an issue where a pending test within a focused context (or a focused test within a pending context) would skip all other tests.
- Be more consistent about handling SIGTERM as well as SIGINT
- When interupted while concurrently compiling test suites in the background, Ginkgo now cleans up the compiled artifacts.
- Fixed a long standing bug where `ginkgo -p` would hang if a process spawned by one of the Ginkgo parallel nodes does not exit. (Hooray!)
## 1.1.0 (8/2/2014)
No changes, just dropping the beta.
## 1.1.0-beta (7/22/2014)
New Features:
- `ginkgo watch` now monitors packages *and their dependencies* for changes. The depth of the dependency tree can be modified with the `-depth` flag.
- Test suites with a programmatic focus (`FIt`, `FDescribe`, etc...) exit with non-zero status code, even when they pass. This allows CI systems to detect accidental commits of focused test suites.
- `ginkgo -p` runs the testsuite in parallel with an auto-detected number of nodes.
- `ginkgo -tags=TAG_LIST` passes a list of tags down to the `go build` command.
- `ginkgo --failFast` aborts the test suite after the first failure.
- `ginkgo generate file_1 file_2` can take multiple file arguments.
- Ginkgo now summarizes any spec failures that occured at the end of the test run.
- `ginkgo --randomizeSuites` will run tests *suites* in random order using the generated/passed-in seed.
- `ginkgo -skipPackage` now takes a comma-separated list of strings. If the *relative path* to a package matches one of the entries in the comma-separated list, that package is skipped.
- `ginkgo --untilItFails` no longer recompiles between attempts.
- Ginkgo now panics when a runnable node (`It`, `BeforeEach`, `JustBeforeEach`, `AfterEach`, `Measure`) is nested within another runnable node. This is always a mistake. Any test suites that panic because of this change should be fixed.
Bug Fixes:
- `ginkgo boostrap` and `ginkgo generate` no longer fail when dealing with `hyphen-separated-packages`.
- parallel specs are now better distributed across nodes - fixed a crashing bug where (for example) distributing 11 tests across 7 nodes would panic
## 1.0.0 (5/24/2014)
New Features:
- Add `GinkgoParallelNode()` - shorthand for `config.GinkgoConfig.ParallelNode`
- When compilation fails, the compilation output is rewritten to present a correct *relative* path. Allows ⌘-clicking in iTerm open the file in your text editor.
- `--untilItFails` and `ginkgo watch` now generate new random seeds between test runs, unless a particular random seed is specified.
Bug Fixes:
- `-cover` now generates a correctly combined coverprofile when running with in parallel with multiple `-node`s.
- Print out the contents of the `GinkgoWriter` when `BeforeSuite` or `AfterSuite` fail.
- Fix all remaining race conditions in Ginkgo's test suite.
## 1.0.0-beta (4/14/2014)
Breaking changes:
- `thirdparty/gomocktestreporter` is gone. Use `GinkgoT()` instead
- Modified the Reporter interface
- `watch` is now a subcommand, not a flag.
DSL changes:
- `BeforeSuite` and `AfterSuite` for setting up and tearing down test suites.
- `AfterSuite` is triggered on interrupt (`^C`) as well as exit.
- `SynchronizedBeforeSuite` and `SynchronizedAfterSuite` for setting up and tearing down singleton resources across parallel nodes.
CLI changes:
- `watch` is now a subcommand, not a flag
- `--nodot` flag can be passed to `ginkgo generate` and `ginkgo bootstrap` to avoid dot imports. This explicitly imports all exported identifiers in Ginkgo and Gomega. Refreshing this list can be done by running `ginkgo nodot`
- Additional arguments can be passed to specs. Pass them after the `--` separator
- `--skipPackage` flag takes a regexp and ignores any packages with package names passing said regexp.
- `--trace` flag prints out full stack traces when errors occur, not just the line at which the error occurs.
- Start using semantic versioning
- Start maintaining changelog
Major refactor:
- Pull out Ginkgo's internal to `internal`
- Rename `example` everywhere to `spec`
- Much more!

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# Contributing to Ginkgo
Your contributions to Ginkgo are essential for its long-term maintenance and improvement. To make a contribution:
- Please **open an issue first** - describe what problem you are trying to solve and give the community a forum for input and feedback ahead of investing time in writing code!
- Ensure adequate test coverage:
- If you're adding functionality to the Ginkgo library, make sure to add appropriate unit and/or integration tests (under the `integration` folder).
- If you're adding functionality to the Ginkgo CLI note that there are very few unit tests. Please add an integration test.
- Please run all tests locally (`ginkgo -r -p`) and make sure they go green before submitting the PR
- Update the documentation. In addition to standard `godoc` comments Ginkgo has extensive documentation on the `gh-pages` branch. If relevant, please submit a docs PR to that branch alongside your code PR.
Thanks for supporting Ginkgo!

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Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Onsi Fakhouri
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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![Ginkgo: A Golang BDD Testing Framework](
[![Build Status](](
Jump to the [docs]( to learn more. To start rolling your Ginkgo tests *now* [keep reading](#set-me-up)!
If you have a question, comment, bug report, feature request, etc. please open a GitHub issue.
## Feature List
- Ginkgo uses Go's `testing` package and can live alongside your existing `testing` tests. It's easy to [bootstrap]( and start writing your [first tests](
- Structure your BDD-style tests expressively:
- Nestable [`Describe` and `Context` container blocks](
- [`BeforeEach` and `AfterEach` blocks]( for setup and teardown
- [`It` blocks]( that hold your assertions
- [`JustBeforeEach` blocks]( that separate creation from configuration (also known as the subject action pattern).
- [`BeforeSuite` and `AfterSuite` blocks]( to prep for and cleanup after a suite.
- A comprehensive test runner that lets you:
- Mark specs as [pending](
- [Focus]( individual specs, and groups of specs, either programmatically or on the command line
- Run your tests in [random order](, and then reuse random seeds to replicate the same order.
- Break up your test suite into parallel processes for straightforward [test parallelization](
- `ginkgo`: a command line interface with plenty of handy command line arguments for [running your tests]( and [generating]( test files. Here are a few choice examples:
- `ginkgo -nodes=N` runs your tests in `N` parallel processes and print out coherent output in realtime
- `ginkgo -cover` runs your tests using Golang's code coverage tool
- `ginkgo convert` converts an XUnit-style `testing` package to a Ginkgo-style package
- `ginkgo -focus="REGEXP"` and `ginkgo -skip="REGEXP"` allow you to specify a subset of tests to run via regular expression
- `ginkgo -r` runs all tests suites under the current directory
- `ginkgo -v` prints out identifying information for each tests just before it runs
And much more: run `ginkgo help` for details!
The `ginkgo` CLI is convenient, but purely optional -- Ginkgo works just fine with `go test`
- `ginkgo watch` [watches]( packages *and their dependencies* for changes, then reruns tests. Run tests immediately as you develop!
- Built-in support for testing [asynchronicity](
- Built-in support for [benchmarking]( your code. Control the number of benchmark samples as you gather runtimes and other, arbitrary, bits of numerical information about your code.
- [Completions for Sublime Text]( just use [Package Control]( to install `Ginkgo Completions`.
- [Completions for VSCode]( just use VSCode's extension installer to install `vscode-ginkgo`.
- Straightforward support for third-party testing libraries such as [Gomock]( and [Testify]( Check out the [docs]( for details.
- A modular architecture that lets you easily:
- Write [custom reporters]( (for example, Ginkgo comes with a [JUnit XML reporter]( and a TeamCity reporter).
- [Adapt an existing matcher library (or write your own!)]( to work with Ginkgo
## [Gomega]( Ginkgo's Preferred Matcher Library
Ginkgo is best paired with Gomega. Learn more about Gomega [here](
## [Agouti]( A Golang Acceptance Testing Framework
Agouti allows you run WebDriver integration tests. Learn more about Agouti [here](
## Set Me Up!
You'll need Golang v1.3+ (Ubuntu users: you probably have Golang v1.0 -- you'll need to upgrade!)
go get # installs the ginkgo CLI
go get # fetches the matcher library
cd path/to/package/you/want/to/test
ginkgo bootstrap # set up a new ginkgo suite
ginkgo generate # will create a sample test file. edit this file and add your tests then...
go test # to run your tests
ginkgo # also runs your tests
## I'm new to Go: What are my testing options?
Of course, I heartily recommend [Ginkgo]( and [Gomega]( Both packages are seeing heavy, daily, production use on a number of projects and boast a mature and comprehensive feature-set.
With that said, it's great to know what your options are :)
### What Golang gives you out of the box
Testing is a first class citizen in Golang, however Go's built-in testing primitives are somewhat limited: The [testing]( package provides basic XUnit style tests and no assertion library.
### Matcher libraries for Golang's XUnit style tests
A number of matcher libraries have been written to augment Go's built-in XUnit style tests. Here are two that have gained traction:
- [testify](
- [gocheck](
You can also use Ginkgo's matcher library [Gomega]( in [XUnit style tests](
### BDD style testing frameworks
There are a handful of BDD-style testing frameworks written for Golang. Here are a few:
- [Ginkgo]( ;)
- [GoConvey](
- [Goblin](
- [Mao](
- [Zen](
Finally, @shageman has [put together]( a comprehensive comparison of golang testing libraries.
Go explore!
## License
Ginkgo is MIT-Licensed

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Ginkgo accepts a number of configuration options.
These are documented [here](
You can also learn more via
ginkgo help
or (I kid you not):
go test -asdf
package config
import (
const VERSION = "1.4.0"
type GinkgoConfigType struct {
RandomSeed int64
RandomizeAllSpecs bool
RegexScansFilePath bool
FocusString string
SkipString string
SkipMeasurements bool
FailOnPending bool
FailFast bool
FlakeAttempts int
EmitSpecProgress bool
DryRun bool
ParallelNode int
ParallelTotal int
SyncHost string
StreamHost string
var GinkgoConfig = GinkgoConfigType{}
type DefaultReporterConfigType struct {
NoColor bool
SlowSpecThreshold float64
NoisyPendings bool
Succinct bool
Verbose bool
FullTrace bool
var DefaultReporterConfig = DefaultReporterConfigType{}
func processPrefix(prefix string) string {
if prefix != "" {
prefix = prefix + "."
return prefix
func Flags(flagSet *flag.FlagSet, prefix string, includeParallelFlags bool) {
prefix = processPrefix(prefix)
flagSet.Int64Var(&(GinkgoConfig.RandomSeed), prefix+"seed", time.Now().Unix(), "The seed used to randomize the spec suite.")
flagSet.BoolVar(&(GinkgoConfig.RandomizeAllSpecs), prefix+"randomizeAllSpecs", false, "If set, ginkgo will randomize all specs together. By default, ginkgo only randomizes the top level Describe/Context groups.")
flagSet.BoolVar(&(GinkgoConfig.SkipMeasurements), prefix+"skipMeasurements", false, "If set, ginkgo will skip any measurement specs.")
flagSet.BoolVar(&(GinkgoConfig.FailOnPending), prefix+"failOnPending", false, "If set, ginkgo will mark the test suite as failed if any specs are pending.")
flagSet.BoolVar(&(GinkgoConfig.FailFast), prefix+"failFast", false, "If set, ginkgo will stop running a test suite after a failure occurs.")
flagSet.BoolVar(&(GinkgoConfig.DryRun), prefix+"dryRun", false, "If set, ginkgo will walk the test hierarchy without actually running anything. Best paired with -v.")
flagSet.StringVar(&(GinkgoConfig.FocusString), prefix+"focus", "", "If set, ginkgo will only run specs that match this regular expression.")
flagSet.StringVar(&(GinkgoConfig.SkipString), prefix+"skip", "", "If set, ginkgo will only run specs that do not match this regular expression.")
flagSet.BoolVar(&(GinkgoConfig.RegexScansFilePath), prefix+"regexScansFilePath", false, "If set, ginkgo regex matching also will look at the file path (code location).")
flagSet.IntVar(&(GinkgoConfig.FlakeAttempts), prefix+"flakeAttempts", 1, "Make up to this many attempts to run each spec. Please note that if any of the attempts succeed, the suite will not be failed. But any failures will still be recorded.")
flagSet.BoolVar(&(GinkgoConfig.EmitSpecProgress), prefix+"progress", false, "If set, ginkgo will emit progress information as each spec runs to the GinkgoWriter.")
if includeParallelFlags {
flagSet.IntVar(&(GinkgoConfig.ParallelNode), prefix+"parallel.node", 1, "This worker node's (one-indexed) node number. For running specs in parallel.")
flagSet.IntVar(&(GinkgoConfig.ParallelTotal), prefix+"", 1, "The total number of worker nodes. For running specs in parallel.")
flagSet.StringVar(&(GinkgoConfig.SyncHost), prefix+"parallel.synchost", "", "The address for the server that will synchronize the running nodes.")
flagSet.StringVar(&(GinkgoConfig.StreamHost), prefix+"parallel.streamhost", "", "The address for the server that the running nodes should stream data to.")
flagSet.BoolVar(&(DefaultReporterConfig.NoColor), prefix+"noColor", false, "If set, suppress color output in default reporter.")
flagSet.Float64Var(&(DefaultReporterConfig.SlowSpecThreshold), prefix+"slowSpecThreshold", 5.0, "(in seconds) Specs that take longer to run than this threshold are flagged as slow by the default reporter.")
flagSet.BoolVar(&(DefaultReporterConfig.NoisyPendings), prefix+"noisyPendings", true, "If set, default reporter will shout about pending tests.")
flagSet.BoolVar(&(DefaultReporterConfig.Verbose), prefix+"v", false, "If set, default reporter print out all specs as they begin.")
flagSet.BoolVar(&(DefaultReporterConfig.Succinct), prefix+"succinct", false, "If set, default reporter prints out a very succinct report")
flagSet.BoolVar(&(DefaultReporterConfig.FullTrace), prefix+"trace", false, "If set, default reporter prints out the full stack trace when a failure occurs")
func BuildFlagArgs(prefix string, ginkgo GinkgoConfigType, reporter DefaultReporterConfigType) []string {
prefix = processPrefix(prefix)
result := make([]string, 0)
if ginkgo.RandomSeed > 0 {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%sseed=%d", prefix, ginkgo.RandomSeed))
if ginkgo.RandomizeAllSpecs {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%srandomizeAllSpecs", prefix))
if ginkgo.SkipMeasurements {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%sskipMeasurements", prefix))
if ginkgo.FailOnPending {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%sfailOnPending", prefix))
if ginkgo.FailFast {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%sfailFast", prefix))
if ginkgo.DryRun {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%sdryRun", prefix))
if ginkgo.FocusString != "" {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%sfocus=%s", prefix, ginkgo.FocusString))
if ginkgo.SkipString != "" {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%sskip=%s", prefix, ginkgo.SkipString))
if ginkgo.FlakeAttempts > 1 {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%sflakeAttempts=%d", prefix, ginkgo.FlakeAttempts))
if ginkgo.EmitSpecProgress {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%sprogress", prefix))
if ginkgo.ParallelNode != 0 {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%sparallel.node=%d", prefix, ginkgo.ParallelNode))
if ginkgo.ParallelTotal != 0 {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("", prefix, ginkgo.ParallelTotal))
if ginkgo.StreamHost != "" {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%sparallel.streamhost=%s", prefix, ginkgo.StreamHost))
if ginkgo.SyncHost != "" {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%sparallel.synchost=%s", prefix, ginkgo.SyncHost))
if ginkgo.RegexScansFilePath {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%sregexScansFilePath", prefix))
if reporter.NoColor {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%snoColor", prefix))
if reporter.SlowSpecThreshold > 0 {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%sslowSpecThreshold=%.5f", prefix, reporter.SlowSpecThreshold))
if !reporter.NoisyPendings {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%snoisyPendings=false", prefix))
if reporter.Verbose {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%sv", prefix))
if reporter.Succinct {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%ssuccinct", prefix))
if reporter.FullTrace {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%strace", prefix))
return result

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Ginkgo is a BDD-style testing framework for Golang
The godoc documentation describes Ginkgo's API. More comprehensive documentation (with examples!) is available at
Ginkgo's preferred matcher library is [Gomega](
Ginkgo on Github:
Ginkgo is MIT-Licensed
package ginkgo
import (
const GINKGO_PANIC = `
Your test failed.
Ginkgo panics to prevent subsequent assertions from running.
Normally Ginkgo rescues this panic so you shouldn't see it.
But, if you make an assertion in a goroutine, Ginkgo can't capture the panic.
To circumvent this, you should call
defer GinkgoRecover()
at the top of the goroutine that caused this panic.
const defaultTimeout = 1
var globalSuite *suite.Suite
var globalFailer *failer.Failer
func init() {
config.Flags(flag.CommandLine, "ginkgo", true)
GinkgoWriter = writer.New(os.Stdout)
globalFailer = failer.New()
globalSuite = suite.New(globalFailer)
//GinkgoWriter implements an io.Writer
//When running in verbose mode any writes to GinkgoWriter will be immediately printed
//to stdout. Otherwise, GinkgoWriter will buffer any writes produced during the current test and flush them to screen
//only if the current test fails.
var GinkgoWriter io.Writer
//The interface by which Ginkgo receives *testing.T
type GinkgoTestingT interface {
//GinkgoRandomSeed returns the seed used to randomize spec execution order. It is
//useful for seeding your own pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) to ensure
//consistent executions from run to run, where your tests contain variability (for
//example, when selecting random test data).
func GinkgoRandomSeed() int64 {
return config.GinkgoConfig.RandomSeed
//GinkgoParallelNode returns the parallel node number for the current ginkgo process
//The node number is 1-indexed
func GinkgoParallelNode() int {
return config.GinkgoConfig.ParallelNode
//Some matcher libraries or legacy codebases require a *testing.T
//GinkgoT implements an interface analogous to *testing.T and can be used if
//the library in question accepts *testing.T through an interface
// For example, with testify:
// assert.Equal(GinkgoT(), 123, 123, "they should be equal")
// Or with gomock:
// gomock.NewController(GinkgoT())
// GinkgoT() takes an optional offset argument that can be used to get the
// correct line number associated with the failure.
func GinkgoT(optionalOffset GinkgoTInterface {
offset := 3
if len(optionalOffset) > 0 {
offset = optionalOffset[0]
return testingtproxy.New(GinkgoWriter, Fail, offset)
//The interface returned by GinkgoT(). This covers most of the methods
//in the testing package's T.
type GinkgoTInterface interface {
Error(args ...interface{})
Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
Fatal(args ...interface{})
Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})
Log(args ...interface{})
Logf(format string, args ...interface{})
Failed() bool
Skip(args ...interface{})
Skipf(format string, args ...interface{})
Skipped() bool
//Custom Ginkgo test reporters must implement the Reporter interface.
//The custom reporter is passed in a SuiteSummary when the suite begins and ends,
//and a SpecSummary just before a spec begins and just after a spec ends
type Reporter reporters.Reporter
//Asynchronous specs are given a channel of the Done type. You must close or write to the channel
//to tell Ginkgo that your async test is done.
type Done chan<- interface{}
//GinkgoTestDescription represents the information about the current running test returned by CurrentGinkgoTestDescription
// FullTestText: a concatenation of ComponentTexts and the TestText
// ComponentTexts: a list of all texts for the Describes & Contexts leading up to the current test
// TestText: the text in the actual It or Measure node
// IsMeasurement: true if the current test is a measurement
// FileName: the name of the file containing the current test
// LineNumber: the line number for the current test
// Failed: if the current test has failed, this will be true (useful in an AfterEach)
type GinkgoTestDescription struct {
FullTestText string
ComponentTexts []string
TestText string
IsMeasurement bool
FileName string
LineNumber int
Failed bool
//CurrentGinkgoTestDescripton returns information about the current running test.
func CurrentGinkgoTestDescription() GinkgoTestDescription {
summary, ok := globalSuite.CurrentRunningSpecSummary()
if !ok {
return GinkgoTestDescription{}
subjectCodeLocation := summary.ComponentCodeLocations[len(summary.ComponentCodeLocations)-1]
return GinkgoTestDescription{
ComponentTexts: summary.ComponentTexts[1:],
FullTestText: strings.Join(summary.ComponentTexts[1:], " "),
TestText: summary.ComponentTexts[len(summary.ComponentTexts)-1],
IsMeasurement: summary.IsMeasurement,
FileName: subjectCodeLocation.FileName,
LineNumber: subjectCodeLocation.LineNumber,
Failed: summary.HasFailureState(),
//Measurement tests receive a Benchmarker.
//You use the Time() function to time how long the passed in body function takes to run
//You use the RecordValue() function to track arbitrary numerical measurements.
//The RecordValueWithPrecision() function can be used alternatively to provide the unit
//and resolution of the numeric measurement.
//The optional info argument is passed to the test reporter and can be used to
// provide the measurement data to a custom reporter with context.
//See for more details
type Benchmarker interface {
Time(name string, body func(), info ...interface{}) (elapsedTime time.Duration)
RecordValue(name string, value float64, info ...interface{})
RecordValueWithPrecision(name string, value float64, units string, precision int, info ...interface{})
//RunSpecs is the entry point for the Ginkgo test runner.
//You must call this within a Golang testing TestX(t *testing.T) function.
//To bootstrap a test suite you can use the Ginkgo CLI:
// ginkgo bootstrap
func RunSpecs(t GinkgoTestingT, description string) bool {
specReporters := []Reporter{buildDefaultReporter()}
return RunSpecsWithCustomReporters(t, description, specReporters)
//To run your tests with Ginkgo's default reporter and your custom reporter(s), replace
//RunSpecs() with this method.
func RunSpecsWithDefaultAndCustomReporters(t GinkgoTestingT, description string, specReporters []Reporter) bool {
specReporters = append([]Reporter{buildDefaultReporter()}, specReporters...)
return RunSpecsWithCustomReporters(t, description, specReporters)
//To run your tests with your custom reporter(s) (and *not* Ginkgo's default reporter), replace
//RunSpecs() with this method. Note that parallel tests will not work correctly without the default reporter
func RunSpecsWithCustomReporters(t GinkgoTestingT, description string, specReporters []Reporter) bool {
writer := GinkgoWriter.(*writer.Writer)
reporters := make([]reporters.Reporter, len(specReporters))
for i, reporter := range specReporters {
reporters[i] = reporter
passed, hasFocusedTests := globalSuite.Run(t, description, reporters, writer, config.GinkgoConfig)
if passed && hasFocusedTests {
fmt.Println("PASS | FOCUSED")
return passed
func buildDefaultReporter() Reporter {
remoteReportingServer := config.GinkgoConfig.StreamHost
if remoteReportingServer == "" {
stenographer := stenographer.New(!config.DefaultReporterConfig.NoColor, config.GinkgoConfig.FlakeAttempts > 1)
return reporters.NewDefaultReporter(config.DefaultReporterConfig, stenographer)
} else {
return remote.NewForwardingReporter(remoteReportingServer, &http.Client{}, remote.NewOutputInterceptor())
//Skip notifies Ginkgo that the current spec should be skipped.
func Skip(message string, callerSkip {
skip := 0
if len(callerSkip) > 0 {
skip = callerSkip[0]
globalFailer.Skip(message, codelocation.New(skip+1))
//Fail notifies Ginkgo that the current spec has failed. (Gomega will call Fail for you automatically when an assertion fails.)
func Fail(message string, callerSkip {
skip := 0
if len(callerSkip) > 0 {
skip = callerSkip[0]
globalFailer.Fail(message, codelocation.New(skip+1))
//GinkgoRecover should be deferred at the top of any spawned goroutine that (may) call `Fail`
//Since Gomega assertions call fail, you should throw a `defer GinkgoRecover()` at the top of any goroutine that
//calls out to Gomega
//Here's why: Ginkgo's `Fail` method records the failure and then panics to prevent
//further assertions from running. This panic must be recovered. Ginkgo does this for you
//if the panic originates in a Ginkgo node (an It, BeforeEach, etc...)
//Unfortunately, if a panic originates on a goroutine *launched* from one of these nodes there's no
//way for Ginkgo to rescue the panic. To do this, you must remember to `defer GinkgoRecover()` at the top of such a goroutine.
func GinkgoRecover() {
e := recover()
if e != nil {
globalFailer.Panic(codelocation.New(1), e)
//Describe blocks allow you to organize your specs. A Describe block can contain any number of
//BeforeEach, AfterEach, JustBeforeEach, It, and Measurement blocks.
//In addition you can nest Describe and Context blocks. Describe and Context blocks are functionally
//equivalent. The difference is purely semantic -- you typical Describe the behavior of an object
//or method and, within that Describe, outline a number of Contexts.
func Describe(text string, body func()) bool {
globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(1))
return true
//You can focus the tests within a describe block using FDescribe
func FDescribe(text string, body func()) bool {
globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeFocused, codelocation.New(1))
return true
//You can mark the tests within a describe block as pending using PDescribe
func PDescribe(text string, body func()) bool {
globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1))
return true
//You can mark the tests within a describe block as pending using XDescribe
func XDescribe(text string, body func()) bool {
globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1))
return true
//Context blocks allow you to organize your specs. A Context block can contain any number of
//BeforeEach, AfterEach, JustBeforeEach, It, and Measurement blocks.
//In addition you can nest Describe and Context blocks. Describe and Context blocks are functionally
//equivalent. The difference is purely semantic -- you typical Describe the behavior of an object
//or method and, within that Describe, outline a number of Contexts.
func Context(text string, body func()) bool {
globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(1))
return true
//You can focus the tests within a describe block using FContext
func FContext(text string, body func()) bool {
globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeFocused, codelocation.New(1))
return true
//You can mark the tests within a describe block as pending using PContext
func PContext(text string, body func()) bool {
globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1))
return true
//You can mark the tests within a describe block as pending using XContext
func XContext(text string, body func()) bool {
globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1))
return true
//It blocks contain your test code and assertions. You cannot nest any other Ginkgo blocks
//within an It block.
//Ginkgo will normally run It blocks synchronously. To perform asynchronous tests, pass a
//function that accepts a Done channel. When you do this, you can also provide an optional timeout.
func It(text string, body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool {
globalSuite.PushItNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...))
return true
//You can focus individual Its using FIt
func FIt(text string, body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool {
globalSuite.PushItNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeFocused, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...))
return true
//You can mark Its as pending using PIt
func PIt(text string, _ ...interface{}) bool {
globalSuite.PushItNode(text, func() {}, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1), 0)
return true
//You can mark Its as pending using XIt
func XIt(text string, _ ...interface{}) bool {
globalSuite.PushItNode(text, func() {}, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1), 0)
return true
//Specify blocks are aliases for It blocks and allow for more natural wording in situations
//which "It" does not fit into a natural sentence flow. All the same protocols apply for Specify blocks
//which apply to It blocks.
func Specify(text string, body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool {
return It(text, body, timeout...)
//You can focus individual Specifys using FSpecify
func FSpecify(text string, body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool {
return FIt(text, body, timeout...)
//You can mark Specifys as pending using PSpecify
func PSpecify(text string, is ...interface{}) bool {
return PIt(text, is...)
//You can mark Specifys as pending using XSpecify
func XSpecify(text string, is ...interface{}) bool {
return XIt(text, is...)
//By allows you to better document large Its.
//Generally you should try to keep your Its short and to the point. This is not always possible, however,
//especially in the context of integration tests that capture a particular workflow.
//By allows you to document such flows. By must be called within a runnable node (It, BeforeEach, Measure, etc...)
//By will simply log the passed in text to the GinkgoWriter. If By is handed a function it will immediately run the function.
func By(text string, callbacks ...func()) {
preamble := "\x1b[1mSTEP\x1b[0m"
if config.DefaultReporterConfig.NoColor {
preamble = "STEP"
fmt.Fprintln(GinkgoWriter, preamble+": "+text)
if len(callbacks) == 1 {
if len(callbacks) > 1 {
panic("just one callback per By, please")
//Measure blocks run the passed in body function repeatedly (determined by the samples argument)
//and accumulate metrics provided to the Benchmarker by the body function.
//The body function must have the signature:
// func(b Benchmarker)
func Measure(text string, body interface{}, samples int) bool {
globalSuite.PushMeasureNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(1), samples)
return true
//You can focus individual Measures using FMeasure
func FMeasure(text string, body interface{}, samples int) bool {
globalSuite.PushMeasureNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeFocused, codelocation.New(1), samples)
return true
//You can mark Maeasurements as pending using PMeasure
func PMeasure(text string, _ ...interface{}) bool {
globalSuite.PushMeasureNode(text, func(b Benchmarker) {}, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1), 0)
return true
//You can mark Maeasurements as pending using XMeasure
func XMeasure(text string, _ ...interface{}) bool {
globalSuite.PushMeasureNode(text, func(b Benchmarker) {}, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1), 0)
return true
//BeforeSuite blocks are run just once before any specs are run. When running in parallel, each
//parallel node process will call BeforeSuite.
//BeforeSuite blocks can be made asynchronous by providing a body function that accepts a Done channel
//You may only register *one* BeforeSuite handler per test suite. You typically do so in your bootstrap file at the top level.
func BeforeSuite(body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool {
globalSuite.SetBeforeSuiteNode(body, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...))
return true
//AfterSuite blocks are *always* run after all the specs regardless of whether specs have passed or failed.
//Moreover, if Ginkgo receives an interrupt signal (^C) it will attempt to run the AfterSuite before exiting.
//When running in parallel, each parallel node process will call AfterSuite.
//AfterSuite blocks can be made asynchronous by providing a body function that accepts a Done channel
//You may only register *one* AfterSuite handler per test suite. You typically do so in your bootstrap file at the top level.
func AfterSuite(body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool {
globalSuite.SetAfterSuiteNode(body, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...))
return true
//SynchronizedBeforeSuite blocks are primarily meant to solve the problem of setting up singleton external resources shared across
//nodes when running tests in parallel. For example, say you have a shared database that you can only start one instance of that
//must be used in your tests. When running in parallel, only one node should set up the database and all other nodes should wait
//until that node is done before running.
//SynchronizedBeforeSuite accomplishes this by taking *two* function arguments. The first is only run on parallel node #1. The second is
//run on all nodes, but *only* after the first function completes succesfully. Ginkgo also makes it possible to send data from the first function (on Node 1)
//to the second function (on all the other nodes).
//The functions have the following signatures. The first function (which only runs on node 1) has the signature:
// func() []byte
//or, to run asynchronously:
// func(done Done) []byte
//The byte array returned by the first function is then passed to the second function, which has the signature:
// func(data []byte)
//or, to run asynchronously:
// func(data []byte, done Done)
//Here's a simple pseudo-code example that starts a shared database on Node 1 and shares the database's address with the other nodes:
// var dbClient db.Client
// var dbRunner db.Runner
// var _ = SynchronizedBeforeSuite(func() []byte {
// dbRunner = db.NewRunner()
// err := dbRunner.Start()
// Ω(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
// return []byte(dbRunner.URL)
// }, func(data []byte) {
// dbClient = db.NewClient()
// err := dbClient.Connect(string(data))
// Ω(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
// })
func SynchronizedBeforeSuite(node1Body interface{}, allNodesBody interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool {
return true
//SynchronizedAfterSuite blocks complement the SynchronizedBeforeSuite blocks in solving the problem of setting up
//external singleton resources shared across nodes when running tests in parallel.
//SynchronizedAfterSuite accomplishes this by taking *two* function arguments. The first runs on all nodes. The second runs only on parallel node #1
//and *only* after all other nodes have finished and exited. This ensures that node 1, and any resources it is running, remain alive until
//all other nodes are finished.
//Both functions have the same signature: either func() or func(done Done) to run asynchronously.
//Here's a pseudo-code example that complements that given in SynchronizedBeforeSuite. Here, SynchronizedAfterSuite is used to tear down the shared database
//only after all nodes have finished:
// var _ = SynchronizedAfterSuite(func() {
// dbClient.Cleanup()
// }, func() {
// dbRunner.Stop()
// })
func SynchronizedAfterSuite(allNodesBody interface{}, node1Body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool {
return true
//BeforeEach blocks are run before It blocks. When multiple BeforeEach blocks are defined in nested
//Describe and Context blocks the outermost BeforeEach blocks are run first.
//Like It blocks, BeforeEach blocks can be made asynchronous by providing a body function that accepts
//a Done channel
func BeforeEach(body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool {
globalSuite.PushBeforeEachNode(body, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...))
return true
//JustBeforeEach blocks are run before It blocks but *after* all BeforeEach blocks. For more details,
//read the [documentation](
//Like It blocks, BeforeEach blocks can be made asynchronous by providing a body function that accepts
//a Done channel
func JustBeforeEach(body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool {
globalSuite.PushJustBeforeEachNode(body, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...))
return true
//AfterEach blocks are run after It blocks. When multiple AfterEach blocks are defined in nested
//Describe and Context blocks the innermost AfterEach blocks are run first.
//Like It blocks, AfterEach blocks can be made asynchronous by providing a body function that accepts
//a Done channel
func AfterEach(body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool {
globalSuite.PushAfterEachNode(body, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...))
return true
func parseTimeout(timeout ...float64) time.Duration {
if len(timeout) == 0 {
return time.Duration(defaultTimeout * int64(time.Second))
} else {
return time.Duration(timeout[0] * float64(time.Second))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package codelocation
import (
func New(skip int) types.CodeLocation {
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(skip + 1)
stackTrace := PruneStack(string(debug.Stack()), skip)
return types.CodeLocation{FileName: file, LineNumber: line, FullStackTrace: stackTrace}
func PruneStack(fullStackTrace string, skip int) string {
stack := strings.Split(fullStackTrace, "\n")
if len(stack) > 2*(skip+1) {
stack = stack[2*(skip+1):]
prunedStack := []string{}
re := regexp.MustCompile(`\/ginkgo\/|\/pkg\/testing\/|\/pkg\/runtime\/`)
for i := 0; i < len(stack)/2; i++ {
if !re.Match([]byte(stack[i*2])) {
prunedStack = append(prunedStack, stack[i*2])
prunedStack = append(prunedStack, stack[i*2+1])
return strings.Join(prunedStack, "\n")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
package containernode
import (
type subjectOrContainerNode struct {
containerNode *ContainerNode
subjectNode leafnodes.SubjectNode
func (n subjectOrContainerNode) text() string {
if n.containerNode != nil {
return n.containerNode.Text()
} else {
return n.subjectNode.Text()
type CollatedNodes struct {
Containers []*ContainerNode
Subject leafnodes.SubjectNode
type ContainerNode struct {
text string
flag types.FlagType
codeLocation types.CodeLocation
setupNodes []leafnodes.BasicNode
subjectAndContainerNodes []subjectOrContainerNode
func New(text string, flag types.FlagType, codeLocation types.CodeLocation) *ContainerNode {
return &ContainerNode{
text: text,
flag: flag,
codeLocation: codeLocation,
func (container *ContainerNode) Shuffle(r *rand.Rand) {
permutation := r.Perm(len(container.subjectAndContainerNodes))
shuffledNodes := make([]subjectOrContainerNode, len(container.subjectAndContainerNodes))
for i, j := range permutation {
shuffledNodes[i] = container.subjectAndContainerNodes[j]
container.subjectAndContainerNodes = shuffledNodes
func (node *ContainerNode) BackPropagateProgrammaticFocus() bool {
if node.flag == types.FlagTypePending {
return false
shouldUnfocus := false
for _, subjectOrContainerNode := range node.subjectAndContainerNodes {
if subjectOrContainerNode.containerNode != nil {
shouldUnfocus = subjectOrContainerNode.containerNode.BackPropagateProgrammaticFocus() || shouldUnfocus
} else {
shouldUnfocus = (subjectOrContainerNode.subjectNode.Flag() == types.FlagTypeFocused) || shouldUnfocus
if shouldUnfocus {
if node.flag == types.FlagTypeFocused {
node.flag = types.FlagTypeNone
return true
return node.flag == types.FlagTypeFocused
func (node *ContainerNode) Collate() []CollatedNodes {
return node.collate([]*ContainerNode{})
func (node *ContainerNode) collate(enclosingContainers []*ContainerNode) []CollatedNodes {
collated := make([]CollatedNodes, 0)
containers := make([]*ContainerNode, len(enclosingContainers))
copy(containers, enclosingContainers)
containers = append(containers, node)
for _, subjectOrContainer := range node.subjectAndContainerNodes {
if subjectOrContainer.containerNode != nil {
collated = append(collated, subjectOrContainer.containerNode.collate(containers)...)
} else {
collated = append(collated, CollatedNodes{
Containers: containers,
Subject: subjectOrContainer.subjectNode,
return collated
func (node *ContainerNode) PushContainerNode(container *ContainerNode) {
node.subjectAndContainerNodes = append(node.subjectAndContainerNodes, subjectOrContainerNode{containerNode: container})
func (node *ContainerNode) PushSubjectNode(subject leafnodes.SubjectNode) {
node.subjectAndContainerNodes = append(node.subjectAndContainerNodes, subjectOrContainerNode{subjectNode: subject})
func (node *ContainerNode) PushSetupNode(setupNode leafnodes.BasicNode) {
node.setupNodes = append(node.setupNodes, setupNode)
func (node *ContainerNode) SetupNodesOfType(nodeType types.SpecComponentType) []leafnodes.BasicNode {
nodes := []leafnodes.BasicNode{}
for _, setupNode := range node.setupNodes {
if setupNode.Type() == nodeType {
nodes = append(nodes, setupNode)
return nodes
func (node *ContainerNode) Text() string {
return node.text
func (node *ContainerNode) CodeLocation() types.CodeLocation {
return node.codeLocation
func (node *ContainerNode) Flag() types.FlagType {
return node.flag
func (node *ContainerNode) Len() int {
return len(node.subjectAndContainerNodes)
func (node *ContainerNode) Less(i, j int) bool {
return node.subjectAndContainerNodes[i].text() < node.subjectAndContainerNodes[j].text()
func (node *ContainerNode) Swap(i, j int) {
node.subjectAndContainerNodes[i], node.subjectAndContainerNodes[j] = node.subjectAndContainerNodes[j], node.subjectAndContainerNodes[i]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
package failer
import (
type Failer struct {
lock *sync.Mutex
failure types.SpecFailure
state types.SpecState
func New() *Failer {
return &Failer{
lock: &sync.Mutex{},
state: types.SpecStatePassed,
func (f *Failer) Panic(location types.CodeLocation, forwardedPanic interface{}) {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
if f.state == types.SpecStatePassed {
f.state = types.SpecStatePanicked
f.failure = types.SpecFailure{
Message: "Test Panicked",
Location: location,
ForwardedPanic: fmt.Sprintf("%v", forwardedPanic),
func (f *Failer) Timeout(location types.CodeLocation) {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
if f.state == types.SpecStatePassed {
f.state = types.SpecStateTimedOut
f.failure = types.SpecFailure{
Message: "Timed out",
Location: location,
func (f *Failer) Fail(message string, location types.CodeLocation) {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
if f.state == types.SpecStatePassed {
f.state = types.SpecStateFailed
f.failure = types.SpecFailure{
Message: message,
Location: location,
func (f *Failer) Drain(componentType types.SpecComponentType, componentIndex int, componentCodeLocation types.CodeLocation) (types.SpecFailure, types.SpecState) {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
failure := f.failure
outcome := f.state
if outcome != types.SpecStatePassed {
failure.ComponentType = componentType
failure.ComponentIndex = componentIndex
failure.ComponentCodeLocation = componentCodeLocation
f.state = types.SpecStatePassed
f.failure = types.SpecFailure{}
return failure, outcome
func (f *Failer) Skip(message string, location types.CodeLocation) {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
if f.state == types.SpecStatePassed {
f.state = types.SpecStateSkipped
f.failure = types.SpecFailure{
Message: message,
Location: location,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
package leafnodes
import (
type benchmarker struct {
mu sync.Mutex
measurements map[string]*types.SpecMeasurement
orderCounter int
func newBenchmarker() *benchmarker {
return &benchmarker{
measurements: make(map[string]*types.SpecMeasurement, 0),
func (b *benchmarker) Time(name string, body func(), info ...interface{}) (elapsedTime time.Duration) {
t := time.Now()
elapsedTime = time.Since(t)
measurement := b.getMeasurement(name, "Fastest Time", "Slowest Time", "Average Time", "s", 3, info...)
measurement.Results = append(measurement.Results, elapsedTime.Seconds())
func (b *benchmarker) RecordValue(name string, value float64, info ...interface{}) {
measurement := b.getMeasurement(name, "Smallest", " Largest", " Average", "", 3, info...)
measurement.Results = append(measurement.Results, value)
func (b *benchmarker) RecordValueWithPrecision(name string, value float64, units string, precision int, info ...interface{}) {
measurement := b.getMeasurement(name, "Smallest", " Largest", " Average", units, precision, info...)
measurement.Results = append(measurement.Results, value)
func (b *benchmarker) getMeasurement(name string, smallestLabel string, largestLabel string, averageLabel string, units string, precision int, info ...interface{}) *types.SpecMeasurement {
measurement, ok := b.measurements[name]
if !ok {
var computedInfo interface{}
computedInfo = nil
if len(info) > 0 {
computedInfo = info[0]
measurement = &types.SpecMeasurement{
Name: name,
Info: computedInfo,
Order: b.orderCounter,
SmallestLabel: smallestLabel,
LargestLabel: largestLabel,
AverageLabel: averageLabel,
Units: units,
Precision: precision,
Results: make([]float64, 0),
b.measurements[name] = measurement
return measurement
func (b *benchmarker) measurementsReport() map[string]*types.SpecMeasurement {
for _, measurement := range b.measurements {
measurement.Smallest = math.MaxFloat64
measurement.Largest = -math.MaxFloat64
sum := float64(0)
sumOfSquares := float64(0)
for _, result := range measurement.Results {
if result > measurement.Largest {
measurement.Largest = result
if result < measurement.Smallest {
measurement.Smallest = result
sum += result
sumOfSquares += result * result
n := float64(len(measurement.Results))
measurement.Average = sum / n
measurement.StdDeviation = math.Sqrt(sumOfSquares/n - (sum/n)*(sum/n))
return b.measurements

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package leafnodes
import (
type BasicNode interface {
Type() types.SpecComponentType
Run() (types.SpecState, types.SpecFailure)
CodeLocation() types.CodeLocation
type SubjectNode interface {
Text() string
Flag() types.FlagType
Samples() int

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package leafnodes
import (
type ItNode struct {
runner *runner
flag types.FlagType
text string
func NewItNode(text string, body interface{}, flag types.FlagType, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration, failer *failer.Failer, componentIndex int) *ItNode {
return &ItNode{
runner: newRunner(body, codeLocation, timeout, failer, types.SpecComponentTypeIt, componentIndex),
flag: flag,
text: text,
func (node *ItNode) Run() (outcome types.SpecState, failure types.SpecFailure) {
func (node *ItNode) Type() types.SpecComponentType {
return types.SpecComponentTypeIt
func (node *ItNode) Text() string {
return node.text
func (node *ItNode) Flag() types.FlagType {
return node.flag
func (node *ItNode) CodeLocation() types.CodeLocation {
return node.runner.codeLocation
func (node *ItNode) Samples() int {
return 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
package leafnodes
import (
type MeasureNode struct {
runner *runner
text string
flag types.FlagType
samples int
benchmarker *benchmarker
func NewMeasureNode(text string, body interface{}, flag types.FlagType, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, samples int, failer *failer.Failer, componentIndex int) *MeasureNode {
benchmarker := newBenchmarker()
wrappedBody := func() {
return &MeasureNode{
runner: newRunner(wrappedBody, codeLocation, 0, failer, types.SpecComponentTypeMeasure, componentIndex),
text: text,
flag: flag,
samples: samples,
benchmarker: benchmarker,
func (node *MeasureNode) Run() (outcome types.SpecState, failure types.SpecFailure) {
func (node *MeasureNode) MeasurementsReport() map[string]*types.SpecMeasurement {
return node.benchmarker.measurementsReport()
func (node *MeasureNode) Type() types.SpecComponentType {
return types.SpecComponentTypeMeasure
func (node *MeasureNode) Text() string {
return node.text
func (node *MeasureNode) Flag() types.FlagType {
return node.flag
func (node *MeasureNode) CodeLocation() types.CodeLocation {
return node.runner.codeLocation
func (node *MeasureNode) Samples() int {
return node.samples

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
package leafnodes
import (
type runner struct {
isAsync bool
asyncFunc func(chan<- interface{})
syncFunc func()
codeLocation types.CodeLocation
timeoutThreshold time.Duration
nodeType types.SpecComponentType
componentIndex int
failer *failer.Failer
func newRunner(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration, failer *failer.Failer, nodeType types.SpecComponentType, componentIndex int) *runner {
bodyType := reflect.TypeOf(body)
if bodyType.Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Expected a function but got something else at %v", codeLocation))
runner := &runner{
codeLocation: codeLocation,
timeoutThreshold: timeout,
failer: failer,
nodeType: nodeType,
componentIndex: componentIndex,
switch bodyType.NumIn() {
case 0:
runner.syncFunc = body.(func())
return runner
case 1:
if !(bodyType.In(0).Kind() == reflect.Chan && bodyType.In(0).Elem().Kind() == reflect.Interface) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Must pass a Done channel to function at %v", codeLocation))
wrappedBody := func(done chan<- interface{}) {
bodyValue := reflect.ValueOf(body)
runner.isAsync = true
runner.asyncFunc = wrappedBody
return runner
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Too many arguments to function at %v", codeLocation))
func (r *runner) run() (outcome types.SpecState, failure types.SpecFailure) {
if r.isAsync {
return r.runAsync()
} else {
return r.runSync()
func (r *runner) runAsync() (outcome types.SpecState, failure types.SpecFailure) {
done := make(chan interface{}, 1)
go func() {
finished := false
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil || !finished {
r.failer.Panic(codelocation.New(2), e)
select {
case <-done:
finished = true
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(r.timeoutThreshold):
failure, outcome = r.failer.Drain(r.nodeType, r.componentIndex, r.codeLocation)
func (r *runner) runSync() (outcome types.SpecState, failure types.SpecFailure) {
finished := false
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil || !finished {
r.failer.Panic(codelocation.New(2), e)
failure, outcome = r.failer.Drain(r.nodeType, r.componentIndex, r.codeLocation)
finished = true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package leafnodes
import (
type SetupNode struct {
runner *runner
func (node *SetupNode) Run() (outcome types.SpecState, failure types.SpecFailure) {
func (node *SetupNode) Type() types.SpecComponentType {
return node.runner.nodeType
func (node *SetupNode) CodeLocation() types.CodeLocation {
return node.runner.codeLocation
func NewBeforeEachNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration, failer *failer.Failer, componentIndex int) *SetupNode {
return &SetupNode{
runner: newRunner(body, codeLocation, timeout, failer, types.SpecComponentTypeBeforeEach, componentIndex),
func NewAfterEachNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration, failer *failer.Failer, componentIndex int) *SetupNode {
return &SetupNode{
runner: newRunner(body, codeLocation, timeout, failer, types.SpecComponentTypeAfterEach, componentIndex),
func NewJustBeforeEachNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration, failer *failer.Failer, componentIndex int) *SetupNode {
return &SetupNode{
runner: newRunner(body, codeLocation, timeout, failer, types.SpecComponentTypeJustBeforeEach, componentIndex),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package leafnodes
import (
type SuiteNode interface {
Run(parallelNode int, parallelTotal int, syncHost string) bool
Passed() bool
Summary() *types.SetupSummary
type simpleSuiteNode struct {
runner *runner
outcome types.SpecState
failure types.SpecFailure
runTime time.Duration
func (node *simpleSuiteNode) Run(parallelNode int, parallelTotal int, syncHost string) bool {
t := time.Now()
node.outcome, node.failure =
node.runTime = time.Since(t)
return node.outcome == types.SpecStatePassed
func (node *simpleSuiteNode) Passed() bool {
return node.outcome == types.SpecStatePassed
func (node *simpleSuiteNode) Summary() *types.SetupSummary {
return &types.SetupSummary{
ComponentType: node.runner.nodeType,
CodeLocation: node.runner.codeLocation,
State: node.outcome,
RunTime: node.runTime,
Failure: node.failure,
func NewBeforeSuiteNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration, failer *failer.Failer) SuiteNode {
return &simpleSuiteNode{
runner: newRunner(body, codeLocation, timeout, failer, types.SpecComponentTypeBeforeSuite, 0),
func NewAfterSuiteNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration, failer *failer.Failer) SuiteNode {
return &simpleSuiteNode{
runner: newRunner(body, codeLocation, timeout, failer, types.SpecComponentTypeAfterSuite, 0),

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
package leafnodes
import (
type synchronizedAfterSuiteNode struct {
runnerA *runner
runnerB *runner
outcome types.SpecState
failure types.SpecFailure
runTime time.Duration
func NewSynchronizedAfterSuiteNode(bodyA interface{}, bodyB interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration, failer *failer.Failer) SuiteNode {
return &synchronizedAfterSuiteNode{
runnerA: newRunner(bodyA, codeLocation, timeout, failer, types.SpecComponentTypeAfterSuite, 0),
runnerB: newRunner(bodyB, codeLocation, timeout, failer, types.SpecComponentTypeAfterSuite, 0),
func (node *synchronizedAfterSuiteNode) Run(parallelNode int, parallelTotal int, syncHost string) bool {
node.outcome, node.failure =
if parallelNode == 1 {
if parallelTotal > 1 {
outcome, failure :=
if node.outcome == types.SpecStatePassed {
node.outcome, node.failure = outcome, failure
return node.outcome == types.SpecStatePassed
func (node *synchronizedAfterSuiteNode) Passed() bool {
return node.outcome == types.SpecStatePassed
func (node *synchronizedAfterSuiteNode) Summary() *types.SetupSummary {
return &types.SetupSummary{
ComponentType: node.runnerA.nodeType,
CodeLocation: node.runnerA.codeLocation,
State: node.outcome,
RunTime: node.runTime,
Failure: node.failure,
func (node *synchronizedAfterSuiteNode) waitUntilOtherNodesAreDone(syncHost string) {
for {
if node.canRun(syncHost) {
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
func (node *synchronizedAfterSuiteNode) canRun(syncHost string) bool {
resp, err := http.Get(syncHost + "/RemoteAfterSuiteData")
if err != nil || resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return false
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return false
afterSuiteData := types.RemoteAfterSuiteData{}
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &afterSuiteData)
if err != nil {
return false
return afterSuiteData.CanRun

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@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
package leafnodes
import (
type synchronizedBeforeSuiteNode struct {
runnerA *runner
runnerB *runner
data []byte
outcome types.SpecState
failure types.SpecFailure
runTime time.Duration
func NewSynchronizedBeforeSuiteNode(bodyA interface{}, bodyB interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration, failer *failer.Failer) SuiteNode {
node := &synchronizedBeforeSuiteNode{}
node.runnerA = newRunner(node.wrapA(bodyA), codeLocation, timeout, failer, types.SpecComponentTypeBeforeSuite, 0)
node.runnerB = newRunner(node.wrapB(bodyB), codeLocation, timeout, failer, types.SpecComponentTypeBeforeSuite, 0)
return node
func (node *synchronizedBeforeSuiteNode) Run(parallelNode int, parallelTotal int, syncHost string) bool {
t := time.Now()
defer func() {
node.runTime = time.Since(t)
if parallelNode == 1 {
node.outcome, node.failure = node.runA(parallelTotal, syncHost)
} else {
node.outcome, node.failure = node.waitForA(syncHost)
if node.outcome != types.SpecStatePassed {
return false
node.outcome, node.failure =
return node.outcome == types.SpecStatePassed
func (node *synchronizedBeforeSuiteNode) runA(parallelTotal int, syncHost string) (types.SpecState, types.SpecFailure) {
outcome, failure :=
if parallelTotal > 1 {
state := types.RemoteBeforeSuiteStatePassed
if outcome != types.SpecStatePassed {
state = types.RemoteBeforeSuiteStateFailed
json := (types.RemoteBeforeSuiteData{
State: state,
http.Post(syncHost+"/BeforeSuiteState", "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(json))
return outcome, failure
func (node *synchronizedBeforeSuiteNode) waitForA(syncHost string) (types.SpecState, types.SpecFailure) {
failure := func(message string) types.SpecFailure {
return types.SpecFailure{
Message: message,
Location: node.runnerA.codeLocation,
ComponentType: node.runnerA.nodeType,
ComponentIndex: node.runnerA.componentIndex,
ComponentCodeLocation: node.runnerA.codeLocation,
for {
resp, err := http.Get(syncHost + "/BeforeSuiteState")
if err != nil || resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return types.SpecStateFailed, failure("Failed to fetch BeforeSuite state")
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return types.SpecStateFailed, failure("Failed to read BeforeSuite state")
beforeSuiteData := types.RemoteBeforeSuiteData{}
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &beforeSuiteData)
if err != nil {
return types.SpecStateFailed, failure("Failed to decode BeforeSuite state")
switch beforeSuiteData.State {
case types.RemoteBeforeSuiteStatePassed: = beforeSuiteData.Data
return types.SpecStatePassed, types.SpecFailure{}
case types.RemoteBeforeSuiteStateFailed:
return types.SpecStateFailed, failure("BeforeSuite on Node 1 failed")
case types.RemoteBeforeSuiteStateDisappeared:
return types.SpecStateFailed, failure("Node 1 disappeared before completing BeforeSuite")
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
return types.SpecStateFailed, failure("Shouldn't get here!")
func (node *synchronizedBeforeSuiteNode) Passed() bool {
return node.outcome == types.SpecStatePassed
func (node *synchronizedBeforeSuiteNode) Summary() *types.SetupSummary {
return &types.SetupSummary{
ComponentType: node.runnerA.nodeType,
CodeLocation: node.runnerA.codeLocation,
State: node.outcome,
RunTime: node.runTime,
Failure: node.failure,
func (node *synchronizedBeforeSuiteNode) wrapA(bodyA interface{}) interface{} {
typeA := reflect.TypeOf(bodyA)
if typeA.Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic("SynchronizedBeforeSuite expects a function as its first argument")
takesNothing := typeA.NumIn() == 0
takesADoneChannel := typeA.NumIn() == 1 && typeA.In(0).Kind() == reflect.Chan && typeA.In(0).Elem().Kind() == reflect.Interface
returnsBytes := typeA.NumOut() == 1 && typeA.Out(0).Kind() == reflect.Slice && typeA.Out(0).Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8
if !((takesNothing || takesADoneChannel) && returnsBytes) {
panic("SynchronizedBeforeSuite's first argument should be a function that returns []byte and either takes no arguments or takes a Done channel.")
if takesADoneChannel {
return func(done chan<- interface{}) {
out := reflect.ValueOf(bodyA).Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(done)}) = out[0].Interface().([]byte)
return func() {
out := reflect.ValueOf(bodyA).Call([]reflect.Value{}) = out[0].Interface().([]byte)
func (node *synchronizedBeforeSuiteNode) wrapB(bodyB interface{}) interface{} {
typeB := reflect.TypeOf(bodyB)
if typeB.Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic("SynchronizedBeforeSuite expects a function as its second argument")
returnsNothing := typeB.NumOut() == 0
takesBytesOnly := typeB.NumIn() == 1 && typeB.In(0).Kind() == reflect.Slice && typeB.In(0).Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8
takesBytesAndDone := typeB.NumIn() == 2 &&
typeB.In(0).Kind() == reflect.Slice && typeB.In(0).Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 &&
typeB.In(1).Kind() == reflect.Chan && typeB.In(1).Elem().Kind() == reflect.Interface
if !((takesBytesOnly || takesBytesAndDone) && returnsNothing) {
panic("SynchronizedBeforeSuite's second argument should be a function that returns nothing and either takes []byte or ([]byte, Done)")
if takesBytesAndDone {
return func(done chan<- interface{}) {
reflect.ValueOf(bodyB).Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(, reflect.ValueOf(done)})
return func() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
Aggregator is a reporter used by the Ginkgo CLI to aggregate and present parallel test output
coherently as tests complete. You shouldn't need to use this in your code. To run tests in parallel:
ginkgo -nodes=N
where N is the number of nodes you desire.
package remote
import (
type configAndSuite struct {
config config.GinkgoConfigType
summary *types.SuiteSummary
type Aggregator struct {
nodeCount int
config config.DefaultReporterConfigType
stenographer stenographer.Stenographer
result chan bool
suiteBeginnings chan configAndSuite
aggregatedSuiteBeginnings []configAndSuite
beforeSuites chan *types.SetupSummary
aggregatedBeforeSuites []*types.SetupSummary
afterSuites chan *types.SetupSummary
aggregatedAfterSuites []*types.SetupSummary
specCompletions chan *types.SpecSummary
completedSpecs []*types.SpecSummary
suiteEndings chan *types.SuiteSummary
aggregatedSuiteEndings []*types.SuiteSummary
specs []*types.SpecSummary
startTime time.Time
func NewAggregator(nodeCount int, result chan bool, config config.DefaultReporterConfigType, stenographer stenographer.Stenographer) *Aggregator {
aggregator := &Aggregator{
nodeCount: nodeCount,
result: result,
config: config,
stenographer: stenographer,
suiteBeginnings: make(chan configAndSuite, 0),
beforeSuites: make(chan *types.SetupSummary, 0),
afterSuites: make(chan *types.SetupSummary, 0),
specCompletions: make(chan *types.SpecSummary, 0),
suiteEndings: make(chan *types.SuiteSummary, 0),
go aggregator.mux()
return aggregator
func (aggregator *Aggregator) SpecSuiteWillBegin(config config.GinkgoConfigType, summary *types.SuiteSummary) {
aggregator.suiteBeginnings <- configAndSuite{config, summary}
func (aggregator *Aggregator) BeforeSuiteDidRun(setupSummary *types.SetupSummary) {
aggregator.beforeSuites <- setupSummary
func (aggregator *Aggregator) AfterSuiteDidRun(setupSummary *types.SetupSummary) {
aggregator.afterSuites <- setupSummary
func (aggregator *Aggregator) SpecWillRun(specSummary *types.SpecSummary) {
func (aggregator *Aggregator) SpecDidComplete(specSummary *types.SpecSummary) {
aggregator.specCompletions <- specSummary
func (aggregator *Aggregator) SpecSuiteDidEnd(summary *types.SuiteSummary) {
aggregator.suiteEndings <- summary
func (aggregator *Aggregator) mux() {
for {
select {
case configAndSuite := <-aggregator.suiteBeginnings:
case setupSummary := <-aggregator.beforeSuites:
case setupSummary := <-aggregator.afterSuites:
case specSummary := <-aggregator.specCompletions:
case suite := <-aggregator.suiteEndings:
finished, passed := aggregator.registerSuiteEnding(suite)
if finished {
aggregator.result <- passed
break loop
func (aggregator *Aggregator) registerSuiteBeginning(configAndSuite configAndSuite) {
aggregator.aggregatedSuiteBeginnings = append(aggregator.aggregatedSuiteBeginnings, configAndSuite)
if len(aggregator.aggregatedSuiteBeginnings) == 1 {
aggregator.startTime = time.Now()
if len(aggregator.aggregatedSuiteBeginnings) != aggregator.nodeCount {
aggregator.stenographer.AnnounceSuite(configAndSuite.summary.SuiteDescription, configAndSuite.config.RandomSeed, configAndSuite.config.RandomizeAllSpecs, aggregator.config.Succinct)
totalNumberOfSpecs := 0
if len(aggregator.aggregatedSuiteBeginnings) > 0 {
totalNumberOfSpecs = configAndSuite.summary.NumberOfSpecsBeforeParallelization
aggregator.stenographer.AnnounceTotalNumberOfSpecs(totalNumberOfSpecs, aggregator.config.Succinct)
aggregator.stenographer.AnnounceAggregatedParallelRun(aggregator.nodeCount, aggregator.config.Succinct)
func (aggregator *Aggregator) registerBeforeSuite(setupSummary *types.SetupSummary) {
aggregator.aggregatedBeforeSuites = append(aggregator.aggregatedBeforeSuites, setupSummary)
func (aggregator *Aggregator) registerAfterSuite(setupSummary *types.SetupSummary) {
aggregator.aggregatedAfterSuites = append(aggregator.aggregatedAfterSuites, setupSummary)
func (aggregator *Aggregator) registerSpecCompletion(specSummary *types.SpecSummary) {
aggregator.completedSpecs = append(aggregator.completedSpecs, specSummary)
aggregator.specs = append(aggregator.specs, specSummary)
func (aggregator *Aggregator) flushCompletedSpecs() {
if len(aggregator.aggregatedSuiteBeginnings) != aggregator.nodeCount {
for _, setupSummary := range aggregator.aggregatedBeforeSuites {
for _, specSummary := range aggregator.completedSpecs {
for _, setupSummary := range aggregator.aggregatedAfterSuites {
aggregator.aggregatedBeforeSuites = []*types.SetupSummary{}
aggregator.completedSpecs = []*types.SpecSummary{}
aggregator.aggregatedAfterSuites = []*types.SetupSummary{}
func (aggregator *Aggregator) announceBeforeSuite(setupSummary *types.SetupSummary) {
if setupSummary.State != types.SpecStatePassed {
aggregator.stenographer.AnnounceBeforeSuiteFailure(setupSummary, aggregator.config.Succinct, aggregator.config.FullTrace)
func (aggregator *Aggregator) announceAfterSuite(setupSummary *types.SetupSummary) {
if setupSummary.State != types.SpecStatePassed {
aggregator.stenographer.AnnounceAfterSuiteFailure(setupSummary, aggregator.config.Succinct, aggregator.config.FullTrace)
func (aggregator *Aggregator) announceSpec(specSummary *types.SpecSummary) {
if aggregator.config.Verbose && specSummary.State != types.SpecStatePending && specSummary.State != types.SpecStateSkipped {
switch specSummary.State {
case types.SpecStatePassed:
if specSummary.IsMeasurement {
aggregator.stenographer.AnnounceSuccesfulMeasurement(specSummary, aggregator.config.Succinct)
} else if specSummary.RunTime.Seconds() >= aggregator.config.SlowSpecThreshold {
aggregator.stenographer.AnnounceSuccesfulSlowSpec(specSummary, aggregator.config.Succinct)
} else {
case types.SpecStatePending:
aggregator.stenographer.AnnouncePendingSpec(specSummary, aggregator.config.NoisyPendings && !aggregator.config.Succinct)
case types.SpecStateSkipped:
aggregator.stenographer.AnnounceSkippedSpec(specSummary, aggregator.config.Succinct, aggregator.config.FullTrace)
case types.SpecStateTimedOut:
aggregator.stenographer.AnnounceSpecTimedOut(specSummary, aggregator.config.Succinct, aggregator.config.FullTrace)
case types.SpecStatePanicked:
aggregator.stenographer.AnnounceSpecPanicked(specSummary, aggregator.config.Succinct, aggregator.config.FullTrace)
case types.SpecStateFailed:
aggregator.stenographer.AnnounceSpecFailed(specSummary, aggregator.config.Succinct, aggregator.config.FullTrace)
func (aggregator *Aggregator) registerSuiteEnding(suite *types.SuiteSummary) (finished bool, passed bool) {
aggregator.aggregatedSuiteEndings = append(aggregator.aggregatedSuiteEndings, suite)
if len(aggregator.aggregatedSuiteEndings) < aggregator.nodeCount {
return false, false
aggregatedSuiteSummary := &types.SuiteSummary{}
aggregatedSuiteSummary.SuiteSucceeded = true
for _, suiteSummary := range aggregator.aggregatedSuiteEndings {
if suiteSummary.SuiteSucceeded == false {
aggregatedSuiteSummary.SuiteSucceeded = false
aggregatedSuiteSummary.NumberOfSpecsThatWillBeRun += suiteSummary.NumberOfSpecsThatWillBeRun
aggregatedSuiteSummary.NumberOfTotalSpecs += suiteSummary.NumberOfTotalSpecs
aggregatedSuiteSummary.NumberOfPassedSpecs += suiteSummary.NumberOfPassedSpecs
aggregatedSuiteSummary.NumberOfFailedSpecs += suiteSummary.NumberOfFailedSpecs
aggregatedSuiteSummary.NumberOfPendingSpecs += suiteSummary.NumberOfPendingSpecs
aggregatedSuiteSummary.NumberOfSkippedSpecs += suiteSummary.NumberOfSkippedSpecs
aggregatedSuiteSummary.NumberOfFlakedSpecs += suiteSummary.NumberOfFlakedSpecs
aggregatedSuiteSummary.RunTime = time.Since(aggregator.startTime)
aggregator.stenographer.AnnounceSpecRunCompletion(aggregatedSuiteSummary, aggregator.config.Succinct)
return true, aggregatedSuiteSummary.SuiteSucceeded

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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
package remote
import (
//An interface to net/http's client to allow the injection of fakes under test
type Poster interface {
Post(url string, bodyType string, body io.Reader) (resp *http.Response, err error)
The ForwardingReporter is a Ginkgo reporter that forwards information to
a Ginkgo remote server.
When streaming parallel test output, this repoter is automatically installed by Ginkgo.
This is accomplished by passing in the GINKGO_REMOTE_REPORTING_SERVER environment variable to `go test`, the Ginkgo test runner
detects this environment variable (which should contain the host of the server) and automatically installs a ForwardingReporter
in place of Ginkgo's DefaultReporter.
type ForwardingReporter struct {
serverHost string
poster Poster
outputInterceptor OutputInterceptor
func NewForwardingReporter(serverHost string, poster Poster, outputInterceptor OutputInterceptor) *ForwardingReporter {
return &ForwardingReporter{
serverHost: serverHost,
poster: poster,
outputInterceptor: outputInterceptor,
func (reporter *ForwardingReporter) post(path string, data interface{}) {
encoded, _ := json.Marshal(data)
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(encoded)
reporter.poster.Post(reporter.serverHost+path, "application/json", buffer)
func (reporter *ForwardingReporter) SpecSuiteWillBegin(conf config.GinkgoConfigType, summary *types.SuiteSummary) {
data := struct {
Config config.GinkgoConfigType `json:"config"`
Summary *types.SuiteSummary `json:"suite-summary"`
reporter.outputInterceptor.StartInterceptingOutput()"/SpecSuiteWillBegin", data)
func (reporter *ForwardingReporter) BeforeSuiteDidRun(setupSummary *types.SetupSummary) {
output, _ := reporter.outputInterceptor.StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput()
setupSummary.CapturedOutput = output"/BeforeSuiteDidRun", setupSummary)
func (reporter *ForwardingReporter) SpecWillRun(specSummary *types.SpecSummary) {"/SpecWillRun", specSummary)
func (reporter *ForwardingReporter) SpecDidComplete(specSummary *types.SpecSummary) {
output, _ := reporter.outputInterceptor.StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput()
specSummary.CapturedOutput = output"/SpecDidComplete", specSummary)
func (reporter *ForwardingReporter) AfterSuiteDidRun(setupSummary *types.SetupSummary) {
output, _ := reporter.outputInterceptor.StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput()
setupSummary.CapturedOutput = output"/AfterSuiteDidRun", setupSummary)
func (reporter *ForwardingReporter) SpecSuiteDidEnd(summary *types.SuiteSummary) {
reporter.outputInterceptor.StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput()"/SpecSuiteDidEnd", summary)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package remote
The OutputInterceptor is used by the ForwardingReporter to
intercept and capture all stdin and stderr output during a test run.
type OutputInterceptor interface {
StartInterceptingOutput() error
StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() (string, error)

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// +build freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonfly darwin linux solaris
package remote
import (
func NewOutputInterceptor() OutputInterceptor {
return &outputInterceptor{}
type outputInterceptor struct {
redirectFile *os.File
intercepting bool
func (interceptor *outputInterceptor) StartInterceptingOutput() error {
if interceptor.intercepting {
return errors.New("Already intercepting output!")
interceptor.intercepting = true
var err error
interceptor.redirectFile, err = ioutil.TempFile("", "ginkgo-output")
if err != nil {
return err
// Call a function in ./syscall_dup_*.go
// If building for everything other than linux_arm64,
// use a "normal" syscall.Dup2(oldfd, newfd) call. If building for linux_arm64 (which doesn't have syscall.Dup2)
// call syscall.Dup3(oldfd, newfd, 0). They are nearly identical, see:
syscallDup(int(interceptor.redirectFile.Fd()), 1)
syscallDup(int(interceptor.redirectFile.Fd()), 2)
return nil
func (interceptor *outputInterceptor) StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() (string, error) {
if !interceptor.intercepting {
return "", errors.New("Not intercepting output!")
output, err := ioutil.ReadFile(interceptor.redirectFile.Name())
interceptor.intercepting = false
return string(output), err

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// +build windows
package remote
import (
func NewOutputInterceptor() OutputInterceptor {
return &outputInterceptor{}
type outputInterceptor struct {
intercepting bool
func (interceptor *outputInterceptor) StartInterceptingOutput() error {
if interceptor.intercepting {
return errors.New("Already intercepting output!")
interceptor.intercepting = true
// not working on windows...
return nil
func (interceptor *outputInterceptor) StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() (string, error) {
// not working on windows...
interceptor.intercepting = false
return "", nil

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
The remote package provides the pieces to allow Ginkgo test suites to report to remote listeners.
This is used, primarily, to enable streaming parallel test output but has, in principal, broader applications (e.g. streaming test output to a browser).
package remote
import (
Server spins up on an automatically selected port and listens for communication from the forwarding reporter.
It then forwards that communication to attached reporters.
type Server struct {
listener net.Listener
reporters []reporters.Reporter
alives []func() bool
lock *sync.Mutex
beforeSuiteData types.RemoteBeforeSuiteData
parallelTotal int
counter int
//Create a new server, automatically selecting a port
func NewServer(parallelTotal int) (*Server, error) {
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Server{
listener: listener,
lock: &sync.Mutex{},
alives: make([]func() bool, parallelTotal),
beforeSuiteData: types.RemoteBeforeSuiteData{nil, types.RemoteBeforeSuiteStatePending},
parallelTotal: parallelTotal,
}, nil
//Start the server. You don't need to `go s.Start()`, just `s.Start()`
func (server *Server) Start() {
httpServer := &http.Server{}
mux := http.NewServeMux()
httpServer.Handler = mux
//streaming endpoints
mux.HandleFunc("/SpecSuiteWillBegin", server.specSuiteWillBegin)
mux.HandleFunc("/BeforeSuiteDidRun", server.beforeSuiteDidRun)
mux.HandleFunc("/AfterSuiteDidRun", server.afterSuiteDidRun)
mux.HandleFunc("/SpecWillRun", server.specWillRun)
mux.HandleFunc("/SpecDidComplete", server.specDidComplete)
mux.HandleFunc("/SpecSuiteDidEnd", server.specSuiteDidEnd)
//synchronization endpoints
mux.HandleFunc("/BeforeSuiteState", server.handleBeforeSuiteState)
mux.HandleFunc("/RemoteAfterSuiteData", server.handleRemoteAfterSuiteData)
mux.HandleFunc("/counter", server.handleCounter)
mux.HandleFunc("/has-counter", server.handleHasCounter) //for backward compatibility
go httpServer.Serve(server.listener)
//Stop the server
func (server *Server) Close() {
//The address the server can be reached it. Pass this into the `ForwardingReporter`.
func (server *Server) Address() string {
return "http://" + server.listener.Addr().String()
// Streaming Endpoints
//The server will forward all received messages to Ginkgo reporters registered with `RegisterReporters`
func (server *Server) readAll(request *http.Request) []byte {
defer request.Body.Close()
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(request.Body)
return body
func (server *Server) RegisterReporters(reporters ...reporters.Reporter) {
server.reporters = reporters
func (server *Server) specSuiteWillBegin(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
body := server.readAll(request)
var data struct {
Config config.GinkgoConfigType `json:"config"`
Summary *types.SuiteSummary `json:"suite-summary"`
json.Unmarshal(body, &data)
for _, reporter := range server.reporters {
reporter.SpecSuiteWillBegin(data.Config, data.Summary)
func (server *Server) beforeSuiteDidRun(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
body := server.readAll(request)
var setupSummary *types.SetupSummary
json.Unmarshal(body, &setupSummary)
for _, reporter := range server.reporters {
func (server *Server) afterSuiteDidRun(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
body := server.readAll(request)
var setupSummary *types.SetupSummary
json.Unmarshal(body, &setupSummary)
for _, reporter := range server.reporters {
func (server *Server) specWillRun(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
body := server.readAll(request)
var specSummary *types.SpecSummary
json.Unmarshal(body, &specSummary)
for _, reporter := range server.reporters {
func (server *Server) specDidComplete(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
body := server.readAll(request)
var specSummary *types.SpecSummary
json.Unmarshal(body, &specSummary)
for _, reporter := range server.reporters {
func (server *Server) specSuiteDidEnd(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
body := server.readAll(request)
var suiteSummary *types.SuiteSummary
json.Unmarshal(body, &suiteSummary)
for _, reporter := range server.reporters {
// Synchronization Endpoints
func (server *Server) RegisterAlive(node int, alive func() bool) {
defer server.lock.Unlock()
server.alives[node-1] = alive
func (server *Server) nodeIsAlive(node int) bool {
defer server.lock.Unlock()
alive := server.alives[node-1]
if alive == nil {
return true
return alive()
func (server *Server) handleBeforeSuiteState(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
if request.Method == "POST" {
dec := json.NewDecoder(request.Body)
} else {
beforeSuiteData := server.beforeSuiteData
if beforeSuiteData.State == types.RemoteBeforeSuiteStatePending && !server.nodeIsAlive(1) {
beforeSuiteData.State = types.RemoteBeforeSuiteStateDisappeared
enc := json.NewEncoder(writer)
func (server *Server) handleRemoteAfterSuiteData(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
afterSuiteData := types.RemoteAfterSuiteData{
CanRun: true,
for i := 2; i <= server.parallelTotal; i++ {
afterSuiteData.CanRun = afterSuiteData.CanRun && !server.nodeIsAlive(i)
enc := json.NewEncoder(writer)
func (server *Server) handleCounter(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
c := spec_iterator.Counter{}
c.Index = server.counter
server.counter = server.counter + 1
func (server *Server) handleHasCounter(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// +build linux,arm64
package remote
import "syscall"
// linux_arm64 doesn't have syscall.Dup2 which ginkgo uses, so
// use the nearly identical syscall.Dup3 instead
func syscallDup(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) {
return syscall.Dup3(oldfd, newfd, 0)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// +build solaris
package remote
import ""
func syscallDup(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) {
return unix.Dup2(oldfd, newfd)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// +build !linux !arm64
// +build !windows
// +build !solaris
package remote
import "syscall"
func syscallDup(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) {
return syscall.Dup2(oldfd, newfd)

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
package spec
import (
type Spec struct {
subject leafnodes.SubjectNode
focused bool
announceProgress bool
containers []*containernode.ContainerNode
state types.SpecState
runTime time.Duration
failure types.SpecFailure
previousFailures bool
func New(subject leafnodes.SubjectNode, containers []*containernode.ContainerNode, announceProgress bool) *Spec {
spec := &Spec{
subject: subject,
containers: containers,
focused: subject.Flag() == types.FlagTypeFocused,
announceProgress: announceProgress,
for i := len(containers) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
return spec
func (spec *Spec) processFlag(flag types.FlagType) {
if flag == types.FlagTypeFocused {
spec.focused = true
} else if flag == types.FlagTypePending {
spec.state = types.SpecStatePending
func (spec *Spec) Skip() {
spec.state = types.SpecStateSkipped
func (spec *Spec) Failed() bool {
return spec.state == types.SpecStateFailed || spec.state == types.SpecStatePanicked || spec.state == types.SpecStateTimedOut
func (spec *Spec) Passed() bool {
return spec.state == types.SpecStatePassed
func (spec *Spec) Flaked() bool {
return spec.state == types.SpecStatePassed && spec.previousFailures
func (spec *Spec) Pending() bool {
return spec.state == types.SpecStatePending
func (spec *Spec) Skipped() bool {
return spec.state == types.SpecStateSkipped
func (spec *Spec) Focused() bool {
return spec.focused
func (spec *Spec) IsMeasurement() bool {
return spec.subject.Type() == types.SpecComponentTypeMeasure
func (spec *Spec) Summary(suiteID string) *types.SpecSummary {
componentTexts := make([]string, len(spec.containers)+1)
componentCodeLocations := make([]types.CodeLocation, len(spec.containers)+1)
for i, container := range spec.containers {
componentTexts[i] = container.Text()
componentCodeLocations[i] = container.CodeLocation()
componentTexts[len(spec.containers)] = spec.subject.Text()
componentCodeLocations[len(spec.containers)] = spec.subject.CodeLocation()
return &types.SpecSummary{
IsMeasurement: spec.IsMeasurement(),
NumberOfSamples: spec.subject.Samples(),
ComponentTexts: componentTexts,
ComponentCodeLocations: componentCodeLocations,
State: spec.state,
RunTime: spec.runTime,
Failure: spec.failure,
Measurements: spec.measurementsReport(),
SuiteID: suiteID,
func (spec *Spec) ConcatenatedString() string {
s := ""
for _, container := range spec.containers {
s += container.Text() + " "
return s + spec.subject.Text()
func (spec *Spec) Run(writer io.Writer) {
if spec.state == types.SpecStateFailed {
spec.previousFailures = true
startTime := time.Now()
defer func() {
spec.runTime = time.Since(startTime)
for sample := 0; sample < spec.subject.Samples(); sample++ {
spec.runSample(sample, writer)
if spec.state != types.SpecStatePassed {
func (spec *Spec) runSample(sample int, writer io.Writer) {
spec.state = types.SpecStatePassed
spec.failure = types.SpecFailure{}
innerMostContainerIndexToUnwind := -1
defer func() {
for i := innerMostContainerIndexToUnwind; i >= 0; i-- {
container := spec.containers[i]
for _, afterEach := range container.SetupNodesOfType(types.SpecComponentTypeAfterEach) {
spec.announceSetupNode(writer, "AfterEach", container, afterEach)
afterEachState, afterEachFailure := afterEach.Run()
if afterEachState != types.SpecStatePassed && spec.state == types.SpecStatePassed {
spec.state = afterEachState
spec.failure = afterEachFailure
for i, container := range spec.containers {
innerMostContainerIndexToUnwind = i
for _, beforeEach := range container.SetupNodesOfType(types.SpecComponentTypeBeforeEach) {
spec.announceSetupNode(writer, "BeforeEach", container, beforeEach)
spec.state, spec.failure = beforeEach.Run()
if spec.state != types.SpecStatePassed {
for _, container := range spec.containers {
for _, justBeforeEach := range container.SetupNodesOfType(types.SpecComponentTypeJustBeforeEach) {
spec.announceSetupNode(writer, "JustBeforeEach", container, justBeforeEach)
spec.state, spec.failure = justBeforeEach.Run()
if spec.state != types.SpecStatePassed {
spec.announceSubject(writer, spec.subject)
spec.state, spec.failure = spec.subject.Run()
func (spec *Spec) announceSetupNode(writer io.Writer, nodeType string, container *containernode.ContainerNode, setupNode leafnodes.BasicNode) {
if spec.announceProgress {
s := fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s\n %s\n", nodeType, container.Text(), setupNode.CodeLocation().String())
func (spec *Spec) announceSubject(writer io.Writer, subject leafnodes.SubjectNode) {
if spec.announceProgress {
nodeType := ""
switch subject.Type() {
case types.SpecComponentTypeIt:
nodeType = "It"
case types.SpecComponentTypeMeasure:
nodeType = "Measure"
s := fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s\n %s\n", nodeType, subject.Text(), subject.CodeLocation().String())
func (spec *Spec) measurementsReport() map[string]*types.SpecMeasurement {
if !spec.IsMeasurement() || spec.Failed() {
return map[string]*types.SpecMeasurement{}
return spec.subject.(*leafnodes.MeasureNode).MeasurementsReport()

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
package spec
import (
type Specs struct {
specs []*Spec
hasProgrammaticFocus bool
RegexScansFilePath bool
func NewSpecs(specs []*Spec) *Specs {
return &Specs{
specs: specs,
func (e *Specs) Specs() []*Spec {
return e.specs
func (e *Specs) HasProgrammaticFocus() bool {
return e.hasProgrammaticFocus
func (e *Specs) Shuffle(r *rand.Rand) {
permutation := r.Perm(len(e.specs))
shuffledSpecs := make([]*Spec, len(e.specs))
for i, j := range permutation {
shuffledSpecs[i] = e.specs[j]
e.specs = shuffledSpecs
func (e *Specs) ApplyFocus(description string, focusString string, skipString string) {
if focusString == "" && skipString == "" {
} else {
e.applyRegExpFocusAndSkip(description, focusString, skipString)
func (e *Specs) applyProgrammaticFocus() {
e.hasProgrammaticFocus = false
for _, spec := range e.specs {
if spec.Focused() && !spec.Pending() {
e.hasProgrammaticFocus = true
if e.hasProgrammaticFocus {
for _, spec := range e.specs {
if !spec.Focused() {
// toMatch returns a byte[] to be used by regex matchers. When adding new behaviours to the matching function,
// this is the place which we append to.
func (e *Specs) toMatch(description string, spec *Spec) []byte {
if e.RegexScansFilePath {
return []byte(
description + " " +
spec.ConcatenatedString() + " " +
} else {
return []byte(
description + " " +
func (e *Specs) applyRegExpFocusAndSkip(description string, focusString string, skipString string) {
for _, spec := range e.specs {
matchesFocus := true
matchesSkip := false
toMatch := e.toMatch(description, spec)
if focusString != "" {
focusFilter := regexp.MustCompile(focusString)
matchesFocus = focusFilter.Match([]byte(toMatch))
if skipString != "" {
skipFilter := regexp.MustCompile(skipString)
matchesSkip = skipFilter.Match([]byte(toMatch))
if !matchesFocus || matchesSkip {
func (e *Specs) SkipMeasurements() {
for _, spec := range e.specs {
if spec.IsMeasurement() {
func (e *Specs) Len() int {
return len(e.specs)
func (e *Specs) Less(i, j int) bool {
return e.specs[i].ConcatenatedString() < e.specs[j].ConcatenatedString()
func (e *Specs) Swap(i, j int) {
e.specs[i], e.specs[j] = e.specs[j], e.specs[i]

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
package spec_iterator
func ParallelizedIndexRange(length int, parallelTotal int, parallelNode int) (startIndex int, count int) {
if length == 0 {
return 0, 0
// We have more nodes than tests. Trivial case.
if parallelTotal >= length {
if parallelNode > length {
return 0, 0
} else {
return parallelNode - 1, 1
// This is the minimum amount of tests that a node will be required to run
minTestsPerNode := length / parallelTotal
// This is the maximum amount of tests that a node will be required to run
// The algorithm guarantees that this would be equal to at least the minimum amount
// and at most one more
maxTestsPerNode := minTestsPerNode
if length%parallelTotal != 0 {
// Number of nodes that will have to run the maximum amount of tests per node
numMaxLoadNodes := length % parallelTotal
// Number of nodes that precede the current node and will have to run the maximum amount of tests per node
var numPrecedingMaxLoadNodes int
if parallelNode > numMaxLoadNodes {
numPrecedingMaxLoadNodes = numMaxLoadNodes
} else {
numPrecedingMaxLoadNodes = parallelNode - 1
// Number of nodes that precede the current node and will have to run the minimum amount of tests per node
var numPrecedingMinLoadNodes int
if parallelNode <= numMaxLoadNodes {
numPrecedingMinLoadNodes = 0
} else {
numPrecedingMinLoadNodes = parallelNode - numMaxLoadNodes - 1
// Evaluate the test start index and number of tests to run
startIndex = numPrecedingMaxLoadNodes*maxTestsPerNode + numPrecedingMinLoadNodes*minTestsPerNode
if parallelNode > numMaxLoadNodes {
count = minTestsPerNode
} else {
count = maxTestsPerNode

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package spec_iterator
import (
type ParallelIterator struct {
specs []*spec.Spec
host string
client *http.Client
func NewParallelIterator(specs []*spec.Spec, host string) *ParallelIterator {
return &ParallelIterator{
specs: specs,
host: host,
client: &http.Client{},
func (s *ParallelIterator) Next() (*spec.Spec, error) {
resp, err := s.client.Get( + "/counter")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected status code %d", resp.StatusCode))
var counter Counter
err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&counter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if counter.Index >= len(s.specs) {
return nil, ErrClosed
return s.specs[counter.Index], nil
func (s *ParallelIterator) NumberOfSpecsPriorToIteration() int {
return len(s.specs)
func (s *ParallelIterator) NumberOfSpecsToProcessIfKnown() (int, bool) {
return -1, false
func (s *ParallelIterator) NumberOfSpecsThatWillBeRunIfKnown() (int, bool) {
return -1, false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package spec_iterator
import (
type SerialIterator struct {
specs []*spec.Spec
index int
func NewSerialIterator(specs []*spec.Spec) *SerialIterator {
return &SerialIterator{
specs: specs,
index: 0,
func (s *SerialIterator) Next() (*spec.Spec, error) {
if s.index >= len(s.specs) {
return nil, ErrClosed
spec := s.specs[s.index]
s.index += 1
return spec, nil
func (s *SerialIterator) NumberOfSpecsPriorToIteration() int {
return len(s.specs)
func (s *SerialIterator) NumberOfSpecsToProcessIfKnown() (int, bool) {
return len(s.specs), true
func (s *SerialIterator) NumberOfSpecsThatWillBeRunIfKnown() (int, bool) {
count := 0
for _, s := range s.specs {
if !s.Skipped() && !s.Pending() {
count += 1
return count, true

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